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Prison abolition movement

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prison abolition


Anarchist Black Cross
American Friends Service Committee
No More Prison

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prisoner rights
prisoner support

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Prison Abolition & Style prison

The aim of the prison abolition movement is to eliminate freedom-depriving institutions such as prisons, jails, immigration detention centers, and war camps by promoting more useful and humane alternatives. Prison abolitionists present a broad critique of the criminal justice system in the West, which they feel is racist, classist, and ineffectual at “reforming” criminals, decreasing crime, or providing redress to the victims of crime. Many people involved in the prison abolition movement are also involved in struggles against other forms of social control and oppression, such as the institutionalization of the insane, and for this reason the struggle has been associated with anarchism and anti-authoritarianism.


Quakers were one of the first groups to propose alternatives to prison.

Today, the Anarchist Black Cross is one of the major advocates of prison abolition. This network and and its affiliated groups represent a significant part of a largely autonomous prison abolition movement. Much of the larger day-to-day campaigning is being carried forward by either individuals or collectives of five people or fewer.

One such group, Raze The Walls! based in Seattle, Washington, existed nearly ten years before collapsing under the tremendous amount of work, infighting and political differences with other Anarchist formations. While Raze existed, it sent literally thousands of books, zines, and newspaper subscriptions to Prisoners, and financial aid to their families. Much of the material and ideas generated by Raze is still in use today.

Within the Developed World, support for the abolition of prisons has never extended beyond a small minority.

Anarchists in prison abolition

Historically, anarchists have played a significant part in the prison abolition movement and this trend continues today. Their main reason is their wish to eliminate all forms of state control, of which imprisonment is one of its more obvious examples. Prisons also have a strong link with capitalism, especially in the case of private prisons and prison labor. Anarchism is against prisons largely because they house non-violent offenders, incarcerate mainly poor people or people of color, and do not generally rehabilitate criminals, in many cases increasing the number and severity of crimes they commit.

In place of prisons, anarchism proposes community-controlled courts, councils, or assemblies to control the problem of social crime. They also argue that with the destruction of capitalism, and the self-management of production by workers and communities, property crimes would largely vanish.


Tactics differ significantly depending on the political beliefs behind them, and include:

  • Penal system reforms
  • Prison condition reforms
  • Crime prevention rather than punishment
  • Stopping of specific government programs that increase prison population (e.g. War on Drugs)
  • Education programs
  • Decreasing ethnic disparity in prison populations
  • Fighting individual cases of wrongful conviction
  • Educating people who have never been in prison about the problems

Arguments for prison abolition

Arguments against prison abolition

  • Prisons are necessary to preserve order and peace in society.
  • Prisons provide appropriate punishment for crimes against society.

See also

List of organizations supporting prison abolition

List of other relevant organizations

Relevant topics

External links