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Fire...Bad!!..Nrrgh!! Evil Frankenstein Muppet,
John Kerry, patched together from pieces of Vietnam-era antiwar activism and very neo- liberalism, trying hard to pretend that the US, after ten years, is not in violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention he demands Syria comply with in fewer months
Eternal War
Exit Arab Spring, Enter, Four countries in five years
As the US prepares to create regime change in Syria for the second time (the first was in 1949), it is worthwhile considering the reasons why it has acted so coyly about invading. Obviously there is an advantage to its rare display of patience; if it can make the case that the entire world is begging it to invade, then it suffers less of a PR hit. But there is another reason: if the US loses it, temporarily, as a cheap source of oil, it still retains a torture state. According to a former CIA case officer, "If you want a serious interrogation, you send a prisoner to Jordan. If you want them to be tortured, you send them to Syria. If you want someone to disappear—never to see them again—you send them to Egypt." [1]
First and foremost, the proposed attack is not only immoral and in fact illegal, but useless at achieving anything other than the US' primary objective in world relations, the weakening of other countries. Even if you believe that Syria's Assad responded to the US' "red line" threat of military retaliation by crossing that line, it just proves how ineffective that retaliation would be at deterring him.
Invasions, coups, wars and other sustained military actions against states after 1945 without international mandate for exception are Acts of Aggression and illegal under the spirit of international law according to the precedent set by the Nuremberg trials Nuremberg Principles Principle VI (a) (i) : "War of aggression". The International Criminal Court's Crime of aggression statues apply, as does the precedent set by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3314
The US attack's opportunism is of course pathetically transparent: unfounded assurances and teams searching for weapons have all happened before, Russian inspectors found the rebels to be the cause,[2][3] UN inspectors initially reported, with evidence, that rebels had used chemical weapons,[4] the US is preparing for the attack before the UN inspectors get back, the UN's later factfinding mission only stayed a token few days, the US uses chemical weapons and has backed every regime that has ever used them, the US has enough WMDs in the form of nukes to blow up the whole world many times over, the US has used military interventions and other means to attempt regime change of countries unfriendly to US Capitalistic interests nearly a hundred times in the past two centuries, the UN inspectors are not given a mandate to determine the source of the chemical weapons, yet the US says it is waiting for the results of the inspection before making attack, therefore the US is currently planning to attack the government of Syria based on no evidence that it used chemical weapons, etc etc. Secretary of State John Kerry defended a proposed US strike on Syria as "informed" by "first-hand accounts from humanitarian organizations on the ground, like Doctors Without Borders". Doctors Without Borders itself, under its French name Médecins Sans Frontières, said, "MSF is aware that incorrect, manipulated information about MSF and Syria is circulating on the internet and social media. ... MSF does not have the capacity to identify the cause of the neurotoxic symptoms of patients reported by three clinics supplied by MSF in Damascus governorate. ... MSF does not possess the capacity or ability to determine or assign responsibility for the event that caused these reported symptoms to occur. Any statement or story that asserts any of these things is false." Mark Seibel of McClatchy News said, "the secretary of state talks about it as first-hand observation by Doctors Without Borders, and Doctors Without Borders has been very clear that it’s too dangerous for their people to actually go in there. So it is not Doctors Without Borders’ first-hand observation."
Syria is #32 in the list of oil-producing nations, but this is only part of the story. There are only six nations left in the top 32 that are not white European nations, or under the thumb of the US, or too large or heavily armed for the US to take over (Russia, #1; China, #4, and India, #23; all with nuclear weapons). Three of the six are poised for regime change: Iran, #4; Nigeria, #13 and Venezuela, #9. They are being processed in the same propaganda mill that paved the way for the US to invade, attack, conspire against and otherwise interfere with the governments of dozens of countries, despite a public weary of US interference. The media has been setting them up in the public eye as failed or rogue states. US regime change operations of propaganda and threats and bribing officials and paying demonstrators and all their other techniques may yet yield similar weaknesses in Kazakhstan, #17; Azerbaijan, #21; and Ecuador, #30.

Recently brought under US control: Iraq, #7; Egypt, #28 and Libya, #29. Coming soon, Syria, #32. So much for the Arab Spring. Instead, it has only been part of Four countries in five years. Admittedly, this is three short of what was said to be planned, and one country that was not said to be planned. But after our suspicions about the Arab Spring have been borne out, it seems clear that what most of the world hoped was Freedom was in fact only Free Market. In the one tiny state that is still more free than it had been before the revolution, Tunisia, the embezzling rulers still got away with the cash. And Tunisia will fall, as Egypt has; someone assassinated the opposition leader on 28 Aug 2013, and the party that took over after the revolution was unwise enough to dissolve itself and make new elections,[5] which US puppets will win, in falsified elections, or by whatever other means necessary. Afghanistan was, of course, taken over to make secure the oil pipelines to the Caucasus, but also for CIA drug trafficking, easy access to the opium poppies that the CIA has been turning into heroin since the 1940s. But do not be taken in by the characterization of this as a War for Oil. It is only a Battle for Oil, a minor if penultimate part of the War for Capitalism, and it has been going on since at least the 19th century.
Wondered why there was so little coverage of the Arab Spring in these pages? Well, sure, we're lazy. But mostly it was because we saw Egypt coming, and we did not believe PBS' (Proving We're Not Liberal Since 1989) Gwen Ifil, when she called the anti-Libyan mercenaries armed with rocket launchers and with anti-aircraft guns mounted to the back of their pickup trucks, "demonstrators". Egypt has gained absolutely nothing from its revolution-the Wikileaks leak for Egypt included a memo from Mubarak asking the US to install the army in a coup, roughly for the principle that they were sons of bitches but they would be THEIR sons of bitches. Always think in terms of this, and you will only be wrong a small percentage of the time: the US is trying to take over the world, but they will not merely settle for, but in fact prefer, puppet states-why bother with all the administrative tasks when you can merely syphon the cash out of the country? They are also patient and utterly ruthless; making enemy nations weak now, even if it means making allies fight a war of attrition, means it will be easier to take them over later.
Playing, both sides (Puppet Power)
Steven Colbert says that Elmo's arabic-language program for kids was the US' most successful deployment of a puppet in the Afghanistan region since Hamid Karzai[6]
A Few Men Good at Baiting, A Few Men Good at being Bait
- See Drop weapon
"We don't want you on the wall, we get that you don't care much for the parties you don't get invited to, you don't really know much about us, let alone anything 'secret', and those in the right need not "admit" to anything"
Ignorance is Strength
"Those who ignore those who make history are doomed that they repeat it"
Propose a new theory: Manifest SNAFU! The opposite of Manifest Destiny, which has made a wholly undeserved return to an undead halflife as a misinterpretation by the Wrong of a version of Exceptionalism (Howard Zinn on the myth of Exceptionalism). With no more chance than Manifest Destiny of being right, Manifest SNAFU! nonetheless COULD be more right, and is thought-provoking. It postulates that there must be some reason that things are, as is apparent, Situation Normal-All Fucked Up. As is equally apparent, this because the losers were always right, and the winners always mistaken. Or to put it another way, the reason why there are winners is that they are mistaken.
NRA Escapes Reality
NRA's Wayne LaPierre is having trouble distinguishing between real life and video games, while the players do not. Wayyne threw video gamers, among whom are surely a few staunch gun owners, to the wolves in the face of the reaction to Sandy Hook, along with at least nine other scapegoats.[7] Gamers have always included in their numbers those who are philosophical about game violence, pointing out that pixels are not people, so animated, computed violence is not comparable to real violence. Games, and any other activity that critics want an edge against, have been labelled an 'escape from reality' for quite some time,[8] but LaPierre was clearly on the run. What is amazing is how far everyone - left and right alike - was prepared to follow him. Arming school security guards became normality, and arming school children was discussed. Mass psychosis, anyone?
- See Wikipedia:"Polish death camp" controversy
- Gunboat Diplomacy (WP): "I'm going to start deliberately misunderstanding everything"
Misunderstandings to follow: National Socialism, Islamofascism
Divined from the entrails[9] of an imaginary scapegoat:
- 2009 : Obama chooses the Republicans' health care plan, hoping everyone will finally agree with it. Reps create the name "Obamacare" (WP) and declare war on it
- 2029: The Dems disband and join the Reps, hoping everyone will finally agree. Reps create the Fatherland Party, leave the Republican Party and declare war on it
Capitalist Cloud Cuckoo Land
You probably know the Law of Supply and Demand as saying that the price of something goes up when the supply decreases, but knowledge of the Law itself has fed back into the loop, causing speculators to sell when the price goes up, and therefore the supply increases.
- If it is Opposite Tuesday, then this not a Law, it is Fizzbin
Neurotics build castles in the sky. Psychotics live in them. Capitalists float a futures market on the expected returns of rent from them
This is either, a
Fahrvergnügen Driving Excitement Moment (aka
Traffic Jam), or lunch break at the
Feed and Seed, depending on whether the guy is waiting for a line of cars in front of him or waiting for his burger and fries to digest. You decide. Kind of makes a mess of the argument that public transportation is lame because you have to wait for buses
Computerized economy
As there were factories and workers and raw materials and consumers who wanted products and services both before and after 2008, why were all of these things suddenly diminished? The answer is, the money men. They make it run, they just stopped. And whether one describes it as, they stopped because they wanted to, or they stopped because they had to, they are still the weak link. And they can be replaced by computers. Not only are they paid more than everyone else, and not only do they do their job poorly (allowing everything to collapse every couple of decades), but they are entirely expendable. Every transaction that takes place in our economy can be performed by the merest electronic blink of a computer program. All the salesman. All the financiers. All redundant. And what would these people do for a living, you ask? Why, what everyone else does. It is really that simple. Imagine it.
- "...Packed like lemmings into shiny - metal - boxes / contestants in a suicidal race..." - The Police, Synchronicity II
Fully occupied buses get between 50%[10] and 125%[11] more miles per gallon per passenger than fully occupied cars. This model, of course, is not ideal;[12] car occupancy is an average of 1.5 passengers rather than four, and bus occupancy goes from nearly full occupancy at rush hour to almost empty at other times.[13]
Minibus and microbus routes have been used to great effect in Oxford England and other cities, often in developing nations, and achieve high levels of occupancy. With greater efficiency and smaller buses, the time between buses can also be reduced. But the key is public participation. The more people turn from private to public transportation, the lower the wait time, and the more expansion of bus routes.
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