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Only Fourteen Worlds Theory

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This article is supposed to be funny. Cheer up! Smile!

The Only Fourteen Worlds Theory was a theory created by Michael Oswell in 2006. The theory was created as a criticism of the many worlds interpretation, and states that, rather than an infinite or otherwise countless number of worlds, there are only 14. The differences between those 14 worlds and our own were outlined by Oswell thus:

1. DrSuperbo is made of wood.

2. Some things are orange which aren't orange in this world.

3. My Bloody Valentine never existed.

4. Butter costs $4 more.

5. The telephone was invented several weeks earlier.

6. Space is slightly grey.

7. Terry Gilliam was named Terrence Gilliam.

8. Marie Antoinette chose a different dress some time.

9. CEOs are ostracized.

10. Screens are 5:4 rather than 4:3.

11. Mikhael Gorbachev has a differently pronounced name.

12. Tom Cruise is a scientist.

13. The name "Germaine" never existed, and Germaine Greer etc. never existed because of it.

14. The bible was differently shaped.


The theory is dismissed by many as nonsense, or a hoax, although very little scientific evidence has been provided to back this up.[1]

It has been noted that the fourteen theorised other worlds, plus our own, makes 15 worlds in total.[2] It has been suggested, therefore, that the name be changed to The Only Fourteen Other Worlds Theory, or The Only Fifteen Worlds Total Theory. [3] M. Oswell, the theorem's original author, has so far not commented publicly on these observations.[4]