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[[Category:Artists|Fontseré, Carles]]
[[Category:Anarchists|Fontseré, Carles]]

Latest revision as of 09:07, 13 July 2009

Carles Fontseré (1916 March 9 — 2007) was one of the important Catalan anarchist poster artists of the Spanish Revolution.

Catalan artist loyal to the memory of revolutionary Spain, Fontseré produced many of the best-known & inspiring posters of the Spanish Civil War.

Fontseréʼs greatest achievements, both inspired by the anarchist flame, came at the start & the end of his life. He was the youngest — & the last survivor — of the revolutionary poster artists of 1936. More recently, he published three volumes of autobiography, Memòries d'un cartellista català (Memoirs of a Catalan Poster Artist, 1995), Un exiliat de tercera (A Third-Class Exile) & París, Mèxic, Nova York (both 2004). These long, excellently written books are detailed, historically researched accounts of his Civil War & exile experience.

External links[edit]