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Anarho-individualismul este o forma a [[anarchism|anarhismului]] care arata importanta [[individualism|individului]]. O serie de ganditori anarhisti, cum ar fi [[Josiah Warren]], [[Benjamin Tucker]], [[Lysander Spooner]], [[Max Stirner]], [[Dora Marsden]] sau [[Joseph Labadie]], sunt considerati anarhisti individualisti.
'''Individualist anarchism''' is a variety of [[anarchism]] that emphasises the importance of the [[individualism|individual]].
Lucrarile lor lupta pentru [[soverignity of the individual|suveranitatea fiecarui individ]] in [[life|viata]] personala. Alti asemenea scriitori sunt [[Henry David Thoreau]] si [[John Henry Mackay]].
Several classical anarchist thinkers, such as [[Josiah Warren]], [[Benjamin Tucker]], [[Lysander Spooner]], [[Max Stirner]], [[Dora Marsden]] and [[Joseph Labadie]], are known as individualist anarchists.  
Anarho-individualistii sunt cunoscuti ca parte a traditiei lor de [[anarcho-capitalism|anarho-capitalisti]], pe de alta parte, cativa anarhisti individualisti recunosc o seama de lucrari a anarho-capitalistilor ca parte a traditiei, dar fara a fii de acord cu ele in totalitate.
Their works argue for the [[sovereignty of the individual|sovereignty of each individual]] within their own [[life]]. Other such writers include [[Henry David Thoreau]] and [[John Henry Mackay]].
[[libertarian socialism|Socialistii libertarieni]] insista ca multi din acesti autori, incluzandu-l si pe [[Pierre-Joseph Proudhon]], au respins bazele esentiale ale [[capitalism|capitalismului]], si anume legalitatea proprietatii private (ca fiind in opozitie cu simplul drept de folosinta), in special cu privire la pamant, si plata interesului sau a chiriei.
== Individualist anarchists and private property ==
[[anarcho-capitalism|Anarho-capitalistii]] apreciaza accentul pe care acesti ganditori l-au pus pe drepturile individuale sau libertate, si pe conceptiile bazate pe piata decat pe cele bazate pe [[collectivism|colectivism]]; ei sunt de acord cu [[Frederic Bastiat]] [[Frederic Bastiat/debate with Proudhon|ca un raspuns lui Proudhon]].
Individualist anarchists are claimed as part of their tradition by [[anarcho-capitalism|anarcho-capitalists]], in turn, some individualist anarchists claim some works by anarcho-capitalists as part of their tradition, though without fully adhering to them.
Anarho-capitalistii ar putea de altfel sa gandeasca precum [[Max Stirner]] care este, discutabil, dintre anarhistii individualisti, cel cu orientarea cea mai [[philosophy|filosofica]], a respins ideile lui Proudhon despre proprietate ca un bun colectiv, dar si toate felurile de [[liberalism]] precum si ideea de drept la proprietatea personala ca  o iluzie sau "fantoma", exprimand clar ca nu exista nici un drept divin de a poseda ceva, omul doar are ce are si atat. In viziunea lui Stimer nu exista nici o obligatie [[morality|morala]] legata de proprietate sau orice altceva in ceea ce priveste. Astfel el considera ambele conceptii ale lui Proudhon, "propretatea individuala ca furt"(parafrazat) ''si'' ideea [[libertarianism|libertariana]] de proprietate ca un principiu natural fondat pe [[superstition|superstitii]]. (In acest concept el include explicit toate posesiunile "fara insemnatate" sau "spirituale", vezi si ''[[The Ego and His Own]]''.)
[[libertarian socialism|Libertarian socialists]] insist that many of these authors, after and including [[Pierre-Joseph Proudhon]], rejected essential foundations of [[capitalism]], namely the legalism of private property (as opposed to the mere right to use), particulary with regard to land, and the charging of interest or rent.
[[anarcho-capitalism|Anarcho-capitalists]] appreciate
the emphasis given by these thinkers on individual rights and liberty,
and on market-based approaches rather than [[collectivism]]; they agree
with [[Frederic Bastiat]] in his [[Frederic Bastiat/debate with Proudhon|responses to Proudhon]].
Anarcho-capitalists can think also as well as [[Max Stirner]] who is arguably the most [[philosophy|philosophically]] oriented of these individual anarchists, rejected Proudhon's ideas about property as a collective good, but also rejected all kinds of [[liberalism]] and the idea of rights to personal properties as an illusion or "ghost", clearly stating that there is no divine right to own anything, you only have what you have and that's it. In Stirner's view there are no [[morality|moral]] obligations attached to property, or anything else for that matter. Thus he deems both Proudhon's concept of "individual property as theft" (paraphrased) ''and'' the [[libertarianism|libertarian]] idea of property as a natural principle as founded in [[superstition|superstitious]] beliefs. (In this concept he also explicitly included all "immaterial" or "spiritual" posessions, see ''[[The Ego and His Own]]''.)
== External links ==
* [ Mondo Politico Library's presentation of Wendy McElroy's speech, ''Individualist Anarchism vs. Communist Anarchism and Libertarianism'' (Full text; formatted for easy on-screen reading)]
* [ Individualist anarchist resources]
* [ Wendy McElroy], an Anarcho-Capitalist who claims to be a modern Individualist Anarchist
* [ Robert Anton Wilson], another modern Individualist Anarchist
* [ libertarian socialist views on individualist anarchism]
* []: Philosophical Anarchism
* [ Against Politics]: Individualist Anarchism

Revision as of 22:06, 3 March 2007

Individualist anarchism is a variety of anarchism that emphasises the importance of the individual. Several classical anarchist thinkers, such as Josiah Warren, Benjamin Tucker, Lysander Spooner, Max Stirner, Dora Marsden and Joseph Labadie, are known as individualist anarchists.

Their works argue for the sovereignty of each individual within their own life. Other such writers include Henry David Thoreau and John Henry Mackay.

Individualist anarchists and private property

Individualist anarchists are claimed as part of their tradition by anarcho-capitalists, in turn, some individualist anarchists claim some works by anarcho-capitalists as part of their tradition, though without fully adhering to them.

Libertarian socialists insist that many of these authors, after and including Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, rejected essential foundations of capitalism, namely the legalism of private property (as opposed to the mere right to use), particulary with regard to land, and the charging of interest or rent.

Anarcho-capitalists appreciate the emphasis given by these thinkers on individual rights and liberty, and on market-based approaches rather than collectivism; they agree with Frederic Bastiat in his responses to Proudhon.

Anarcho-capitalists can think also as well as Max Stirner who is arguably the most philosophically oriented of these individual anarchists, rejected Proudhon's ideas about property as a collective good, but also rejected all kinds of liberalism and the idea of rights to personal properties as an illusion or "ghost", clearly stating that there is no divine right to own anything, you only have what you have and that's it. In Stirner's view there are no moral obligations attached to property, or anything else for that matter. Thus he deems both Proudhon's concept of "individual property as theft" (paraphrased) and the libertarian idea of property as a natural principle as founded in superstitious beliefs. (In this concept he also explicitly included all "immaterial" or "spiritual" posessions, see The Ego and His Own.)

External links

This article contains content from Wikipedia. Current versions of the GNU FDL article Anarcho-individualism on WP may contain information useful to the improvement of this article WP