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October 27
October 27 is the 27th day of October.
1889 -- Famed anarchist general Nestor Makhno, lives, Ukraine.
1919 -- US: Emma Goldman appears before immigration authorities at Ellis Island to appeal her deportation order from the land of the free.
1920 -- US: 40,000 Philadelphia textile workers are fired to get the radicals out of the factories.
1936 -- Spain: A Generalidad decree orders militarization of the People's Militias.
1947 -- "You Bet Your Life", with Groucho Marx (grandson of Karl), premieres on TV.
1956 -- "Dear Hungarian Premier [Nagy]. We inform you that yesterday the workers' council took power in Borsod County in every respect."
1966 -- US: One alien body is allegedly recovered from a UFO, northern Arizona. Pesky politicans under every cactus!
1967 -- Bloody Good Time?: Four people from Baltimore pour blood on selective service records. Reverend Philip Berrigan, a Josephite priest doing God's work, Tom Lewis, David Eberhardt, & James Mengel pour duck's blood over draft files, protesting Vietnam War.
1991 -- Peru: Anarchist Andrés Villaverde arrested for sabotage. Sent to prison without trial & despite a total lack of proof to substantiate the charges.
2001 -- France: Liberto Sarrau Royes dies, age of 81. Writer, member of the Juventudes Libertarias (JJLL) & the famed Durruti Column. Part of the group 3 de Mayo. Arrested in 1948, tortured & sent to prison.
2006 -- US: Conference, "Humanity and the Earth/L'Homme et la Terre: The Legacy of Elisée Reclus" at Loyola University (27-30th). Gathering in conjunction with the New Orleans Bookfair.
2006 -- Oaxaca/Mexico: Anarchist and Indymedia Reporter Bradley Roland Will (Brad Will]] murdered by PRI-Party paramilitaries.