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This is either, a Fahrvergnügen Driving Excitement Moment (aka Traffic Jam), or lunch break at the Feed and Seed, depending on whether the guy is waiting for a line of cars in front of him or waiting for his burger and fries to digest. You decide. Kind of makes a mess of the argument that public transportation is lame because you have to wait for buses

"...Packed like lemmings into shiny - metal - boxes / contestants in a suicidal race..." - The Police, Synchronicity II

Fully occupied buses get between 50%[1] and 125%[2] more miles per gallon per passenger than fully occupied cars. This model, of course, is not ideal;[3] car occupancy is an average of 1.5 passengers rather than four, and bus occupancy goes from nearly full occupancy at rush hour to almost empty at other times.[4]

Minibus and microbus routes have been used to great effect in Oxford England and other cities, often in developing nations, and achieve high levels of occupancy. With greater efficiency and smaller buses, the time between buses can also be reduced. But the key is public participation. The more people turn from private to public transportation, the lower the wait time, and the more expansion of bus routes.

(Fake Latin alert) Proliferatum ad surrealis

Captains of industry:

  • No. 57: Captains of industry boldly wait and see if local businesses become successful, and then proliferate innovation by imitating their business model, forging ahead into a world where all local profits can be first be boldly skimmed at corporate headquarters
  • No. 78: Captains of industry take the lead in retreating from investing in areas of the economy that need assistance, boldly forging ahead into a world where nobody does anything for anyone
  • No. 114: Captains of industry stand bravely alone against the tides and currents of competition, except when they boldly join together in secret price fixing agreements

Right but not correct

Social Services, EPA, legislative constraints on business practice...etc etc etc ad nauseum. Every government agency and then some.

Who is it exactly has the problem with authority? Perhaps, the 'patriots' that whine when the Taxman comes to ask for money for their country?

(Fake Latin alert) "Ad mausoleum" comes after ad nauseum, when we have all been bored to death

Capitalist Cloud Cuckoo Land : Neurotics build castles in the sky. Psychotics live in them. Capitalists float a futures market on the expected returns of rent from them.

A Few Men Good at being Targets : We don't want you on the wall, we get that you don't care much for the parties you don't get invited to, you don't really know much about us, let alone anything "secret", and no one on the side of right need "admit" to anything.

Non-witch's innocence proved by drowning. God be praised. "If we're using a database lacking citizenship information to exclude non-citizens of, you know, one ethnicity or another from voting, you can't blame us if we exclude some citizens of, ahem!, one political party or another, by mistake"

Sure, no problem. And if we were to use this recall order to seek redress and express our feelings about this policy, you couldn't blame us if we removed from power, you know, some Florida governor or his henchmen, by mistake[5][6][7]

Daily Kos Comics
Anarchopedia:Message archive
  1. Manufacturing Climate Solutions – Carbon-Reducing Technologies and U.S. Jobs Center on Globalization, Governance & Competitiveness (CGGC), an affiliate of the Social Science Research Institute at Duke University
  2. Demonstration of Caterpillar C-10 Duel-Fuel Engines in MCI 102DL3 Commuter Buses
  3. Thomas Rubin, in the "free minds and free markets" outlet Reason Foundation, criticized the report as being "far removed from actual “real world” experience." because the average occupancy of buses is so low. But it is Rubin who is not accurately portraying the real world, by using an average value, see main text
  4. Passenger Transport (Fuel Consumption). Hansard. UK House of Commons. URL accessed on 2008-03-25.
  5. Justice Department Orders Florida to Stop Voter Purge Targeting Latino, Democratic Voters
  6. Hispanics, NPAs more likely to face noncitizen voter purge than whites, GOP
  7. Department Of Justice Tells Florida To Stop Purging Voter Rolls