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September 8

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September 8 is the 8th day in September.


1100 — Clement III, first antipope, dies.

1474 — Ludovico Ariosto lives. Italian poet, remembered primarily for his Orlando Furioso, the most celebrated narrative poem of the Italian high Renaissance. [1]

1522 — The Victoria is the first ship ever to encircle the globe. It reached port without its captain, Magellan, who died en route in the Philippines. One of Ferdinand Magellanʼs five ships returns to Spain, thus completing the first successful circumnavigation of the world. Magellan, a Portuguese navigator employed by Spain, set out from Seville three years ago with 265 men. Only 15 survived the journey. Magellan himself was killed in the Philippines. Thusly did the Magellan Straits get their name.

1565 — Turkish siege of Malta broken by Maltese and Knights of St John. [2]

1760 — Canada: The Capitulation of Montreal. British give Indians right to remain on lands they occupy, recognizing previous French agreements.

1763 — Stepan Glotlov lands on Kodiak Island, Alaska, attempts to persuade natives to pay tribute to Imperial government. They refuse and attack the Russians.

1784 — Shaker Mother Ann Lee dies.

1797 — Mexico: San Fernando Mission, California established near a village of Anchois Indians that has since been replaced by strip malls.

1830 — Frédéric Mistral lives, Maillane, France. French poet, leader of the 19th-century revival of Provençal language and literature. Shares the Nobel Prize in 1904 José Echegaray for his contributions in literature and philology.

1837 — Poet Joaquin Miller lives. Born Cincinnatus Hiner Miller, The name Joaquin was adapted from the legendary California bandit, Joaquin Murietta, whose legend in California is often equated with the legend of Robin Hood.

1858 — United States of America: Abraham Lincoln makes a speech about when you can fool people.

1873 — Surrealist poet and playwright Alfred Jarry (Ubu Roi) lives, Laval in Brittany.

1873 — Italy: Santo Geronimo Caserio (Sante Jeronimo) lives (1873 — 1894). Italian anarchist who killed French President Sadi Carnot in an act of revenge (for the execution of Auguste Vaillant). Caserio was executed on August 16, 1894. See the Italian song, L'interrogatorio di Sante Caserio, [3]

1873 — Switzerland: Geneva tea lloc 6è Congrés of fracció Marxist of l'AIT, from the 8th to the 13th. This follows upon the conclusion of the Congrés of fracció Bakuninista of l'AIT, held from 1st to the 7th. [Source: Congressos Obrers]

1873 — Belgium: The Belgian Federal Council, because of various arrests, proposed to invite the Jurassian Federation to convene the general congress.

1878 — France: Charles Henri Jean, aka Charles d'Avray, lives (1878 — 1960). Poète et chansonnier anarchiste; à Sèvres décédé le 7 Novembre 1960 à Paris XXe, il est enterré au cimetière du Père-Lachaise. En 1950 dans Histoire du Mouvement Anarchiste en France, Jean Maitron, grand historien du mouvement ouvrier français, écrivait: Charles d'Avray se rallia à l'Anarchisme au moment de l'Affaire Dreyfus et décida de se servir de la chanson "afin de mieux faire connaître l'Idéal anarchiste"…

1883 — United States of America: Sitting Bull, main chief of the Sioux tribes, delivers a speech insulting and making fools of US authorities to great applause. Sitting Bull (Tatanka Iyotake), whose position was being bypassed by US authorities because he firmly stood against the robbery of the native peoples, spoke at the celebration of the driving of the last spike in the Northern Pacific railroad joining with the transcontinental system. He delivered the speech in his Sioux language, departing from a speech originally prepared with an army translator. Denouncing the US government, settlers and army, the listeners thought he was delivering a speech of welcome and praise. While giving the speech Sitting Bull paused for applause periodically, bowed, smiled and continued insulting and making asses of the audience and US authorities as the translator delivered the original address. [4]

1886 — Siegfried Sassoon, poet, lives, London.

1895 — France: Congrès national du POF tenu à Romilly.

1897 — American songster Jimmie Rodgers lives (1897 — 1933). [5]

1901 — United States of America: Kansas anarchists, proving they are not quite easy in their minds, hold jubilation meeting in Chicopee coal mine. Anarchist are reported celebrating the assassanation of McKinley, at both Chicopee and Frontenac, small towns 100 miles east of Witchita. Another celebration is also reportly held at Guffeyʼs Hollow near McKeesport, Pa.: "While all the world is waiting with bowed head and heaving breast for the latest news from the bedside of the beloved President… "Guffeyʼs Hollow is the home of one of the largest, if not the largest, regularly organized groups, of anarchists in the United States. More than 200 Italian coal miners are drinking in the doctrines of anarchy here…" [6]

1901 — Francisco Ferrer, Spanish anarchist educator and bane of the ruling powers (who had him murdered in 1909), opens the libertarian Escuela Moderna in Barcelona, Spain. Other Modern Schools are founded in the US, whose alumni include Man Ray and Alfred Levitt. Modern Schools were also founded in Britain, France, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, China, Japan and, on the greatest scale, in the USA.

1902 — Italy: Repressione a Candela (Foggia) di una manifestazione contro il fiscalismo e gli abusi amministrativi : in totale cinque morti e dieci feriti dalle due parti. [Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

1909 — United States of America: Industrial Workers of the World strikers at the Pressed Steel Car Plant in McKees Rock, Pennsylvania, force management to improve shop conditions, hike wages by 15%, and drop a "pool system." This follows a hard won battle; police attacked pickets and a July battle prompted the Wobblies to take charge, and on August 23rd 11 people were killed when a deputy opened fire on strikers on a streetcar.

1909 — United States of America: Unable to secure a lecture hall in Worcester, Massachusetts, Emma Goldman is invited to speak on the private property of Reverend Eliot White.

1911 — Euell Gibbons, stalker of wild asparagus, is born in Clarksville, Texas.

1911 — Spain: Opening of the founding congress of the Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo in Barcelona. Nearly 100 delegates take two days to draw up the framework for this anarcho-syndicalist organization. See Robert Kern, Red Years, Black Years: A Political History of Spanish Anarchism, 1911-1937, p25.

1912 — Mexico: Supposed inauguration of the Escuela Racionalista (Rationalist School). [Source: Casa Obrero Mundial]

1913 — Brazil: Second National Labor Congress, Río de Janeiro, September 8-13th. Anarchist workers and anarcho-syndicalists held 12 sessions at Centro Cosmopolita, debating 24 items with the presence of 117 delegates from eight states, including two state federacies, five local federacies, 52 unions and four libertarian periodicals. anarchist Cat [Source: Movimento Anarquista no Brasil]

1915 — D.H. Lawrence watches zeppelin raid on London: "So it is the end — our world is gone, and we are like dust in the air."

1916 — England: Death of Walter Roberts, first of 73 British World War I conscientious objectors (COs) to die as a result of their prison treatment.

1921 — United States of America: Margaret Gorman became the first Miss America.

1923 — Spain: "Los Solidarios" members are discovered hiding out in an attic, setting off a two day daring escapade, out a window, fleeing by train and a long shoot-out. Some members make it to Basque country but Eusebio Brau and Torres Escartín, involved in the shootout, do not. [7]

1925 — Film comic Peter Sellers (Dr. Strangelove) lives.

1926 — Germany: Admitted to the League of Nations. "Although the regionalism of Germany is difficult for Americans to fully appreciate, try to imagine NYʼs Ed Koch somehow getting elected Governor of Texas. Texicans turn up their noses at first but are elated when Koch rolls over Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico and Kansas….

1930 — Transparent cellophane tape on sale for first time.

1935 — United States of America: Louisiana Senator Huey P. Long is shot to death in the corridor of the state capitol in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, by Dr. Carl Austin Weiss, Jr., who is gunned down, in turn, by Longʼs bodyguards.

1940 — Jack Prelutsky, poet, lives. Source: 1992 peace calendar

1941 — Norway: Workers strike against diversion of milk to military use by the Nazis.

1941 — Russia: Hitlerʼs 900 day siege of Leningrad begins.

1943 — Italy: Il capo del governo Pietro Badoglio non vuole annunciare l'avvenuta stipulazione dell'armistizio per paura di ritorsioni da parte dell'esercito tedesco. Ambiguità e doppio gioco continuano a imperare sovrani all'interno dello stato italiano. Nel pomeriggio (ore 16,30) Radio New York diffonde la notizia. Alle 19,45 Badoglio trova il coraggio di annunciare alla radio l'avvenuta firma dell'armistizio, dando solo vaghe indicazioni. [Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

1944 — Netherlands: The first German V-2 rockets are launched, landing at Chiswick in London, killing three people.

1945 — Ron Pigpen McKernan, keyboardist, lives.

1947 — Novelist/short story writer Ann Beattie lives, Washington, D.C.

1949 — Mexican muralist Jose Clemente Orozco dies, Mexico City. Jose Orozco

1954 — Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) established by the US and seven other nations — three of which are actually in Southeast Asia! (Pakistan, Thailand, and the Philippines.)

1954 — United States of America: With a 3-2 count, baseballʼs Phillies Richie Ashburn fouls the next 14 pitches, then walks.

1961 — David Evans, guitar player, lives.

1962 — The novelty song "Monster Mash" by Bobby "Boris" Pickett enters the Hot 100 at #85. He recorded it with sound effects: the creaky door opening is a nail being pulled from a piece of wood, the boiling cauldron is Pickett blowing bubbles into a cup of water with a straw and the chains are him moving chains up and down. He also did all the voices. The song makes it to Number One on October 20.

1965 — United States of America: Strike of Filipino and Mexican farmworkers against grape growers in Delano, California marks the beginning of a successful five-year strike by United Farm Workers throughout California. [8] [9]

1966 — Outer Space: Star Trek appears on TV for the first time, as the first episode, Man Trap, airs on NBC.

1968 — United States of America: Huey Newton (head of the Black Panther Party) convicted of voluntary manslaughter in the killing an Oakland policeman. [10]

1969 — Alexandra David-Neel dies, just short of her 101st birthday. David-Neel was a prolific author, inveterate explorer and traveler, pioneer feminist, and an authority on Tibet. Daily Bleed Saint, December 12. First woman explorer of Tibet and its mysteries. Successively and simultaneously anarchist, singer, feminist, explorer, writer, lecturer, photographer, buddhist, architect, mail artist, sanskrit grammarian and Centenarian. [11]

1970 — England: The London home of Attorney General, Sir Peter Rawlinson, in Chelsea, is bombed. Again this goes unreported. [12]

1971 — United States of America: Beginning of the Attica Prison revolt. Interracial uprising in NY lasting four days, with cooperation between prisoners of different racial and ethnic backgrounds, which is finally brutally suppressed by the state, with 41 left dead. The prisoners were unreasonably demanding improvements in their living and working conditions. "A guy who rigs aluminum prices can get himself introduced by Georgie Jessel at $100 dollars a plate but stealing a can of beer can get you iced." — Ishmael Reed, YELLOW BACK RADIO BROKE-DOWN [13] [14]

1974 — United States of America: US President Gerald Ford pardons "The Trickster" — Dick M "I am Not a Crook" — for any crimes he "committed or may have committed" while President.

1974 — United States of America: Evel Knieval attempts to jumps Snake River Canyon on a rocket motorcycle.

1976 — China: Card-carrying Communist Mao Tse Tung dies. Or again tomorrow depending on international timeline.

1976 — England: Hull Prison revolt. For four days in September 1976 [I canʼt find exact dates — ed.] prisoners take over three of the four wings of Hull prison. Included Jake Prescott (in prison for his activities with the anarchist Angry Brigade). Their protests include conditions in prison workshops, where furniture is made for prisons in Iran. Thusly, rioting prisoners on the roof shout, "Fuck the Shah of Iran! Fuck the Shah of Iran!"

1977 — Blacklisted film comedian Zero Mostel dies. [15] [16]

1978 — 3,000 unarmed demonstrators killed by Shahʼs troops, Tehran, Iran.

1985 — United States of America: Theodore Streleski is freed from a California prison after serving seven years for beating a Stanford professor to death with a hammer. Expaining his lack of remorse, he says, "I say Stanford treats students criminally. If I express remorse, I cut the ground out from under that argument. I would not only be a murderer but a dirty lying dog. I am a murderer. I am not a dirty lying dog."

1988 — United States of America: Four white supremacists plead guilty to plotting bombings, robberies and the murder of Morris Dees, Boise, Idaho.

1988 — United States of America: Dan Quayle declares that Republicans "understand the importance of bondage between parent and child."

1994 — Germany: Festivities mark departure of US and NATO soldiers from Berlin.

2003 — Canada: Exhibition: September 8 to October 17, based on "Terminations of View: A Series of Proposals" by Bernie Miller and Alan Tregebov

2006 — Canada: Victoria Anarchist Book Fair, kick off show on tonight, bookfair September 9-10. Two shows on Saturday and Sunday as part of the celebrations! Including Hip Hop, Folk, Punk, and Metal. In case you like to read. [17]

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