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March 12

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March 12 is the 12th day in March.


295 — Maximilian beheaded for refusing military service, Thevesta, North Africa. Romans execute the 21-year-old draft resister. Maximillianus recently said (quote), "I am forbidden to become a soldier, as I am a Christian."

1626 — John Aubrey lives, Wiltshire. His Minutes of Lives (not published until 1813) includes portraits of Bacon, Milton, Raleigh, Beaumont and Fletcher: "They lived together on the Bank side, not far from the playhouse, both bachelors; lay together; had one wench in the house between them which they did so admire the same clothes and cloak, etc. between them."

1650 — England: Diggers at Wellingborough issue their declaration: "Then Clubs and Diamonds cast away For Hearts and Spades must win the day." [Source: Calendar Riots]

1804 — United States of America: John Pickering, the first federal judge to be impeached, is convicted by the Senate on charges of "drunkenness, profanity, and violence on the bench" and is removed from office. Why they picked him from all the others is not known to us.

1846 — Elizabeth Barrett writes to Robert Browning: "If it will satisfy you that I should know you, love you, love you — when then indeed . . . You should have my soul to stand on if it could make you stand higher." [1]

1860 — United States of America: Congress passes the Pre-emption bill, giving away Indian western territories as "free" land to white settlers.

1863 — Italian fascist Gabriela d' Annunzio (1863—1938) lives, Francavilla al Mare, Pescara. Poet/novelist, military commander. His best known novel, Il Trionfo della Morte (1894) featured a Nietzschean hero. Other famous writers with nazi or fascist sympathies: Ezra Pound, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Knut Hamsun, Curzio Malaparte (later a Maoist), Wyndham Lewis, D.H. Lawrence, P.G. Woodhouse. [2]

1896 — Jesse "Lone Cat" Fuller lives, Jonesboro, Georgia. A country blues singer and one-man-band, he wrote the classic "San Francisco Bay Blues," among many other songs, and influenced numerous early-60s white folk-blues artists.

1898 — Ribeiro Couto, Brazilian poet/short story writer, lives, Santos. Symbolist poet, gravitated and became a leading figure of the Modernismo movement of the early 1920s. Short stories in O crime do estudante Batista (The Crime of Bastista the Student), poetry in Um homen na multidão (A Man in the Crowd).

1898 — United States of America: Emma Goldman, still on her speaking tour of Feb-June (addressing 66 meetings), is among several speakers at an international celebration of the 27th anniversary of the Paris Commune in Pittsburgh attended by 300 people.

1912 — United States of America: American Girl Guides founded. The name is changed to Girl Scouts next year. [3] [4]

1912 — Industrial Workers of the World union wins the "Bread and Roses" Lawrence Textile Strike of 1912.

1912 — United States of America: Shingleworkers strike in Raymond, Washington.

1917 — Russia: Czarist regime overthrown. State Duma and Soviet of Workers' Deputies organized.

1917 — Russia: Abolition of the death penalty. [5] [6]

1922 — Jack Kerouac (1922—1969) lives, Lowell, Massechusetts.

1925 — China: Sun Yat-sen dies, Peking.

1928 — Playwright Edward Albee (Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?) lives, Washington, D.C.

1934 — Italy: L'IRI assume la proprietà della Banca Commerciale, del Credito Italiano, della Banca di Roma e di molte imprese controllate da questi istituti bancari. [Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

1936 — Virginia Hamilton, author of The People Could Fly, lives.

1936 — Italy: Il riordino del sistema bancario sancisce l'ingerenza e il controllo da parte delle stato su tutte le banche. E si parla ancora di capitalismo! [Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

1938 — In the New Statesman, George Orwell assesses John Galsworthy: He "was a bad writer, and some inner trouble, sharpening his sensitiveness, nearly made him into a good one; his discontent healed itself, and he reverted to type." [7] [8] [9]

1938 — Austria: German troops occupy the country; tomorrow the Anschluss is proclaimed.

1942 — Spain: Juan Montseny (aka Federico Urales) dies (1864—1942). Teacher, novelist, publisher, anarchist militant, companion of Teresa Mañé (Soledad Gustavo) and father of Federica Montseny.

1947 — United States of America: President Truman asks Congress for "anticommunist" aid to Greece and Turkey. The speech is dubbed as the Truman Doctrine and officially ushers in the Cold War era. [10] [11]

1955 — Jazz musician Charlie "Bird" Parker dies, 34, New York City, of heart failure. He more-or-less invented the be-bop form of music and just a week ago played at the Birdland jazz club (named after him). [12] [13]

1955 — Wales: A British Avro-Tudor airliner, chartered by rugby fans attending a championship match in Belfast, crashes while landing at Cardiff; only three of the 83 aboard survive.

1955 — Louis Esteve (né à Gaillac-sur-Tarn en 1884) dies. French individualitst anarchist. Etudes à l'université de Toulouse, poète, romancier et essayiste, auteur d'une "Psychologie de l'Impérialisme"(1913). Il est un fidèle collaborateur du journal anarchiste individualiste d'E. Armand "l'En Dehors" et ensuite de "l'Unique". [14]

1956 — United States of America: Nearly a hundred Congressional Representatives and Senators sign the "Southern Manifesto," vowing to fight the Supreme Court school desegregation decision.

1958 — Jazz singer Billie Holiday, who pled guilty to a narcotics-possession charge in 1956, is given a yearʼs probation by a Philadelphia court.

1958 — Bulgaria: Manol Vassev (1898—1958), dies.

1964 — United States of America: Malcolm X resigns from Nation of Islam.

1966 — The Alligator Clip, the Charlatans, Sopwith Camel, and Duncan Blue Boy and his Cosmic Yo-Yo, at the Firehouse on Sacramento Street in Frisco. Source: [Frisco History Archive]

1968 — United States of America: Sen. Eugene McCarthy, an anti-war candidate, defeats Pres. Lyndon Johnson to win the New Hampshire Democratic primary for President. Wins 42% of vote, causing RFK, ever the opportunist, to "reconsider" on Vietnam, and not to run for reelection. Voters in the New Hampshire primary give President Johnson only a narrow victory over antiwar candidate Senator Eugene McCarthy. The New Hampshire primary election brings shocking results. The Eugene McCarthy campaign, benefitting from the work of 2,000 full-time student volunteers and up to 5,000 on the weekends immediately preceding the vote comes within 230 votes of defeating the sitting president Lyndon Johnson. These students, participants in what McCarthy refers to as his "childrenʼs crusade" have cut their hair, modified their wardrobes, and become "clean for Gene" to contact the conservative voters in the state. [Source: WholeWorld is Watching] [15]

1969 — Paul McCartney marries Linda Eastman.

1969 — George Harrison and wife Patti arrested in Esher, Surrey, south of London, on charges of cannabis resin possession after authorities found 120 joints in their house. [16]

1971 — England: Fourteen-hour vigil for abolition of NATO, Ministry of Defense, London.

1971 — Canada: British Columbia Federation of Labor Women's Committee founded.

1974 — John Lennon has altercation with a photographer at the Troubadour in Los Angeles. Lennon and Harry Nilsson were heckling comedian Tommy Smothers and were ejected from the club.

1974 — Ireland: Billy Fox, Protestant member of Dublin parliament, assassinated.

1976 — CIA plants false story of Cubans raping Angolan women and the victims shooting the rapists.

1977 — Italy: Massive demonstrations nationwide against the police for the killing of a militant. In Bologna, Radio Alice is today suppressed by the government after one year of broadcasting. In Rome and Bologna armouries are looted and pistols and ammunition are passed out to protesters. [17] [18]

1978 — Spain: 150,000 demonstrate against nuclear reactor, Lemoniz.

1980 — Canada: Michael John Thompson, Rare Books: Half an hour before the swat team arrives, Mike is pictured in the back room (there is no other room actually) of his first bookstore (generously put) at 434 West Pender Street, Vancouver. The bum was declared a nuisance and forced to relocate to a more suitable part of town, said to be Houston, Texass, a large "Red Light District", but actually a swamp zoned "industrial wasteland" where Dow chemical workers snort, shoot and smoke napalm. [19]

1980 — United States of America: Jury finds John Wayne Gacy guilty of murdering 33, Chicago. [20] [21]

1980 — Renee Lamberet dies. Professor, militant anarchist and historian. Collaborated with the historian Max Nettlau. Went to Spain in 1936, helping to produce libertarian propaganda and met her future companion Bernardo Pou-Riera. Lamberet supported clandestine anarchist activity in France and Spain after the fascist victory. Author of Mouvements ouvriers et socialistes (1953) and La première Internationale en Espagne de 1868 à 1888. Died before completing an anarchist biographical dictionary. [22] [23]

1982 — Korea: 300 women workers stage a slow-down at Control Data in Seoul, protesting the firing of their union president.

1986 — United States of America: Susan Butcher wins 1,158 mile Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.

1986 — Spain: José Martínez Guerricabeitia (aka Felipe de Orero) dies, in Madrid, a suicide. Martínez was an anarchist and founder of the Ruedo Ibérico publishing house in 1961, of which he was the undisputed heart and to which he devoted most of his life for the next 25 years. See M. Iñiguez, Cuadernos para una enciclopedia histórica del anarquismo español, No 42, November 1986, Vitoria, Entry No 637. [24] [25]

1988 — Nepal: Over 90 people die in Katmandu when a hailstorm causes fans at a soccer stadium to stampede toward exits.

1990 — Lithuania declares independence.

1990 — Fernand Rude (aka Pierre Froment) dies. French social historian, sympathetic to libertarian / anarchist movements. Wrote Le mouvement ouvrier à Lyon de 1827 à 1832; La révolution de 1848 dans l'Isère (1949), Allons en Icarie (1952); C'est nous les Canuts; (1954); Les révoltes des Canuts 1831-1834 (1982). For the Paris Commune Centenary Rude issued Bakunin materials, De la guerre à la Commune and Le socialisme libertaire. "The most recent significant accession [at the Coste Collection] concerns the Rude collection: a mass of files containing handwriten pieces, papers, photos and opuscules, gathered by the historian Fernand Rude (1900—1990), centered around themes which he researched such as militant commitments throughout his life: the Resistance and the Liberation, the USSR from his first stays there in 1933, social movements, Saint Simonism, Fourierism, anarchism, uprisings in Lyon from 1831 to 1834; as well as the papers of shop foreman Pierre Charnier, witness accounts from the first organizations of worker cooperatives, to the origins of syndicalism. [26]

1992 — Guatemala: Efrain Bamaca, husband of US activist Jennifer Harbury, is seized by military in the employ of the CIA; he is later tortured and killed.

1996 — Irian Jaya (Indonesia): Rioting erupts again in the town of Timika disrupting Freeport mine operations. Over 1,000 Irianese went on a rampage in Timika and Kuala Kencana damaging houses and hijacking vehicles. This follows a disturbance by several hundred people at Tembagapura, Freeportʼs mine, in the mountains 70km north of Timika on Saturday. Last week the National Human Rights Commission said it would send an investigative team to Irian Jaya following a request from the local Amungme tribal council to re-examine allegations of human rights abuses in the vicinity of the Freeport mine. [27]

1999 — United States of America: District Court in NY City grants the governmentʼs motion to enjoin operation of an unlicensed radio broadcast station known as "Steal This Radio." [28]

2001 — Robert Ludlum espied dead. Wrote fat spy and espionage books. No one reading the Daily Bleed ever read this stuff but apparently alot of other folks do. Then again, alot of other folks read Chicken Soup for the Soul. Unlike most authors, Ludlum started his career in the theatre. Like most, heʼs ending his career in the mortuary.

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