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social movement of liberation

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The Days That Will Bring Capitalism Down And How to Change the World in Few Days

Capitalism destroys everything except profit. Capitalism destroys nature, beauty and true pleasure. Capitalism must go and go fast, this system must end, and it must be finished, terminated and got rid of as soon as we can. Where there is capitalism (now everywhere) there is no real life, but the despair of survival and the boring monotony of wage earning, i.e., boring existence.

Where there is capitalism there is war, class war plus others, where there is capitalism there will never be freedom but one big global prison village. Capitalism is the enemy of humanity and life, capitalism is the enemy of planets and stars. We must stop it and get rid of it and the sooner the better for all.

Let’s together destroy capitalism and replace it with anarchy, let’s finish off capitalism before it finishes us and before it totally destroys the planet and nature which without life could no longer exist. Let’s dismantle this bloody and sweaty system as fast as we can, before it ruins what little still remains. Let’s destroy this system and all others, which kill all that is good and everything which is worth living for and leaving behind it only devastation, misery and hardship for most of us.

The drums of revolution are beating, and the march to liberation has begun, you are welcome to join the emancipation. Capitalism is a system of mental illnesses all of which are also curable. Capitalism is a sick system for the profit of the sick rich thus turning all of us sick too. Not for me thanks. Capital and the state system exist solely to enslave and control us as everything else. There will not be a genuine happiness to no one as long as capitalism lasts.

Capitalists will be taught a lesson, not to mess with humanity any longer, anarchy will turn things upside down and sideways, equipped with an anti-political economy, by equalization between the rich and poor and the math here is simple and quite strait forward.

Authoritarian communism as all the left was defeated and dismantled, capitalism is to follow next. The USA a will go first as the USSR did before it. After the fall of America the rest of the states will follow as the domino affect shows. Capitalism will disappear from the face of the planet, and no traces of it will remains but what is necessary for reminding the generations to come.

Welcome to the post-capitalist era. Never again will humanity use money, property and labor to exist, never again will it create social classes and never again there will be rich people or poor people or masters and servants. Never again a state will be built since capital dies and will be buried with all the religions and social democracy.

No one will ever be able to control or punish us because we will be the masters of our own destiny and us alone. Only we will decide what we want and how to do it, without a party or any sort of organization. Capitalism as authoritarian communism are things of the past; abhorred and rejected they will totally vanish from human history, never repeated for ever.

Wages and money will be ceremonially burned to symbolize the end of profit and capital accumulation. Capitalists will not be allowed to continue to operate, the fiscal banks distributed and hierarchically dismantled. The revolution will take its place and pace, and a new form of living will be created on the ruins of the state, capital, religion and ideology.

The revolution will come to stay, anarchy will be created and a new social meta-structure manifested. You cannot by pass the revolution but it can by pass you, so you either join the revolution or become the guard dog of the establishment and the right wing reactionaries and neo-fascists.

Power will be dismantled in all its forms and shape and content, nothing will remain of it but its history. Without power positions of power cannot be taken, all are equal and free from capital and its police. Free from our ugly history and a new page of changing the world will be written, without business and laws and without authority and poverty, just anarchy for all and for each.

The rich and the leaders will have to learn on how to live with us and not the other way, to live on us; they will have to learn how to live with the rest of humanity, unexploited and un-oppressed. The poor will have to learn on how to live freely and creatively and without any form of authority.

All capitalist structures and infra-structures will immediately terminated and destroyed so we can build instead the anarchic society and a restored natural world, any less than this is capitalism as we see it and experience it today. Work will become obsolete; money will become a relic item in the museums for us to see and remember and to remind the generations to come about the catastrophes capitalism that it has caused to nearly all of the people of the planet and nearly all of the time.

The end of the state and the capitalist system is near, that is why these hysterical measures are taken at present, an attempt to postpone the unavoidable end. Post-capitalist post-production is our anarchic task, abundance for all and everywhere, an anarchic society without discrimination and domination where every one lives freely and independently. The economy has destroyed the planet and its people, the state rules violently and dictatorially in the name of democracy and the capitalist market, the left is dead and gone, and now the right at last is dying, the quicker the better.

Only anarchists will remain intact, and they with the people will create the revolution that will save humanity from its past and the treacherous present, showing the way to freedom and actual liberation. Anarchists need the masses as the masses need the anarchists; alone they only prolong the dying corps of capitalism.

A revolution created by the people and anarchists, made without an ideology, party or organization, without parliament, state and governments, just a revolution to change humanity and the globe. We want to live in a society without businessmen and politicians and laws, just a revolutionary transformation of life and the world, to a better and more humane existence. This is the century of anarchy and the fall of capitalism; let’s celebrate this monumental event with the anarchic slogan, that no one is free until all are free.