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Anarchist Studies

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Anarchist Studies is a journal of scholarly research into anarchism. It is published biannually and takes an inter-disciplinary approach, examining the history, culture and theory of anarchism. The first edition of the Anarchist Studies was published in 1993. Its current editor is Ruth Kinna and it is published by Lawrence & Wishart, London.

The purpose of the journal is "to broaden the scope of anarchist discourse by introducing themes, topics, perspectives and methodologies which have not traditionally been considered relevant to anarchism."[1] The Anarchist Studies focuses on three broad themes: the re-evaluation of anarchist history, with regard to issues of culture, philosophy and political action; the potential future of anarchism as a form of critical political action; and the application of anarchist ideas as an instrument of scholarly research. The journal publishes special issues on topics which have included sexuality, science-fiction and "anarchism after September 11", and historical research articles on Leo Tolstoy, Taoism, John Locke and post-structuralism. In the 21st century incarnation, a central focus of the journal has been anarchism's relation to globalisation.[1]

Notable contributors include Noam Chomsky, Murray Bookchin, John Moore, Janet Biehl, Ruth Kinna, Val Plumwood, L. Susan Brown, Süreyya Evren, and post-anarchist theorist Lewis Call (who serves as the journal's associate editor). Edited by Tim Cahill from its inception until health issues led him to resign in 1995, Anarchist Studies was edited by Sharif Gemie until the 2007 appointment of Ruth Kinna. Members of the editorial board have included Gemie, Call, Bookchin and Margaret Majumdar. The journal has received praise from Chomsky for its "serious and constructive inquiries" and its important role in the recent revival of interest in anarchist thought, as well as from Colin Ward, who complimented the journal for publishing content "you will find nowhere else."[2] AK Press has called Anarchist Studies "the premier scholarly journal on anarchism ... erudite, and informed."[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Lewis, ({{{year}}}). "A brief history of Anarchist Studies (so far)," Anarchist Studies, {{{volume}}}, .
  2. Anarchist Studies, Laurance & Wishart. Retrieved 2008-02-18.

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