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November 7

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November 7 is the 7th day in November.


1879 -- France: Benoît Broutchoux lives (1879-1944). French anarchist, adherent of neo-Malthusian ideas & "free love" advocate.

1891 -- Spain: Santiago Salvador Franch tosses two bombs into the audience at Teatre Liceu opera house during a performance of the opera William Tell, killing 22 people.

1893 -- Spain: Orsini tosses two bombs into a Barcelona opera house to avenge the execution of Pauli Pallas... 20 dead & several casualties. A state of siege is declared in the city & hundreds of anarchists arrested & tortured by the army.

1908 -- US: Omaha chief of police prevents Emma Goldman from lecturing in the hall of her choice, where she hoped to lecture between the 7th-13th.

1912 -- Ernest Riebe's "Mr. Block," IWW comic strip, makes its first appearance.

1913 -- Albert Camus lives, Algeria. Wrote "The Stranger," "The Myth of Sisyphus," gets Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957. In 1959, he started the review "Freedom", in support of conscientious objectors.

1915 -- Mexico: Zapata issues a proposed labor law. It includes an 8-hour day, prohibition of work for children under age 14, worker cooperatives to run factories abandoned by owners, & a fixed minimum wage. But "it failed to respond to some of the most important demands [of the] Mexican labor movement", & exposes Zapata's lack of understanding of his urban counterparts.

1917 -- Russia: The Bolshevik coup leaves the Communist Party as the new landlord-occupant of the Winter Palace.

1918 -- "Red Bavaria" Revolution. Workers revolt. The Bavarian monarchy is overthrown & a Republic is declared by the Socialist Kurt Eisner, who becomes its president.

1920 -- Russia: Emma Goldman attends the third anniversary of the October Revolution in Petrograd, in her estimation "more like the funeral than the birth of the Revolution."

1938 -- Ethel Mannin, Irish novelist & anarchist, successfully assumes Emma Goldman's role as SIA representative in London.

1938 -- Charles Malato dies. French revolutionary & propagandist, close friend of Francisco Ferrer. He was one of four anarchists falsely arrested in 1905 for a tossing a bomb into a processsion headed by the French President & the King of Spain.

1960 -- Charles d'Avray, (1878-1960) dies. Poète et chansonnier anarchiste

1971 -- American anarchist Joseph Spivak (1882-1971) dies. Co-founder of the Libertarian Book Club in NY City.

1974 -- China: Huge wall poster, critical of the regime, is posted on Peking Road in Canton. Entitled "Concerning Socialist Democracy & Legal System: Dedicated to Chairman Mao & the fourth National People's Congress", it is written by a group of ex-Red Guards under the collective pseudonym of Li I-che. Articles on Chinese anarchism,

1983 -- US: City plan revealed, to improve the lives of South Bronx residents by pasting vinyl decals — featuring cheery images of curtains, shades, shutters & plants — on the boarded-up windows of abandoned tenements. Says a housing official, "Perception is reality."

2000 -- US: Despite wasting a record 3+ billion dollars urging the American electorate to vote, only a minority of eligible Americans are bought. Many among the vast majority are convinced none of the candidates could possibly represent them or are worthy of their vote.

2004 -- France: Sébastien Briat dies, crushed by a train of radioactive waste bound for Germany. Antinuclear militant & a 21-year-old trade unionist, Sebastien helped found a student section of the trade union CNT-Education de Nancy.

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