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User talk:Weapon

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eco-anarchism and green anarchism

Hi, i just want to say that i don't really agree with the move of green anarchism into eco-anarchism. They are related, but hardly one of the same. Animal lib for example is a large part of green anarchism, but isn't really eco-anarchist (although it is eco-anarchist friendly), on the other hand there are things in eco-anarchism which aren't green anarchist.  ~ User:Beta_M (VolodyA! V Anarhist) Talk 2008 July 11 11:38 (UTC)

non-proper nouns

Also, can you please explain your rationale for Capital Letters For Non-Proper Nouns in the articles. I understand the reason why Wikipedia does that, it has to do with the historical problem with MediaWiki software, but we don't have that. Personally i think that there's no reason why non-proper nouns should be capitalised, but i'm open to the discussion.  ~ User:Beta_M (VolodyA! V Anarhist) Talk 2008 July 11 12:22 (UTC)

General Meeting

Fellow Anarchopedians,

As many of you know there are a lot of issues which Anarchopedia collective as the whole needs to decide on, and we have not had a general meeting for quite some time leaving those issues hanging in the air. Previous general meetings have taken place on IRC channel with the notes and decisions being available later on through Anarchopedia itself, this time as the collective has grown significantly we ask the people to put their proposals and problems down in writing ahead of time on the Fourth General Meeting page on meta. Please also express your preference on the date and time when the meeting should take place, when you will be able to attend (please ensure to have working IRC before that date).

General meeting is an integral part of the decision making process on Anarchopedia where it is possible to resolve internal conflicts within the organisation. At the same time it is not a place for personal attacks, so you do not need to worry about expressing your thoughts (do be prepared to be challanged on the basis of your position, however). It is important for as many active members to take place in this as possible, in order to ensure that internal hierarchies do not develop within our group.

In solidarity, VolodyA! V Anarhist

Translated by: (No translation necessary)


Thank you for protecting my talk page! --Blackhood 00:06, 22 October 2008 (UTC)

It was just a test after mediawiki update from 1.11 to 1.14a you can merge it, delete it, as you want :) Esperanza

List of Left-Wing articles critical of Obama

Thanks for the appreciation--Darrelljon 17:10, 26 December 2008 (UTC)