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Mimi Marks

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Mimi Marks is a transsexual entertainer. She performs at The Baton Show Lounge in Chicago, Illinois.

Mimi was born in Waterloo, Iowa, but lived in Oelwein, Iowa, as Mark. After undergoing some sex-reassignment surgeries (to date Mimi still hasn't had complete sexual reassignment), Mark became Mimi. According to Trantasia [1], a transsexual beauty pageant documentary that aired on ITV in Thailand, she has lived as a woman since she was 21 years old.

Mimi has kept Iowa close at heart, returning often to visit family and friends. For many years she was the star attraction at Waterloo, Iowa's Community AIDS Assistance Program (CAAP) Annual Benefit, a relatively huge affair to raise funds for northeast Iowa's AIDS and HIV community.

Mimi is reported to have been the first ever openly transexual runway model, working for the Ford Modeling agency. She is also reported to have dated Dennis Rodman of the Chicago Bulls, briefly.


As a boy, she recalls feeling "uncomfortable in her body," and had her "most difficult time" in her physical education class because, she says, "I didn't fit in at all."

On "passing" as a woman

She says that, for transwomen in Chicago, the test of whether they can pass as women is to appear in public at Wrigley’s Field, home of the Cubs: “"If you could walk through Wrigley-ville, like, during a Cubs game and not get 'spooked,' and not have anybody call you out, you were like the 'girl-iest' girl, you made it. I called [a friend] and said, 'I am at a Cubs game on first base, eleventh row. I made it. I'm a girl!'" [2]

Marital status
  • Mimi is single.

Beauty pageant wins[edit]

Mimi is the winner of four transsexual beauty contests:


External links[edit]

This article is based on a GNU FDL LGBT Wikia article: Marks Mimi Marks LGBT