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October 14 is the 14th day of October.


1859 -- France: Ravachol lives (1859-1892), Saint Chamond (the Loire). Anarchist bandit & advocate of "propaganda of deed," the subject of popular myth & song ("La Ravachole, sur l'air de la Carmagnole").

1871 -- Russia: Peter Kropotkin's father dies during this fall. [I don't have exact date — ed.] He refuses a prestigious appointment to the Imperial Geographic Society, instead wanting to travel & learn more about the radical workers' movement. (He travels to Switzerland Feb-May 1872 where he is impressed by the Jura Federation.)

1876 -- France: Jules Bonnot lives. Auto mechanic, vegetarian, tea-totaller, anarchist "illegalist" — the most famous of the "bandits tragiques".

1883 -- US: Two-day founding congress of the International Working People's Association (IWPA; anarchist; precursor of A.I.T.?), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Marks the beginning of the anarchist-trade union movement in the US. Endorses "propaganda by deed".

1899 -- US: Emma Goldman completes a lecture tour, returning to New York City. Under the guise of pursuing a new legal action in Alexander Berkman's case, with Saul Yanofsky of the "Freie Arbeiter Stimme", Emma raises money to support the cost of a trusted comrade, Eric Morton, to begin digging a tunnel for Berkman's prison escape.

1914 -- Tony Gibson lives. British psychologist, BBC producer of programmes on youth groups & social workers, writer & an anarchist. Wrote the science fiction novel, "Breaking In The Future."

1915 -- Brazil: Congresso Internacional da Paz (International Congress for Peace), Rio de Janeiro.

1918 -- US: Jacob Schwartz, a defendant in the Abrams Case, is spared His Honor's mercy.

1920 -- Italy: Demonstrations held in support of the Russian Revolution (opposing the American & European invasions) & also demanding the release of political prisoners in Italy. In Bologna, where Errico Malatesta appears, police open fire on demonstrators, killing several.

1965 -- Raoul Vaneigem completes, this month, "The Revolution of Everyday Life," which he began in 1963. [Exact day not given — ed.]

1982 -- Canada: Direct Action blows up Litton Systems plant in Toronto.

1988 -- Japan: A new Anarchist Federation forms this month; publishes the journal "Free Will" (Jiyû Ishi).

2000 -- England: London Annual Anarchist Bookfair.

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