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The War and Native American Genocide

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The following is an essay written by an anonymous individual.

I have no idea what People know of Canada, but if you're Native American, the same rules don't apply to us. Especially off Reserve. Off Reserve we have no Rights, and not even under the Human Rights of Canada. We have no Human Right to protect us. They do not apply to Native American People. Believe me I have many friends, that could go to War, and get Work; the Government will find money to give people jobs for that.

But I would say that we sacrifice our own for Corporate business in the world. Canada is in Afganistan, while heroin Wars have been going on there for hundreds of years. Now for some reason our streets are overloaded with heroine, co-incidence? And Government will pay for access to those drugs, and the government is the ones who pays to drug our teens. Young Adults are so poor that to get food they sell them on the streets.

I worked most of my life. I did come from poverty, so began work at 6, I am the 7th Child so my brothers and sisters showed me how. I helped my mother feed us, we all did. anything I owned in my Life I got it myself from that age. ... Also no way to buy any fresh foods for a whole month, and my son also needs food. I can go 4 plus days without food, that is not a problem, and I don't ever feel hungry anymore. Only problem is when I really need food, I am in so much pain. That is the only way I feel hunger now, is through severe pain.

My family helps, my son, has a wife and 2 kids, my daughter is in university, and students live on meger allowances. I have brothers and sisters, only at times they are like strangers, as I was taken by the Government at the age of 11. But I am trying to get to know them. This hunting trip is one of those times, even if it is very short.

We are paying such a heavy price for being at war. Social Rights are seen as not important. Because of course why should we complain when others in the world are dying? Majority of People in Canada are oppressed, working from Pay check to pay check, get sick and see what kind of poverty they will fall into. Everyone is one pay check away from it themselves. Mind you all these things should be no surprise as Canada Voted against Indigenous People's Rights. ...

Well honestly I had a hard day, about my dog Dying. I am glad that he is at rest. I only have 4 days to go till a proper meal. That is not long at all. And I know anytime after the 7th of the month I am a bit dysfunctional. I am aware of it.

I can Imagine what People who already have conflict, like in your part of the world, and Sanctions being imposed on them? (Which means cutting off their food supply) That is not Logical, unless People really want problems. So maybe those who impose the Sanctions are really saying bring on the conflicts, and then we will blame you for it. Which is not really Logical. Unless they are looking to Persecute and keep that persecution going. Old war Tactics that Are barbaric, also used on Native Americans. Western Canada is even much worse for Natives than on the East Coast. I can't even imagine that. But it is True. Each person, Native having to work so hard for Justice and not to be burned up with Hate in the process. Although they may have reason to hate what is done to them. Our Elders say we have to have higher standards than those who persecute us. And not do it back. Some do, some don't. Takes a strong Person to see past being hated just for the Color of your skin. And Yet I still do not believe in Violence against my enemy.

I know Jewsih People all complained, and that worked for them. Only they got compensation for their Trauma. My People don't share so often their stories. And I realized it was Pride. I knew I had to share my Truth. And even the Truth that it is even harder for the Teens around here. I hope there is Hope for them. ...

Our women disapear, all our stories are word of mouth. One woman where there is a high string of female Native Murders, escaped, and it was the Police doing it. Some of our women are stronger than men, thankfully. This one was. Yet the White man's word is Taken before ours.

Enough of this. I answered only because you were very respectful and asked. I don't dwell on it every day. But each month I do break down. I am learning to absorb Solar energy, and even the pain stays away. And I found that solution online. Even Medical knowledge, with the Medical industry, one is much safer to research natural health options themselves.

Thank Goodness I do have the Internet, because I get pictures of my grandchildren, and I get a Chance to Share my Story. That is very valuable because as you say, so many don't even have that voice, because they could not afford the access to it. At first I would say nothing, I was very proud. But I know that is why things don't change, because People are too proud to share their truth. That is why it is so important I share my story. For those who cannot.

Did People think Canada treats it's native People right? Animals have more rights than we do. Surprised that People are not aware. I suppose you have not heard of our Residential school either being on the other side of the world, I imagine it is not common knowledge. An embarrassment for Canada. I have relatives that lived through it, and live today. With stories equal to the Holocaust. Babies sired with priests then Sacrificed in front of them. To find their dead babies under the ice on the lake. And beaten until they stopped speaking their own language. Not so pretty. and that is only a small part of the Horrors.

It is just as embarrassing for me to share my situation. Yet that is not much different than what happens to other Native People. Each time you speak out, they find a way to cut down money that I paid into. I am not even getting a Hand out. I worked all those years. Also lost use of my right arm ... And I am a Wood worker, Cabinetmaker. Who can use my tools?

Gosh the truth sounds so depressing even to me, it has gotten me down to even share it all. I live it, it may hurt others to know the truth. Sorry about that. I live it, But even then all I am given I take in Trade. And I trade something back. Or at times we put things together and share.

I work at Prosperity, hard when a teen comes in and tells me he had to fake needing drugs, to sell them on the streets for food. Everyone cries of Lack around me. But Yahoooooo, my son got clean meat outside of the Spray Zone.

Peace all