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November 2
November 2 (aka Debunking Day) is the 2nd day of November.
1811 -- England: Luddite weavers & knitters smash machines in Sutton & Ashfield designed to displace them & destroy their leisurely cottage-industry.
1906 -- US: Emma Goldman pleads not guilty to criminal anarchy charges before the New York City magistrate.
1909 -- US: Industrial Workers of the World free-speech fight, Spokane, Washington. Apparently ignorant laborers have to help American business & corporate interests figure out the meaning of free-speech, democracy, & the Bill of Rights.
1939 -- Canada: Arthur Bortolotti's trial begins. Emma Goldman was active on behalf of anarchists in Spain during the Civil War & on behalf of four men, including Arthur Bortolotti (Anti-Deportation Campaign) & Marcus Joachim, arrested in Toronto for anti-Fascist agitation.
1969 -- Italy: Two-day Congress of the F.A.I, in Carrare. Not surprisingly, differences develop between anarchists & situationists.
1979 -- France: Political bank robber Jacques Mesrine machine-gunned by flics, Paris.
2000 -- Al Grierson, a close friend of Songster Utah Phillips, a singer, storyteller, former Buddhist monk, poet & a member of the Rose Tattoo, is killed in a flash flood accident near his home in Texass.
2005 -- US: Heard the News? Secret American CIA prisons in Europe reported in mainstream media. Part of the US pattern of kidnappings, torture & abuse — surprisingly denied by the Bush junta, & most notably, Secretary of State Condalessa Rice, who states, during a mission to Europe to heal rifts over the US occupation of Iraq, that "the American government does not commit illegal acts."