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September 7

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September 7 is the 7th day in September.


3114 BCE — Presumed origin of Mayan "long count" calendar system:

70 — Jerusalem falls to the Romans under Titus. Over 1 million Jewish citizens have died in the siege. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1295 — Italy: Angels move the home of Mary and Joseph to Loretto.

1533 — England: The oldest known reference to knitting in Britain. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1756 — Author Willem Bilderdijk lives.

1776 — United States of America: The worldʼs first submarine attack occurs when the submersible craft American Turtle attacks the British flagship Eagle in NY Harbor. Accommodates one operator and is entirely hand-powered. The wooden sub attaches a time bomb to the hull of the Eagle, and departs unnoticed. An explosion results, but no serious damage occurs as the poorly secured bomb drifted away from the ship.

1812 — Russia: The Russian army under General Kutuzov is defeated by Napoleonʼs forces at the Battle of Bordino, 70 miles west of Moscow. Both sides suffer heavy losses, but the defeated Russians manage to retreat to Moscow, where they evacuate the population and retreat again. As Napoleonʼs forces arrive, the city is set ablaze, leaving Napoleonʼs large but starving army with no means to survive the coming Russian winter.

1821 — Mexico: The city of Chiapa (Chiapas) proclaims independence from Spain. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1822 — Brazil: Declaration of independence from Portugal (National Day). Threatened by Napoleon in 1809 the Portuguese Court moved to Rio de Janeiro. Today, a year after the court returned to Lisbon, the crown prince of Portugal proclaims Brazilʼs independence. He had himself crowned Emperor Pedro I in December and fought a two-year war with Portugal while continuing to be the heir to the Portuguese throne.

1830 — England: "Large bodies of men in disguise" tear down the fences, hedgerows and buildings erected by Lord Abingdon on Otmoor. Though the Oxfordshire Yeomanry arrest more than 40, they are all freed the same day while in transit to Oxford gaol when the crowd at St. Giles Fair take time off from their revels to riot and release them. [Source: Calendar Riots]

1833 — Hannah More dies in Bristol. Wrote the two-volume Structures on the Modern System of Female Education.

1860 — United States of America: Excursion steamer Lady Elgin and the lumber ship Augusta collided on Lake Michigan, killing nearly 400 persons.

1866 — Author Tristan Bernard lives.

1872 — Mihail Bakunin, anarchist nemesis of Karl Marx, is booted from the First International (during the Hague Congress meeting September 2—7).

1874 — Belgium: 3rd Congrés de la fracció Bakuninista de l'AIT, from the 7th to the 13th, in Brussels. Representant la FRE hi assisteix Rafael Farga Pellicer, amb el pseudònim de Gómez [Source: Congressos Obrers]

1880 — United States of America: George Ligowsky of Cincinnati is granted a patent for a device to throw clay pigeons for trapshooters. He was inspired by watching boys throw seashells into the surf, but found that clam shells bonded together failed to break when hit, then developed a "clay pigeon" made from a mixture of limestone and pitch.

1887 — Edith Sitwell lives, Renishaw Park. Wrote The English Eccentrics. She boasts: "I am like an unpopular electric eel in a pond full of flatfish!" Critic F. R. Leavis will take a harsher view of her and her brothers, Osbert and Sacheverell: "The Sitwells belong to the history of publicity rather than of poetry."

1888 — United States of America: Jesse James's last holdup.

1889 — Start of Sherlock Holmes' "Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb" (BG). [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1892 — Poet John Greenleaf Whittier dies of a stroke in Hampton Falls, New Hampshire, aged 84.

1893 — England: The colleries at Featherstone are destroyed by strikers. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1897 — United States of America: Anarchist-feminist Emma Goldman is arrested and jailed for trying to speak at another open-air meeting in Providence, Rhode Island. Tomorrow she is given 24-hours to leave town or face three months imprisonment. Freedom of speech in the Land of the Free can be Fickle.

1900 — Novelist Taylor Caldwell lives. A rabid rightwinger, the famous American novelist on religious themes was a long time member of the John Birch Society (JBS) Council. See her novel Captains and Kings for most JBS theories. Sometimes rightfully confused with Ayn Rand and Mickey Spillane. [1]

1907 — Sully Prudhomme (René-François-Armand) dies. A leading figure of the Parnassian movement which sought to restore elegance, balance, and aesthetic standards to poetry. [2]

1908 — United States of America: Ben Reitman delivers a speech on the meaning of Labor Day at Cooper Union. [3]

1908 — United States of America: Esperanto Association of North America is organized, Chautauqua Lake, NY. Anarchists around the world have long been ardent proponents of the movement. Early groups were founded in Stockholm (1905) and Paris (1906). Among better-known adherents are Pa Chin, Paco-Libereco Group, etc. [4] [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1909 — James Joyce writes to Nora Barnacle: "Now, my darling Nora, I want you to read over and over all I have written you. Some of it is ugly, obscene and bestial, some of it is pure and holy and spiritual; all of it is myself."

1911 — Author Guillaume Apollinaire is jailed, suspected of masterminding the sensational heist of the Louvreʼs Mona Lisa. Five days later his innocence is proved. [5]

1912 — International Free Thought Congress held. [I can find no information or confirmation of this event — ed.]

1913 — Germany: Carl Jung presents his typology to the 4th International Congress of Psychoanalysis in Munchen, and breaks his ideological ties to Freud. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1916 — United States of America: Federal employees win the right to receive Worker's Compensation insurance.

1916 — Ford Madox Hueffer writes his poem "Albade". [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1917 — Jacob Lawrence lives, Atlantic City, N.J. A leading painter in chronicling African-American history and urban life. Among his most celebrated works are the historical panels The Life of Toussaint-Louverture and The Life of Harriet Tubman. [6] [7]

1918 — At a country club dance in Montgomery, Alabama, F. Scott Fitzgerald meets Zelda Sayre. [8]

1919 — Italy: In Milan 19-year-old Bruno Filippi sets off a bomb in a crowded cafe. Filippi dies in the explosion. His presumed accomplices, the anarchists Guido Villa, Aldo Perego, Elena Melli and Maria Zibardi, are tried in July 1920 and receive harsh sentences. [9]

1920 — Italy: "Umanità nova" issues an important article and leaflet, "Volentino," especially due to the urgings of Errico Malatesta, in support of the factory occupations and attempts at self-management. [10] [11]

1926 — F.P.A.ʼs (Franklin Pierce Adams) "Conning Tower" embarrasses Theodore Dreiser by printing his poem, "Tandy," alongside Sherwood Andersonʼs, "The Beautiful," from which it was cribbed.

1927 — François Malicet (1843 — 1927) killed by a burglar.

1931 — England: Gandhi attends the 2nd India Round-table Conference in London. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1933 — United States of America: The first strike by cranberry pickers takes place in the bogs of Cape Cod. The strikers formed the Cranberry Pickers Union, but their strike was unsuccessful. [12]

1935 — Novel Tarzan and the Leopard Man is published. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1936 — Rock and Roll legend Buddy Holly lives, Lubbock, Texas.

1936 — Spain: Josep Renau named Director General of Fine Arts by fellow communist, Jesus Hernández, Minister of Public Instruction in the government of Largo Caballero. Renau was one of the artists most heavily involved in the Civil War. Renauʼs duties included the safeguarding of the artistic heritage of Spain. He was in charge of evacuating from Madrid to Valencia the paintings in the Prado Museum, which were threatened by the bombings. [13] [14]

1943 — Swiss chemist Paul Muller is granted US Patent No. 2,329,074, formally titled "Devitalizing Composition of Matter."

1948 — Australia: 3,000 attend rally in public launch of Peace Council, Melbourne.

1949 — United States of America: American Bar Association opposes ratification of the UN Genocide Convention. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1949 — Giorgio Federico Ghedini opera "Billy Budd" premiers, Venice. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1950 — United States of America: The APA recommends a boycott of University of California over loyalty oaths. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1954 — United States of America: Integration of public schools begins in Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, Maryland.

1958 — United States of America: First meeting of the New York Daughters of Bilitis, pioneer lesbian organization.

1960 — United States of America: Reverend Norman Vincent Peale warns that any Catholic President would be under "extreme pressure from the hierarchy of his church."

1962 — Danish author Karen Blixen (Isak Dinsen) dies, Rungsted, Denmark.

1963 — United States of America: Food and Drug Association announces that Dr. Steven Durovicʼs "anti-cancer" drug Krebiozen, administered to over 5,000 patients in 13 years, is really the common amino acid creatine, which has no anti-tumor effects whatsoever.

1963 — Vietnam: Ngo Dinh Diemʼs South Vietnamese government arrests 800 high-school student demonstrators (and another 1,000 on September 9). [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1963 — Castro warns that US leaders who aid terrorist plans to kill Cuban leaders will themselves be at risk. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1963 — Carlos Castaneda first uses jimson weed (a drug) (Teachings of Don Juan). [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1967 — Joyce Carol Oates novel A Garden of Earthly Delights is published. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1968 — United States of America: For the first time, feminist protesters interrupt the Miss America beauty pageant in Atlantic City, N.J. Women's Liberation groups, joined by members of New York NOW, target the Miss America Beauty Contest in Atlantic City. The protest includes theatrical demonstrations including ritual disposal of traditional female roles into the "freedom ashcan." While nothing is actually set on fire, one organizerʼs comment — quoted in the New York Times the next day — that the protesters "wouldnʼt do anything dangerous, just a symbolic bra-burning," lives on in the derogatory term "bra-burning feminist." [Source: WholeWorld is Watching]

1969 — Coronation of Cariadoc of the Bow as first King of the Middle Kingdom.

1970 — Donald Boyles sets record for highest parachute jump from a bridge, by leaping off of the 1,053' Royal George Bridge in Colorado.

1972 — United States of America: White House tapes reveal Dick M Nixon went the extra-legal mile to get dirt to ruin Senator Edward Kennedy, who Dick considers a future contender for president. Today Nixon tells aides to place spies among a Secret Service detail assigned to protect Kennedy. "Plant one, plant two guys on him," Nixon said. "That would be very useful," and remarked excitedly that "we might just get lucky and catch this son-of-a-bitch — ruin him for '76. Itʼs going to be fun." [15]

1974 — Mozambique: Victory Day marks the end of more than a decade of guerilla struggle against Portuguese colonial rule, leading to independence next June.

1976 — A US judge awards damages of $1,599,987 to Bright Tunes Music, noting that the majority of the income from George Harrisonʼs "My Sweet Lord" is attributable to two sequences of notes that Harrison subconsciously plagiarized from a 1963 song "Heʼs So Fine."

1977 — United States of America: In Wisconsinʼs first judicial-recall election, outraged Dane County citizens vote judge Archie Simonson from office. Simonson called rape a normal male reaction to provocative female attire and modern societyʼs permissive attitude toward sex, which he said is why he sentenced a 15-year-old to just one year of probation for raping a 16-year-old. He is replaced by Moria Krueger, the first woman judge elected in Dane County history.

1977 — India: Workers in Ghaziabad burn factory and lynch two finks; 40,000 strike in solidarity with insurgents. [Source: Calendar Riots]

1977 — Panama: Omar Torrijos and Jimmy Carter sign a treaty returning sovereignty of the Canal Zone to Panamá. General Torrijos says he does not want to enter history. He wants to enter the Canal Zone, stolen by the US at the beginning of the century. When accused of serving Moscow or Havana, Torrijos laughs. Every people, he says, swallows its own aspirin for its own headache. and if it comes down to it, he gets along with the Castristas better than the castrati. Under pressure of world opinion, the US agrees to slowly return the Canal in stages. "Itʼs better this way," says Torrijos, relieved. They've saved him the disagreeable task of blowing up the canal and all its installations. — Eduardo Galleano, Century of the Wind, p245 [16]

1978 — The Whoʼs drummer, Keith Moon, 31, dies in London (same flat that Mama Cass died in) after overdosing on Hemenephirin, a prescription drug which was supposed to help him with alcohol.

1983 — Drury Gallagher sets fastest swim around Manhattan (6h41m35s).

1986 — Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet survives an assassination attempt. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1988 — United States of America: NY Daily News reports boxer Mike Tyson is seeing a psychiatrist. Iron Mike explains, "I just needed someone to talk to, someone who'd really listen, someone who'd let me chew their ear off." [17] [18]

1990 — England: Ploughshares Two activists jailed 15 months for disabling F-111 bomber, Oxford.

1990 — Canada: RCMP moves in on First Nations encampment in southern Alberta, ending a month-long native attempt to protect sacred land by diverting the Old Man River around a partially completed dam.

1991 — United States of America: Navy pilots sexually assault dozens of women at Tailhook convention, Nevada. Americaʼs finest in action. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1992 — South Africa: Troops fire on thousands of nonviolent ANC demonstrators, in the Ciskei "homeland" murdering 28. [19]

1992 — Tajikistan: Rebels seize Pres. Rakhmon Nabiyev and force him to resign. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1995 — Tahiti: Violent riots begin in Papeete over French nuclear tests. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1996 — United States of America: Two women arrested for trespass at the Norfolk (Virginia) Naval Base after walking into the base with a banner reading, "Love Your Enemies."

1996 — Rapper Tupac Shakur and Marion "Suge" Knight are shot in Las Vegas following a Mike Tyson fight. Shakur dies 6 days later.

1997 — United States of America: Glenda gives $800 to Karlaʼs mother for textbooks (!$$!). After sheʼs through with them she'll be lucky to sell them back for 8 cents. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1998 — United States of America: Rightwing religious terrorists fire-bomb two abortion clinics in Fayetteville, NC. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

1999 — United States of America: "Whatʼs the Frequency, Kennard?" — "Washington Post," September 7 [Source: Pirate Radio Kisok]

2001 — United States of America: Miami cops are indicted for covering up four shootings of unarmed suspects and planting guns on the victims. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

2001 — England: The Giant Jump - 1 million British students jump at the same time. This triggers seismographs all across Britain. Rotten youth, trying to sink the island. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

2002 — United States of America: George W. Bush and British PM Tony Blair meet to drum up international support for war on Iraq, Camp David, Md. Most of the world, sans the US media, Congressmen, politicians and a small portion of gullible Americans, reject their concoction of half-truths, distortions and outright lies. [20] [21] [Source: Robert Braunwart]

2002 — UN human-rights chief Mary Robinson accuses the United States of America, Russia and China of hiding behind the war on terrorism to trample civil rights. [Source: Robert Braunwart]

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