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Androgyny is the state of indeterminate gender, or characteristics of gender. Androgynous traits are those that either have no gender value, or have some aspects generally attributed to the opposite gender. Physiological androgyny (compare intersex), dealing with physical traits, is distinct from behavioral androgyny which deals with personal and social anomalies in gender, and from psychological androgyny, which is a matter of gender identity. A psychologically androgynous person is commonly known as an androgyne, although there is a politicized version known as genderqueer.

The morpheme andr- means 'man', and the morpheme -gyn- means 'woman', derived from Greek.

Gender roles are the different social roles of men and women, which vary with changes in culture. It's important to understand the difference between social characteristics of gender and separate these from sexual physiology and sexual behaviours.

As people gradually became aware of their facility for self-determination, gender, and the established roles within society, began to be tested with this newfound concept of self.


  • Bem, Sandra L. (1974). The measurement of psychological androgyny. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 42, 155-62

External links[edit]

This article contains content from Wikipedia. Current versions of the GNU FDL article Androgyny on WP may contain information useful to the improvement of this article WP
This article is based on a GNU FDL Susan's Place Transgender Wiki article: Androgyny SPTW
List of gender identities and gender roles
androgyny | boi | cisgender | female | genderqueer | intersex | male | pangender | third gender (fa'afafine, fakaleiti, hijra, kathoey, khanith, mukhannathun, muxe, sworn virgin, two-spirit) | transgender (transman and transwoman)
Also: butch and femme | castrato | cross dressing drag king and drag queen | eunuch | gender bender | ungendered and genderfuck | womyn | yin and yang
Related topics: gender identity disorder | gender neutral third person pronoun | transsexualism