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Dis-Connection is a webcomic written and illustrated by Freek Zijlmans and co-writer Ville Koskinen. Updated three times a week with a new comic. The comic takes video games into a new humor filled perspective. Following not only the two girlfriend-less geeks Gregg Nitchmaker (American) and Yves Tavalloski (Russian) but also parodies based on (sometimes popular) video games.


Dis-Connection does not contain a real story. It does, however, include the biggest cliché in video game webcomics. Two gamers who seek for a life with just even more crazy characters surrounding them. The comic does tend to change during the years. As done with the Chronicles of Gman, Gman became a part of the comic. Such actions do tend to happen more often, as more characters get introduced and enlarge the world of the comic.

While not only Gregg and Yves play a big role, video game characters, video game developers and other famous people are considered as a big part of this comic. Take the Follow Freeman comic as example.


From late February to late April, the comic has been updated on Tuesdays, Thursdays and the first Saturday of the month. Many readers got confused cause of this system.

"I chose Tuesdays and Thursdays as the update days because they are simply ignored by many other webcomics. Most of them are updated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I thought, why not fill in the days between them? As for the Saturday thing, I currently don't have enough time to update the comic 3 times a week. This might change however. Planning to start in May. -Freek Zijlmans"

Some people are happy with this system, some are annoyed. People tend to go along a list of webcomics to view the updates. You could easily forget to view a single comic when getting home. After this, Freek Zijlmans decided to add RSS feed on the site, which is now available under the links on the right side of the website. A button containing "DIS | RSS 2.0".

Creating the comic

A question that pops quite often in the inbox of webcomic artists. Here is how Freek Zijlmans creates his comic:

""I use a 0.8 Pigma Micron pen for drawing the characters, objects and scenery. Followed by scanning these using the average scanner and paste them into Adobe Illustrator CS2. This is where I "Live Trace" them and give them "Live Paint". I then polish the lines/spaces that look ugly to me using the "Direct Selection Tool". If my drawings look good in vectors I color them using the old Paint method that is implanted in CS2; "Live Paint Bucket". And if I really want to make it look nice I add shadow to the drawings. I just simply make a shape over the character using the "Pen Tool" in black with a transparency (~10%). Sometimes I make the backgrounds in Illustrator self, but sometimes I draw them. It usually depends on how difficult the shapes are or if I want to add a cartoonish look. And that is all.""


Dis-Connection does not only have the two geeks as main characters. Even the creators pop-up once in a while just to fill the comic with plot holes. The characters are as followed:


  • Freek Zijlmans, Artist, writer, site designer and character
    Yup. The weird-oh that's behind all this madness. Allowed to announce the comic as well as playing in it. Wup-dee-doo. Anyway, in the comic Freek plays as the artist. He does not interfere with the characters of the comic (as in, two different worlds). Freek lives just outside City 17 in a quiet and friendly neighbourhood and is always in the mood for some tea. Pickwick tea that is!
Freek's first appearance: February 23 2006, strip #1.
  • Ville Koskinen, Co-writer
    Ville is assisting only in script writing, which you can thank your maker for. Although he can hold a pen, the result isn't pleasant to the eye. Not as weird as Freek, but getting closer with every script.

Main Characters

  • Gregg Nitchmaker, American, 17 years old
    A real game geek it is. Yet, weird enough, he goes outside. Can you believe that? A geek that goes outside!!! Right. He loves playing mainstream and violent games. Games that include swearing and lots of guts flying around the screen. Weird thing is that he never goes away without his baseball hat. Many are wondering what mysterious things are beneath that hat. Oh! And he loves to hang out with Yves, which you'll read about below.
Gregg's first appearance: February 23 2006, strip #2.
  • Yves Tavalloski, American/Russian, 19 years old
    Best friend of Gregg (lives 3 houses away), and vica versa. These two cannot be separated. Yves is, however, different from Gregg. Yves is more into the classics such as Nintendo's Mario Bros rather than all the mainstreaming Gregg likes. But not only does he loves games, he loves the hardware that runs 'em. Yves is fond of overclocking devices (yes, not just computers). His parents aren't all too happy after he tried overclocking the toaster.
Yves' first appearance: February 28 2006, strip #3.

Game Characters

  • Susu, Tetroid
    What's this? An original game character? MAYBE! Susu is the anime fan Tetroid. Tetroid you ask? Tetroids are the species from Tetris. Susu, here, is the most known Tetroid of them all. The green German speaking 2x2 block talks non-stop about Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh and the likes. The shows that nobody cares about. And not only that, but Susu is the mascot of Dis-Connection! You might've noticed that Susu doesn't speak with a German accent in the pilot. That's because the idea of a German accent came after the pilot.
Susu's first appearance: February 22 2006, pilot
  • G-Man, Freek's attorney
    After the Chronicles of G-Man, G-Man himself became part of the comic that is Dis-Connection. G-Man is now Freek's attorney for when ever he gets sued again. Who knows... America sure love to sue people.
G-Man's first appearance: March 21 2006, strip #10.

External links

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