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User:Rev 22
From Anarchopedia
Contact information
Jabber | |
via Anarchopedia | |
retroshare | use my retroshare invite |
other contact information (e-mail, home address, phone no.) available on request.
- #anarchopedia @
Multilicensing: in addition to the default license of this website (GNU FDL), I additionally release all my contributions until now (October 2007) with the following licenses (you can choose):
- the Copyzero license
- CC-by-sa (Creative Commons, attribution and share-alike)
- CC-nc-by-sa (Creative Commons, non-commercial, attribution and share-alike)
- with the following anti-license notice:
- You are invited to copy, modify, distribute this or any derived Work, keeping this note and references to the Authors, provided that the access to the Work in original or derived form is not restricted.
This should make it easier to share content with other copyleft projects
(other) projects
- WikiShare: distributed protocol for wiki and file sharing (early development)
You have been invited to join the retroshare community by: Rev 22 Retroshare is a Friend-2-Friend network that enables you to communicate securely and privately with your friends. You can use it for chat, messages, channels, and file-sharing. Download it from: Thanks, Rev 22, DrBob and the RetroShare Team! The following is the public key needed to join me in the network. -----BEGIN XPGP CERTIFICATE----- MIICqwIBADCCAUkCAQAwHhcNMDcwNjA5MjMwNjAzWhcNMTIwNjA3MjMwNjAzWjCC ASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBALvvTvSK3TFh4zdoq2cgbKIO FoPyd3DgLwyhXvjm9fiwhpRAjj2noDsjJgUc+aKlJGb5Z0jOFGBXp/igXR6UnUED ttF5t3BRx+5MhLNWM5WagfiNP0eXS0vQAjrZqPfHC9f/Q3TtXcS9pTCZ7nPpALlX BiD58UYsyd6l+tQPJZ06v2HrdADx/RdifUnn72lXkVN30+qqAHXGN+NBnUBSpmFT 2NhDOACAqLiuVMOKhSGsSA6Y5sCancMT5H8z4RZSCOPR9i346bj1BsStyrPYoMtO klLUIFo6VDNLalQoFNNDW9HlF57cl2FJWXrMB8D7ys0mxcDDP5k1HHiR1S6in68C AwEAATATMBExDzANBgNVBAMTBlJldiAyMjCCAUIwggE+AgEAAgEBFw0wNzA2MDky MzA2MDNaMBExDzANBgNVBAMTBlJldiAyMgQAMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAA4IBAQAQ K4cTS4qJP70DV46TCKVMkBY79EaWYPgnrY2VgeUSMNMi/rGshuIejtWxM0bPnnWc RpQ8nJFsn0rliwi+LflbB1N2tDVMaOJ+AfiQiZS/COkBXWs7az4xaWn0ObQNnABy yIgt9pPKYLVa0g7ZzM6HTA9XW1wZ+XAdXwX4sJRae7TXc2cHwEjLeEZ3d/X3Ut82 RFf/GdIHDK7Iijh+xGb2xrFmEhNJWgRvKZ8iok+qou0crZxTYsHHL1MNumGLlcTD yovqiOpanu+lGfNO4i9y1ToZZRtv3qeRz9+Yva7rlbSsSUAV78KxKp/9NXg2CU50 5RTfOU1ekAqvXnENQpLZ -----END XPGP CERTIFICATE-----