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Capitalism Is Theft

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An Urgent Message To All Revolutionary Anarchists

The revolution is coming, it is on its way, the people are beginning to wish and wait for it. This time it is going to happen, unlike before this revolution will succeed. The next revolution is going to bring down capitalism and its states. It will be the end to all hierarchies and authority, at last anarchy will prevail.

It is always those who have nothing at all that create something whilst those who have everything do nothing but exploit and profit. All the people on earth are very miserable and very unhappy and the rich can never be happy in a very unhappy world. But the rich don’t seek happiness which they know that can never get so instead they seek power and control and privilege. The poor of the world (85%) seek mere physical survival, and things are not going well, survival is getting harder and harder to sustain.

The anarchic revolution moves only forward, one directional process, never stops and never retreats, it is progress in action, the process of liberation of humanity for the first time. There is a limit to how long capitalism and the state can last, the final stage of the system is near, capital and the state will disappear very soon and the final empire will fall.

The anarchic revolution is the natural continuation during and after the death of capital and the state. The anarchic society will replace the capitalist society and instead of money, class and authority, we will have a real material freedom, abundance for all and mass happiness.

Capitalism is not going to last forever, it is going to collapse on its own accord, and it is an inevitable process of irresolvable contradictions, capitalism is on its knees begging for more time. We are prepared and ready to bring the final blow and knockout capitalism of the historical arena and build in its place a humane and just anarchic society and create a healthy planet and a healthy humanity. Anarchy will guarantee the continuous survival and existence of a free and equal human race for a very long time.

Why is the revolution coming[edit]

  1. The dialectical process is a dead end process, the mother of all contradictions.
  2. The submissiveness of the masses and the fear of knowledge.
  3. The chronic weakness of the left.
  4. The slow development of the anarchic movement.

The capitalist nation-state, system must fall soon and disappear forever. During the collapse of the system an anarchic alternative will be built. The capitalist nation-state will be replaced by anarchy and an anarchic society.

The people of the world will eventually rebel, they have no other choice. They are not ready yet but soon they well rise in their might, the social revolution will happen when the people are ready for it want it.

So we have to continue in our multi-leveled activity and clandestine operation until the people are emancipated and participating in the making of the Anarcho-social revolution in the world. Without peoples emancipation there will not be a revolution ever. People must start independently think before they can think of revolting.

The anarchists intervention in the social matrix and it subversion brings the revolutionary momentum nearer in the future.

Anarchist action never cease, the anarchist is always in action, subverting everything s/he touches in a semi-secret total operation.

Gradually all the seven billion people of the world will turn anarchists and live in an anarchic “civilization”, the first anarchic planet will appear and it will last for thousands of years. When the majority of the people become conscious that’s when the revolution begins, emancipation is a must.

There is not one justification for the contiguous existence of capitalism and its nation-state. There time is over, now its tome for anarchy. There is no one reason why this system must be allowed to exist even a minute longer. It is a criminal system based on subhuman foundation, the capitalist authority foundation, this must be destroyed.

The capitalist system is a brutal and a vicious system designed for the exploitation and oppression of the people and the planet. It must go and very quickly before it causes more harm and irreversible damage. Most of the people of earth, more than 95% of the world population suffer daily and directly from capitalism and its states. This antihuman modern salve system must be stopped and dismantled and its masters fired, and in its place will build healthy equal and happy anarchic society. This will be achieved through an unarmed social revolution.

We will live instead in an anarchic society without capital and the rich and without the police and the army and the politicians, all these are negative relics of the past and must be put to where they belong to, the sewer of history.

All I know is that the revolution is coming our way lets reclaim it.

Spartacus anarchus