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* [ Historial judicial de Augusto Pinochet]
* [ Historial judicial de Augusto Pinochet]
[[Category:Activism in the Americas]][[Category:Activism in Latin America]][[Category:Activism in South America]][[Category:Chilean military regime]][[Category:Massacres in Chile]][[Category: Enforced disappearance of persons]][[Category: Deception]][[Category: Politics in 1975]][[Category:Cold War]][[Category:Terrorist incidents in 1975]][[Category:Operation Condor]][[Category:Dirty wars]][[Category:Chile under Augusto Pinochet]][[Category:1975 in Chile]]
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Latest revision as of 00:27, 18 June 2012

The corresponding article, Wikipedia:Operation Colombo is weak, but may someday be improved. This is a partial translation of the spanish language wikipedia article: Operación Colombo

Operation Colombo was an operation mounted by the Directorate of National Intelligence chile n (DINA) in 1975 to cover up the disappearance of 119 political opponents of the military regime, mostly members of the Revolutionary Left Movement ( MIR)

The DINA claimed the murders were the result of internal purges conducted overseas and clashes with security forces, and supported the creation of two false magazines in Brazil and Argentina to support this claim. The magazines published a list of 119 dead political opponents.[1]

One of these fake magazines, titled LEA, was published by Codex Editorial, a dependent of the Argentine Ministry of Welfare, directed by José López Rega, counsellor of Isabel Perón and founder of the Triple A death squad.[2]

File:Operación Colombo La segunda.png
Issue of La Segunda claiming that the MIR were killing each other overseas, while it was later proved that the action known as "Operation Colombo" was executed by the Dirección de Inteligencia Nacional (National Intelligence Directorate / DINA). All victims of Colombo were killed and disappeared in Chile

July 1975[edit]

The name Operation Colombo was the DINA's own, although the it was conducted in conjunction with the CIA's Operation Condor, cooperation between American intelligence services. Criminal responsibility for these events is attributed to the staff of the DINA, and indirectly Augusto Pinochet, the issue is now in the hands of the Chilean courts. Operation Colombo took place at a time when international criticism of Chile was attended by the repeated complaints of violations of human rights at the hands of government agents.

Lo que se imputa a la DINA es haber ideado, junto a los aparatos represivos argentinos y con la complicidad de medios de prensa chilenos (como El Mercurio, La Segunda y La Tercera) una manera de convencer a la opinión pública de la inexistencia de los Detenidos Desaparecidos, atribuyendo sus muertes a rencillas políticas internas, propias de la izquierda, y específicamente del Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR). En ese contexto la prensa chilena reprodujo informaciones publicadas por las revistas Lea, en Argentina, y Novo O'Día, en Brasil, según las cuales estaba esclarecido el paradero de 119 personas. La primera de estas publicaciones informaba acerca del destino de 60 desaparecidos, en tanto la otra, el de los 59 restantes.

The Argentine weekly Lea. with similar disinformation about the program's results: "...About 60 militants Chileans have been eliminated in the last 3 months by their own comrades..."

La reproducción de estas "noticias" en la prensa chilena habría perseguido el propósito de respaldar las posiciones del gobierno: que no había detenidos desaparecidos, sino que las personas buscadas por sus familiares habían huido del país y estaban eliminándose los unos a los otros en el extranjero. En algunos casos, como ocurrió con el vespertino La Segunda, a la reproducción de informaciones se añadió el escarnio, con un titular insultante : "Exterminan como ratas a miristas" (trabajo periodístico cuya responsabilidad profesional se atribuye a Mercedes Garrido, [2] entonces subdirectora del vespertino, quien sigue integrando actualmente el personal del Mercurio). Menos ignominioso, el titular de La Tercera (23 de julio de 1975) indicaba "El MIR ha asesinado a 60 de sus hombres".

Poco tiempo después pudo confirmarse la existencia efímera de las revistas Lea y Novo O'Día, las que desaparecieron tras esta publicación de julio de 1975; no es, pues, infundado pensar que fueron creadas especialmente para la ocasión. La revista Lea habría sido de responsabilidad de una editorial Codex, de propiedad del Estado Argentino. Un periódico de nombre O'Día, en cambio, había existido con anterioridad (en Curitiba, Brasil).

De las 119 personas involucradas en la Operación Colombo, al menos 106 habrían sido vistas al interior de recintos de tortura por otros detenidos que lograron salir con vida.

El 1 de agosto de 1975, el Comité Pro Paz presentó una solicitud a la Corte Suprema para que se designara un Ministro en Visita por las personas detenidas y desaparecidas durante su arresto. Se insistió en saber el paradero de estas personas por los nuevos antecedentes que surgieron por la supuesta información de 119 chilenos muertos en Argentina. Pero esta solicitud fue denegada por el máximo tribunal.

Sergio Diez Urzúa, quien entonces desempeñaba como embajador de Chile ante la ONU, declaró ante la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas que muchas de las desapariciones denunciadas eran falsas, explicando que algunas de ellas correspondían a purgas internas del MIR, que otras personas simplemente no tenían existencia legal o se trataba de gente muerta o exiliada. En marzo de 2004, Diez, quien pertenece a partido político de centro-derecha, declaró :

"Todas las intervenciones que yo hice en Naciones Unidas fueron informaciones que proporcionó el gobierno. Evidentemente, yo no tenía ninguna forma de imponerme. En muchos casos fui yo engañado, fueron los tribunales, fue la opinión pública engañada y es bueno que se investigue".

An article on this subject was deleted on Wikipedia:
Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/
List of MIR (Chile) members assassinated by the Pinochet regime

WP administrators can restore the edit history
of this page upon request

The 119[edit]

List of MIR (Chile) members and others, 119 in all, assassinated by the Pinochet regime

No. date full name age militancy activity
1 27/05/74 Agustín González Eduardo Reyes 23 MIR Artisan
2 04/06/74 Carlos Galvez Luis Cubillos 20 MIR Peddler
3 15/06/74 Ziede Eduardo Humberto Gomez 27 MIR Student of Sociology
4 17/06/74 Fioraso Albano Augustine Chau 23 MIR Professor of Castilian
5 18/06/74 Jorge Enrique Espinoza Mendez 24 MIR College Student
6 25/06/74 Villarroel Bargains Victor Man 18 s / m Worker
7 08/07/74 Acuña Castillo Miguel Angel 18 MIR Student
8 08/07/74 Hector Garay Hermosilla Marci 18 MIR Student
9 10/07/74 Second Henry Romero Toro 28 PC Worker
10 10/07/74 Barbara Gabriela Uribe Tamblay 20 MIR Secretary
11 10/07/74 Edwin Van Yurick Altamirano 20 MIR Seller
12 13/07/74 Jaime Mauricio Lorca Buzzio 21 MIR Student Technician
13 13/07/74 Borgel Alvarado Maria Ines 21 MIR Secretary
14 07/14/74 Contreras Gonzalez Abundio 28 MIR Worker
15 15/07/74 Chacon Olivares Juan Rosendo 29 MIR Veterinarian
16 15/07/74 Elgueta Pinto Martin 21 MIR Student of Economics
17 15/07/74 Lara Eduardo Enrique Petrovich 35 PC Employee IRT
18 15/07/74 Moreno Fuenzalida Rodol Germain 25 MIR Law Student
19 07/15/74 Astudillo Jose Villagra Caupol 40 PC Worker
20 17/07/74 Esteban Marcos Quiñones Lembach 26 MIR Public Employee
21 18/07/74 Pina Reyes Daniel Abraham 24 MIR Hairdresser
22 19/07/74 Pedro Enrique Poblete Cordova 27 MIR Metallurgical Workers
23 07/20/74 July Guajardo Luis Zamorano 22 MIR Student Indu Tec St.
24 07/20/74 Muñoz Andrade Leopold 22 MIR Graduate Industrial Esc
25 23/07/74 Rodolfo Gonzalez Perez Valencia 19 s / m Military Service Fach
26 25/07/74 Juan Ernesto Ibarra Toledo 21 MIR Student Social Service
27 25/07/74 Osvaldo Nunez Ramon Espinoza 20 MIR Student
28 26/07/74 Dario Ismael Chavez Lobos 22 MIR Public Works Employee
29 27/07/74 Jorge Alejandro Olivares Graindorge 23 MIR Gardener
30 07/29/74 Zachariah Muñoz Antonio Machuca 22 MIR Technical Graduate Topographic
31 30/07/74 Eduardo Enrique Alarcón Jara 49 MIR Bricklayer
32 30/07/74 Bow Tie Cross Ofelio 43 PS / MIR Carpenter
33 31/07/74 Rene Alfonso Chanfreau Oyarce 23 MIR Student of Philosophy
34 01/08/74 Montecinos Sebastian Sergio Alfaro 28 PS Sastre and auditor
35 05/08/74 Jorquera Encina Mauritius 19 MIR Student
36 06/08/74 Angelica Maria Andreoli Bravo 27 MIR Secretary
37 08/06/74 Muriel Dockendorff Navarrete 22 MIR Student of Economics
38 15/08/74 Mirror Rodolfo Alejandro Gomez 18 PS High School Student
39 08/15/74 Gregorio Antonio Farias Gaete 24 PS Worker
40 15/08/74 Hernan Gonzalez Inostroza Galo 27 MIR Employee particularly
41 08/15/74 Maria Elena Gonzalez Inostroza 22 MIR Professor
42 16/08/74 Carlos Eladio Morales Salcedo 21 MIR Dealers
43 17/08/74 Cabezas Antonio Sergio Quijada 29 PS Controller
44 21/08/74 Daniel Arevalo Victor Munoz 26 PC Fruit Seller
45 22/08/74 Alberto Arias Vladimir Vega 19 PC Mechanic radiators
46 22/08/74 Garido Theobald Antonio Tello 25 MIR Photographer
47 22/08/74 Modesto Espinoza Second Pozo 32 MIR Rondín
48 23/08/74 Arturo Aguilera Stalin Penaloza 41 PC Master Painter
49 24/08/74 Maturana Perez Juan Bautista 29 PC Dealers
50 24/08/74 Olmos Guzman Gary Nelson 34 s / m Artisan footwear
51 26/08/74 Bravo Francisco Javier Nunez 24 MIR Auto Mechanic
52 27/08/74 Binfa Jacqueline Contreras 28 MIR Social Worker
53 28/08/74 Antonio Arturo Barria Araneda 38 PC Professor
54 29/08/74 Violeta del Carmen Diaz Lopez 40 MIR Secretary
55 05/09/74 Sonia Reyes of Bustos Mercedes 30 PDC Cashier
56 06/09/74 Chaer Robert Vasquez 21 MIR Employee particularly
57 06/09/74 Llanca Iturra Monica Chyslaine 23 MIR Employee Cabinet
58 06/09/74 Chaparro Edgardo Morales 38 PS Worker
59 07/09/74 Aedo Carrasco Francisco Eduardo 63 PS / MIR Professor of Architecture
60 07/09/74 Retamales Briceño Asrael Leone 44 s / m Mechanic free show
61 10/09/74 Carlos Perez Freddy Vargas 25 MIR Advertiser
62 13/09/74 Jara Castro Jose Hipolito 24 MIR Graduate Chemistry and Pharmacy
63 14/09/74 De Castro Bernardo Lopez 36 MIR Advertiser Cartoonist
64 14/09/74 Rivas Luis Eduardo Duran 29 MAPU / MIR Student Journalism
65 14/09/74 Lagos Sergio Hernan Hidalgo 30 MAPU / MIR Employee particularly
66 14/09/74 Merino Pedro Juan Molina 20 PC Tailor
67 16/09/74 Mario Diaz Carrasco Edrulfo 18 S / m Student Accounting
68 16/09/74 Palomino Second Vicente Benitez 30 MIR Professor of Chemistry
69 16/09/74 Hector Tapia Zúñiga Cayetano 27 MIR Student of Chemistry and Pharmacy
70 17/09/74 Manuel Jesus Villalobos Diaz 22 MIR Seller
71 17/09/74 Nestor Alfonso Gallardo Aguero 24 MIR Counter
72 20/09/74 Alfredo Carlos Gajardo Wolff 34 MIR Architect
73 20/09/74 Sources Riquelme Luis Fernando 23 MIR College Student
74 23/09/74 Maria Cristina Lopez Stewart 22 MIR Student of History
75 25/09/74 Mario Eduardo Tapia Calderón 31 MIR Journalist
76 25/09/74 Argomedo Ariel Martin Salinas 26 MIR Student of Sociology
77 03/10/74 Antequera Andronicos Jorge Eli 24 MIR Student
78 04/10/74 Andronicos Juan Carlos Antequera 23 MIR Student
79 07/10/74 Eduardo Miranda Francis Wolves 27 MIR Surveyor
80 24/10/74 Eugenia Martinez Hernandez Del 25 MIR Textile Workers
81 30/10/74 Droully Yurich Jacqueline Paul 24 MIR Social Worker
82 10/31/74 Jorge Humberto D'Orival Briceño 26 MIR Veterinarians
83 31/10/74 Eytel Marcelo Eduardo Salinas 31 MIR Technical radio and tv
84 11/16/74 Sergio Reyes Alfonso Navarrete 26 MIR Graduated in economics
85 17/11/74 Saviors Cecilia Castro Ga 23 MIR Law Student
86 19/11/74 Pizarro Meniconi Isidro Migue 21 MIR Technical typewriter
87 25/11/74 Ruben Padilla David Arroyo 29 MIR Artisan
88 26/11/74 Peralta Claudio Silva Guiller 23 MIR Student of Biology
89 27/11/74 Guillermo Silva Fernando Camus 61 MIR Interior Decorator
90 27/11/74 From Goyeneche Felix Jara 24 MIR Student of pedagogy
91 29/11/74 Well Cifuentes Carmen Cecilia 24 MIR Filmmaker
92 07/12/74 Jaime Luis Rojas Palominos 23 MIR Student
93 08/12/74 Cid Urrutia Washington 25 MIR Student of pedagogy
94 09/12/74 Cereceda Maria Bustillos Teres 25 MIR Student social service
95 09/12/74 Mario Fernando Peña Solari 21 MIR Student of Architecture
96 09/12/74 Adele Silvia Neira Marta Muñoz 29 MIR Employee particularly
97 10/12/74 Nilda Patricia Peña Solari 23 MIR Student of Biology
98 10/12/74 Gerardo Silva Ernesto Saldivar 23 MIR Student statistical
99 12/12/74 Maria Teresa Contreras Eltit 22 MIR Student secretarial
100 12/12/74 Jorge Eduardo Ortiz Moraga 20 MIR Medical Student
101 12/12/74 Radrigan Osvaldo Piazza Anselmo 25 MIR College Student
102 13/12/74 Antonio Jorge Herrera Chest 18 MIR middle school student
103 14/12/74 Ramon Isidro Labrador Urrutia 24 MIR Dealers
104 20/12/74 Mary Elizabeth Petersen Joui 19 MIR Student of Economics
105 31/12/74 Jaime Robotham Eugenio Bravo 23 PS Student of Sociology
106 01/01/75 Martinez Agustin Meza Alamiro 27 MIR Mechanical Engineer
107 02/01/75 Marchant Villaseca Rodolfo 29 PS Air Conditioning Technician
108 06/01/75 Jilberto Patricio Urbina Chamorro 25 MIR Medical Student
109 07/01/75 Claudio Contreras Hernandez 27 MIR Civil Constructor
110 07/01/75 Sandoval Rodríguez M. Angel 26 MIR Tailor
111 10/01/75 July Fidel Perez Flores 22 MIR UTE Student Antofagasta
112 18/01/75 Alfredo Gabriel Garcia Vega 30 MIR Valparaiso University Professor
113 29/01/75 Molina J. Mogollon Enrique 29 MIR Employee
114 07/02/75 Ugaz Rodrigo Eduardo Morales 22 MIR Self-employed
115 13/02/75 Enrique Vasquez Jaime Saenz 27 MIR Student of civil construction
116 14/02/75 Joo Manuel Cortes Edgardo Del 28 MIR Counter
117 14/02/75 Hugo Daniel Videla Rios 21 MIR Student Ute
118 14/02/75 René Acuña Roberto Reyes 22 MIR College Student
119 20/02/75 Juan Carlos Perelman Ide 31 MIR Chemical Engineer
This list was taken from Annex No. 1 of the book The Big Lie The case of the 119 lists of CODEPU </ small>

Trial processes[edit]


Chile's former military ruler, Augusto Pinochet, was placed under house arrest in connection with the kidnapping of at least three dissidents by the former military ruler's security services.

The Minister requested the impeachment of Augusto Pinochet, which was granted on July 6, 2005 by the Santiago Appeals Court and confirmed by the Supreme Court on September 14.

Judge Juan Guzmán Tapia asked the Chilean justice to lift Pinochet's immunity after having accumulated proof that he had ordered the DINA to undertake this operation.

In September 2005, the Chilean Supreme Court decided to lift Pinochet's immunity on this case, charging judge Victor Montiglio of the investigations. In November 2005, prosecutors said that specialists appointed by the court in the Operation Colombo case had concluded that while he suffered from mild dementia, he was fit enough to stand trial. He was granted bail in December.

On this occasion, Pinochet met DINA head Manuel Contreras, who held him as responsible of the DINA and, therefore, of operation Colombo, for which both men may be jailed. Raúl Iturriaga, the vice-director of the DINA, has also been indicted in this case.

In December 2005 it was found that Pinochet was found fit to stand trial and bail was granted him. However Pinochet died December 10, 2006.


27th of May 27 2008, Montiglio Minister processed and issued arrest warrants for 98 involved in the crimes, including members of the armed forces. Wednesday September 2, 2009 many cases of former torturers were reopened.

Further reading[edit]


  1. [1] CNN World article, August, 2008
  2. La Gran Mentira - El caso de las "Listas de los 119" (capitulo 7), published by Equipo Nizkor (Spanish)

External links[edit]