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Jihadi tourism

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Jihadi tourism

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Jihadi tourism, also referred to as Jihad tourism or Jihadist tourism, is travel to foreign destinations with the object of scouting for terrorist training.[1] US Wikipedia:diplomatic cables made public by WikiLeaks (WP) have raised concerns about this form of travel.[2] Within intelligence circles, the term is also sometimes applied dismissively to travellers who are assumed to be seeking contact with extremist groups mainly out of curiosity.[3]

"Jihadi tourism" and similar terms are also used to describe tourism involving scenes of conflict between Wikipedia:Muslims and non-Muslims, or to exhibitions displaying artifacts and images of such struggles.

British police characterized a visit to Wikipedia:Pakistan by homegrown terrorists, Wikipedia:Mohammad Sidique Khan and Wikipedia:Shehzad Tanweer, as Wikipedia:jihadi tourism, and doubted that they were actual terrorists. Sidique Khan and Tanweer were reported to have met Wikipedia:Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi, one of Wikipedia:al-Qaeda’s most experienced commanders, in November 2004, when he tasked them to plan an attack in Wikipedia:England.[4] Khan and Tanweer were later two of the four suicide bombers in the Wikipedia:7 July 2005 London bombings.[3]

Wikipedia:Neoconservative author Wikipedia:Laurent Murawiec has alleged that wealthy young men from Wikipedia:Saudi Arabia have travelled to Wikipedia:Afghanistan and Wikipedia:Pakistan for jihadi tourism.[5]

The Al-Quds Mosque in Wikipedia:Hamburg, where Wikipedia:Mohamed Atta often prayed,[6] became a hub for jihadi tourism prior to its closure, as Islamic militants gathered to meet those with connections to Wikipedia:terrorist organizations in Afghanistan.[7][8][9]

It was discovered by German authorities that 10 of the mosque's members had travelled to the border region of Wikipedia:Pakistan and Afghanistan.[10]

In 2010, the mosque was closed by German security officials following suspicions that the mosque was again being used as a meeting place for Islamic extremists.[11][12] [13]

US diplomatic cables made public by WikiLeaks have alleged that British and American citizens are travelling to Wikipedia:Somalia to undergo training for Wikipedia:terrorist attacks in the UK.[14][15][16]

Wikipedia:Hezbollah owns a 60,000-square-metre tourism complex on a mountain top near the village of Mleeta (Mlita), Wikipedia:Lebanon. This permanent exhibition, named Tourist Landmark of the Resistance, is by far the largest of its kind. Its centrepiece is a winding pathway displaying items related to Wikipedia:Hezbollah's fight against Wikipedia:Israel during the occupation. The park, opened in May, 2010, displays artillery shells and mockups with mannequin Hezbollah fighters.[17]

The inauguration of the museum was attended by Noam Chomsky, and representatives of the president and prime minister of Lebanon.[18]

Many news stories concerning the opening of this museum have called it an example of "Jihadi tourism," but with no suggestion that terrorist training can be obtained there.

See also[edit]


  1. 'Pakistanis are posing as Indians to escape discrimination' - Times Of India
  2. "WikiLeaks: "Jihadi Tourism" Worries U.S., U.K." (CBS News) December 13, 2010)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Gardham, Duncan (23 February 2011). "7/7 inquests: MI5 had chance to identify July 7 leader". The Telegraph. Retrieved 26 April 2011. </li>
  4. New York Police Department, “Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat,” (2007). Available on-line:, p. 48.
  5. Laurent Murawiec (25 October 2005). Princes of darkness: the Saudi assault on the West, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
  6. German Authorities Raid Islamic Groups in 3 States -
  7. Will Closing Hamburg Mosque End City's Jihadist Threat? - TIME
  8. Germany Declares War on Islam?
  9. German Authorities Raid Islamic Groups in 3 States -
  10. Closure of Taiba Mosque: Hamburg Hate Preachers Lose Their Home - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
  11. 9/11 Mosque Continued To Produce Jihadis - ABC News
  12. BBC News - Germany shuts 9/11 plotters' mosque in Hamburg
  13. 9/11 Terror Mosque Shut: Hamburg Officials Raid Alleged Islamist Recruiting Site - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
  14. British Muslims travelling to Somalia for jihadi tourism: Wikileaks
  15. WikiLeaks cables: British Muslims travelling to Somalia for 'jihadi tourism' - Telegraph
  16. WikiLeaks: "Jihadi Tourism" Worries U.S., U.K. - World Watch - CBS News
  17. Jihadi Tourism Hits Lebanon -
  18. A Confident Hezbollah Promotes Itself Through 'Jihadi Tourism' -
  19. </ol>

External links[edit]