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it is not natural to eat meat

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  1. Archaeological evidence of diet in human ancestors points to a largely vegetarian diet
    1. Intestine Length and Structure
    2. Stomach Acid PH
    3. Lack of claws and long teeth
  2. Absorption of nutrients in our intestine points to a largely frugivorous diet
  3. Convention does not justify ongoing societal support.
    1. Our species has the abilty to direct the development of society towards healthier, less painful and more environmentally and economically sustainable directions. Examples of reforms in the past include changes in the status of slaves, women, violence, hierarchy and wealth distribution, justice.
    2. Naturalistic Fallacy is a scientific principle which requires that we not draw moral lessons from natural situations. Past behaviour of humans does not make immoral behaviour legitimate. Moral decisions must be taken against a moral framework, constructed through philosophy.
  4. Through simple observation, we can see that people can survive on diets ranging from strict vegan diets, to omnivorous diets. Just because it is naturally possible for humans to survive on a diet that includes some meat, doesn't mean that humans should eat meat. Humans can live healthy lives on a vegan diet; being vegan isn't "more natural" than eating meat either, but it is a more environmentally sustainable and more humane lifestyle choice.


  1. Meat comes irregularly in large quantities, and drives our species to be social
  2. What about Canine Teeth

References for the Arguments[edit]

References for the Objections[edit]

See also[edit]

This article is based on a GNU FDL Vegan Wikia article: It_is_'Natural'_to_eat_Meat Veg