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November 2

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Revision as of 10:38, 28 November 2006 by Beta M (Talk | contribs) (Oaxaca)

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November 2 (aka Debunking Day) is the 2nd day of November.


1811 -- England: Luddite weavers & knitters smash machines in Sutton & Ashfield designed to displace them & destroy their leisurely cottage-industry.

1906 -- US: Emma Goldman pleads not guilty to criminal anarchy charges before the New York City magistrate.

1909 -- US: Industrial Workers of the World free-speech fight, Spokane, Washington. Apparently ignorant laborers have to help American business & corporate interests figure out the meaning of free-speech, democracy, & the Bill of Rights.

1939 -- Canada: Arthur Bortolotti's trial begins. Emma Goldman was active on behalf of anarchists in Spain during the Civil War & on behalf of four men, including Arthur Bortolotti (Anti-Deportation Campaign) & Marcus Joachim, arrested in Toronto for anti-Fascist agitation.

1969 -- Italy: Two-day Congress of the F.A.I, in Carrare. Not surprisingly, differences develop between anarchists & situationists.

1979 -- France: Political bank robber Jacques Mesrine machine-gunned by flics, Paris.

2000 -- Al Grierson, a close friend of Songster Utah Phillips, a singer, storyteller, former Buddhist monk, poet & a member of the Rose Tattoo, is killed in a flash flood accident near his home in Texass.

2005 -- US: Heard the News? Secret American CIA prisons in Europe reported in mainstream media. Part of the US pattern of kidnappings, torture & abuse — surprisingly denied by the Bush junta, & most notably, Secretary of State Condalessa Rice, who states, during a mission to Europe to heal rifts over the US occupation of Iraq, that "the American government does not commit illegal acts."

2006 -- Mexico: The University of Oaxaca was attacked (roughly 9am). The PFP is launching tear gas trying to evacuate it. Radio APPO is at the center of this struggle, inside the university, still broadcasting...

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