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April 6

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April 6 is the 6th day in April.


1528 — German engraver Albrecht Durer dies.

1781 — Peru: Túpac Amaru captured after being denounced by a traitor.

1812 — Anarchist sympathizer Alexander Herzen lives, Moscow, Russia. Strongly influenced by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. He helped finance his close friend Mikhail Bakunin's escape from Tsarist Russia.

1866 — American muckraker Lincoln Steffens lives, Frisco, California.

1878 — Andre Mournier (known as "The Agronomist") lives. French anarchist, member of the Colony of Aiglemont founded by Fortuné Henry.

1878 — Erich Muhsam [Muehsam; Mühsam], German poet & anarchist, lives, Berlin. Assassinated by the Nazis during the night of July 9/10, 1934 (Orianenburg Concentration Camp).

1888 — Dan Andersson lives (1888-1920). Musician/writer, of working class background, who became one of the most popular Swedish poets.

1895 — After acquittal of the Marquis of Queensberry for libel, Oscar Wilde is arrested. During the trial Wilde denies writing “The Priest & the Acolyte.”

1917 — US enters WWI, declares war on Germany. Beloved & Respected Comrade Liberal Woodrow Wilson, elected on an anti- war platform, does an about face.

1917 — Leonora Carrington lives, in Clayton Green, Lancashire, England. Daily Bleed Saint, 2004.

1928 — Bigoted Jason Compson begins his day (in Faulkner's “The Sound & the Fury.” )

1931 — First of the "Scottsboro Boys" trials begins in Alabama.

1963 — Birmingham civil rights demonstrations began on a small scale.... At first there were a few sit-ins at lunch counters & a few arrests....

1980 — France: Raiders destroy one computer center & two others two days later. The actions were claimed by Action Directe. The Committee for the Liquidation & Misappropriation of Computers stated:

"We are computer workers, well-placed to know the present & future danger of computer systems.
Computers are the favored instruments of the powerful. They are used to clarify, control & repress. We do not want to be shut up in the ghettos of programs & organizational patterns."

1985 — Australia: Satellite dish daubed with human blood, Watsonian Army Base, Melbourne.

1996 — US: 11 arrested at main post office near Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., for attempting to mail needed medical supplies to Iraq in defiance of U.S.-led embargo.

2006 — First episode ('00') of Voice of Freedom, Radical Podcast is defining the terms.

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