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Chris "Dirt" McIntosh

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Chris McIntosh


Chris "Dirt" McIntosh
USP Hazelton
PO Box 2000
Bruceton Mills, WV 26525

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prisoner rights
prisoner support
prison abolition

Chris 'Dirt' McIntosh is a prisoner in the United States of America locked up for eco-anarchist actions, who was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment for setting a small fire inside the McDonald's, the action which was claimed by ALF/ELF. Since then Chris McIntosh has became racist and sexist opponent to vegetarianism who believes in ideology of Social Darwinism.

After being snitched on Dirt got disillusioned with the eco-anarchist movement, and requested that his name was taken off the support lists. On 2007 October 13 he has written the following:

Some time ago, I asked the movement to remove my name from prisoner lists and support efforts. Unfortunately, because at the time my reasons for doing so were in conflict with certain persons' ideologies, my prepared statement was not posted on my website. So it seemed as though I took my leave without explanation, which was not the case. Also, it seemed like I was “quitting.” But that was not and still is not the case.
I had become frustrated and disillusioned by the resistance to evolution within the struggle. I see evolution as one of the main principles to be harnessed in order to escape the entropic fate that destroys all life that doesn’t progress in being or survival tactics. Also, I don’t understand why the foremost natural law – might makes right – is not held paramount. The fact we have no inherent rights other than what we conquer through our manifest physical will.
Now I still don’t understand why those principles have not become the North star of our resistance movement, but I realize after much contemplation and reflection upon my responsibility in the struggle for the preservation of all life, bailing out was not the most responsible step and not the healthiest choice.
So it is, I humbly request that those who still care for my situation and would in some way help in the support of my personal struggle during this incarceration by whatever is in their means – be it a letter or much needed funds (would be much appreciated) as my diet and maintenance of such is still an issue, commissary funds are necessary. The Administration is and has been very unsympathetic to the veg diets of the prisoners here. It has even caused me, at times, to eat meat – which is a strain on me.
Also I need mental and emotional support. This institution being a U.S.P. (maximum security) sees a lot of violence – stabbings, attempted murders… We are on lockdown for our second murder in a little over a year as I write this. I am also struggling with the race dynamics here. Ignorant behavior finds some way to oppress you no matter where you turn and creates high race tension. I have fought hard and long to combat within myself the anger and hatred caused by this tension. As I move through time further and further from the streets and the good people I knew, this situation seems more and more like reality and I need help in grounding myself back on the other side of this wall.
I need your help to regain my sense of hope for the future in a place where survival is not guaranteed. I need your help to maintain my long held anarchist beliefs in this environment of debased, sickening individuals.
I appreciate your help.
Your anarchist brother in continued resistance
-Chris “Dirt” McIntosh
13 October 2007
PS. I don’t think any of the people that were doing my support will be available to do it again, so I’m thinking even low level support will be better than none.

Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network investigation

On 2008 February 12 ELP has issued a statement of temporary suspension of Chris "Dirt" McIntosh from their support list due to (at that time alleged) statements of racism and sexism. On February 17 the following statement was issued:

ELP Information Bulletin (17th of February 2008)
Dear Friends
Just under two weeks ago ELP announced we were suspending from our prisoner lists the American prisoner Christopher 'Dirt' McIntosh, who is currently imprisoned for a failed arson against a McDonalds restaurant. Following our investigation ELP has decided to permanently remove McIntosh from our lists and encourage others to do likewise. Our reasons for this decision are detailed below:
WARNING - The below statement contains direct quotations of some of the racist and sexist words that Christopher 'Dirt' McIntosh has written to some of his supporters. If you are offended by racist or sexist language please do not read the below statement. We do not deliberately wish to offend anyone, but we are using McIntosh's own words to demonstrate his new found politics.
On the 8th of February 2008 a well known and highly respected former ALF prisoner contacted ELP to raise his concerns about the American prisoner Christopher 'Dirt' McIntosh.
The former ALF prisoner supplied ELP with letters written by Christopher 'Dirt' McIntosh to some of his supporters. In his letters McIntosh uses highly offensive racist language and referred to black people as "fucking mud people".
In his letters McIntosh talks about white supremacy and how he would be prepared to die for white supremacy. We understand he has also talked to other supporters about his belief in white supremacy.
In addition to this McIntosh also talks about Social Darwinianism (a racist/sexist corruption of Darwin's theory of evolution) and the superiority of white people. McIntosh states "Darwinistically speaking, niggers are natural slaves, so fucking one is like fucking a cow." (ELP again understands that McIntosh has also spoken to other supporters about his belief in Social Darwinianism).
McIntosh asked one female supporter if she'd ever had sex with a black man before referring to white women who have sex with black men as "whores". McIntosh described black men who have sex with white women as "dogs".
Continuing on his sexist line, McIntosh states he has returned to eating meat and asked a female supporter if she missed eating meat. He then stated when he was a vegetarian "I suffered because I loved the taste [of meat] - But maybe my being male with different hormones and drives separates our experiences there, once again Darwinistically speaking".
Because of his racist and sexist comments ELP decided to suspend Christopher 'Dirt' McIntosh from our prisoner lists with immediate effect and publically request any other offensive material McIntosh had written. Our subsequent investigations have shown that:
  1. McIntosh has adopted White Supremacist views whilst in prison. A number of people have contacted ELP saying that McIntosh has started to associate with a racist gang and has even gone as far as to get a racist 'white power' tattoo. In a letter to one of his supporters McIntosh enclosed a photo of himself and referred to his tattoo which was not visible in the photo. He told another supporter how he would show off his tattoo upon his release from prison.
  2. McIntosh, through his Social Darwinian beliefs, thinks that 'might makes right', or as he puts it in one of his letters "supremacy to the strongest".
  3. McIntosh has told at least one female supporter that it is okay for a man to rape a woman (under his 'might makes right' theme).
  4. ELP has had it confirmed that since going into prison McIntosh has abandoned his vegetarian diet and has reverted to eating meat.
So on the grounds that McIntosh is a racist, sexist, meat eating, white supremicist, who believes it is okay for the strong to bully the weak and it is okay for a man to rape a woman, ELP is permanently ending our support for Christopher 'Dirt' McIntosh. We denounce McIntosh as a racist, sexist, fascist. We encourage all other prisoner support campaigns to remove him from their lists and we warn all our supporters against supporting this man.

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