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Anarchopedia:Current events

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Anarchopedia:Current events archive

Communpedia and its 'Communpedia news'

Legislative coup d'état removes President Fernando Lugo of Paraguay
The announcement of Lugo's impeachment proceedings came just a day before he was given two hours to prepare his legal defense; Lugo declined to address the proceedings. Legislator's statements were long on quotes of constitutional rules and short on rationale. In particular, there were no concrete examples of his 'misconduct'. Lugo has strong support in the populace, but the legislature was filled with the same party as had ruled Paraguay for 61 years. On the 25th of June, 2012, Fernando Lugo said he would create a parallel cabinet, and bring his case before the coming week's summit of the Mercosur trade bloc in Mendoza, Argentina[1]

"The two things to look out for is, one if military aid to Paraguayan army will continue. The U.S. is a supplier of much material and financial support to the security forces in Paraguay, and two, if it will take advantage of the crisis to go forward with a long sought military base in the region, which the Pentagon, Southcom (WP), has wanted for a while"-Greg Grandin (WP)[2]

O, Drug War, where is thy Sting?..Really, where did it go, have you seen it around anywhere?
One of Project Gunrunner's (see Operation: IRONY) plans to deprive Mexican drug cartels of weaponry, the ATF's (WP) Operation Fast and Furious, gave them weapons instead. It thereby achieved optimum Oppositeness. Or did it? See CIA drug trafficking

Labor Day protests
International Workers' Day (WP) also known as May Day (also, outside of the US and UK, known as Labor Day) rallies and protests were a mix of the traditional yearly events and a resurgence of Occupy Movement (WP) events
Guardian full day listing of events , and in pictures
SFGate: 15 minutes, 30 people, 30 businesses trashed, no arrests

The Sacred Temple of the All-Seeing Eye, Bluffdale, Utah
During the Cold War, the National Security Agency intercepted the communications of Russia and China and a handful of communist states, while the US busied itself with taking over the world secretly. Now that other countries are fighting back, and the US does its regime changes largely in the open, the NSA has given itself the task of intercepting, decoding, and assessing ALL communications, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME.

In order to do this, the NSA is building the largest intelligence complex ever; more than five times the size of the US Capitol, in Bluffdale, Utah, in the heart of Mormon country.

The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say), by James Bamford. James Bamford interview on Democracy Now!

Logo of Xe Watch, representing opposition to Blackwater Worldwide. Blackwater became Xe Services in October 2007
Logo of the Central Intelligence Agency; a large bureaucracy with many branches; these divisions do not necessarily reflect an operational separation of CIA activities (WP)

"Seven countries in five years"
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran
See:Seven countries in five years
Seven government and countries, all of which have already been the targets of extra-diplomatic actions and military US action in past years, were overtly targeted for invasion and overthrow by the Bush administration in late 2000. This objective has been achieved in two, although resistance to foreign occupation of Iraq and Libya will continue for the foreseeable future.

General Wesley Clark, not the staunchest ally of human rights himself (authorizing the use of depleted uranium rounds and attacks on civilians in Yugoslavia, for example), was nonetheless moved for whatever reason to deplore this policy publicly. However, it was six years before he did so, in an interview with Democracy Now!, a conference at the Commonwealth Club of California, and elsewhere.

The third name for Blackwater, Academi

Blackwater is now Xe is now Academi

Blackwater Worldwide changed its name to Xe, and has most recently (better to not say now, as it could change again any day, it seems) changed it again to Academi. This was more than sufficient to get the Blackwater Watch article and its other two incarnations removed from Wikipedia entirely; see Xe Watch#Deletion from Wikipedia

Anarchopedia:Current events archive



  1. Latest News-(this link will rot, so replace) Former paraguayan president fernando lugo organizes a shadow government, Pedro Servin, Associated Press
  2. Coup in Paraguay: Will U.S. Join Latin America in Condemning Ouster of President Fernando Lugo?] Democracy Now
  3. Declan Walsh and Ewen MacAskill. American who sparked diplomatic crisis over Lahore shooting was CIA spy. The Guardian. URL accessed on 2011-02-21.
  4. Chaudhry, Asif US official guns down two motorcyclists in Lahore. Wikipedia:Dawn (newspaper). URL accessed on 13 February 2011.
  5. US official Raymond Davis on Lahore murder charges. BBC News. URL accessed on 31 January 2011.
  6. Perlez, Jane (29 January 2012). "U.S. Seeks Release of Official in Pakistan". Wikipedia:The New York Times. Retrieved 13 February 2011. </li>
  7. Democracy Now!: "America is Not Broke!": Michael Moore addresses thousands in Madison, Wisconsin March 07, 2011
  8. Contains content from Wikipedia
  9. </ol>