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co-opting of student syndicalism
As with the case of its ideological involvement in the usurpation of labor organization by the state (especially the fascist, integralist, Nazi, falangist and synarchist regimes), national syndicalism has posed a challenge of the state to any possibility of anarchist or anarchic campaigns for students as well.
national syndicalism of the student knowledgeforce can happen when students' unions are not only given state recognition, but are embraced by the state, both in flowery word and compassionate deed, as a means towards the crushing of academic and intellectual freedom and expression on the campus; the end goal of the state's usurpation of the student knowledgeforce is to find a large pool of willing, useful tools to be used toward the accomplishment of a corporately-supported, militarily-driven state with authoritarian tendencies. The only direct action that would be utilized by the student unions at this point would be directed against fellow students and others.
A similar, and probably much more common, idea of such usurpation is corporate syndicalism of the students' unions, which could easily happen when the corporations come onto the campus and stake out either a piece or the entirety of the territory of knowledge produced and gained by the student knowledgeforce; students' unions can often be more than happy to become mere extensions of these corporations. The dynamics are different with corporate syndicalism in that there are different criteria for making oneself a target of repression efforts, vigilante-driven or concerted, but the authoritarianism is still present.
An anarcho-syndicalist would advocate against such an usurpation of student syndicalism by the authoritarian state and would favor a less-stratified structure of the students' union that is less prone to a potential total takeover by state interests.