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Allegations of Israeli espionage operation 2000–2001

(this one will probably make it thru AfD. It is most interesting as an example of the hyperreaction of law enforcement, in this case the DEA) in post-Pentagon Attacks US)

Allegations of an Israeli espionage operation involving young people posing as art students appeared in United States news outlets from the summer of 2000. said "agents of the DEA, ATF, Air Force, Secret Service, FBI, and U.S. Marshals Service documented some 130 separate incidents of 'art student' encounters" across the United States.[1][2] The 'art students' went door to door, claiming to be from institutions such as the University of Jerusalem or the (nonexistent) Bazala Academy,[3] and selling their work to raise money for art supplies or tuition fees.[4][5][6]

This was a version of the international Art student scam, a confidence trick in which the art works being offered are actually cheap, mass-produced paintings or prints.[7][8][9][10][11]

It was alleged that the Israelis had visited facilities and private homes of staff members of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and that the DEA suspected a possible espionage operation. Both the DEA[12][13] and the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive[14] released reports about the suspicious behavior of supposed Israeli art students. The 60-page DEA report stated that the 'art students' entered secure areas of government buildings and several military bases, including two with stealth aircraft and other secret operations, and took photographs.[15] The internal DEA report was leaked to the media in 2001.[2] Several dozen Israelis in their twenties, including supposed art students, were deported for undertaking paid work not allowed by their visas.[16]

On March 6, 2002, the Washington Post reported that the United States Department of Justice described the allegations of spying as an "urban myth and the 60-page DEA document as possibly the work of a single disgruntled employee.[17][18] Salon said the memo was a compilation of field reports by dozens of named agents and officials from DEA offices and government facilities across the United States. The report included names, driver's license numbers, passport numbers and in some cases the Israeli military identification numbers of the 'students'. Military service is compulsory in Israel; however, some of the 'students' were still on active duty and "many of the students, the DEA report noted, had backgrounds in Israeli military intelligence and/or electronics surveillance; one was the son of a two-star Israeli general, and another had served as a bodyguard to the head of the Israeli army."[1]

Five days after the Post article appeared, on March 11, the investigative magazine of The Washington Times, INSIght on the News quoted a senior Justice Department official as saying "We think there is something quite sinister here but are unable at this time to put our finger on it."[1][15]

Israel referred to the allegations as "nonsense." Haaretz treated the spying allegations as inconclusive and noted with regards to the Post article, "Even this report was not enough to finally kill off the affair."[2]

It was also speculated that the 'art students' were connected to Israeli organised crime and the Ecstasy trade in the United States. A DEA official suggested that they were engaged in surveillance on the DEA.[1][17] A spokesman for the Israeli embassy in Washington said that Israel had cooperated with the US on the Ecstasy case and although denying the spying claim said "That's not to say that there isn't any organized crime involving Israeli citizens."[15]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Christopher, ({{{year}}}). "The Israeli "art student" mystery,", {{{volume}}}, .
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Guttman, Nathan (May 7, 2002). "Spies, or students? Were the Israelis just trying to sell their paintings, or agents in a massive espionage ring?". Haaretz. </li>
  3. Template:cite video
  4. "Scam art ripples Peninsula 'Students' up-sell cheap, mass-produced works door-to-door". Peace Arch News (The (White Rock, British Columbia, Canada)): p. 1. Tuesday, August 10, 2004. ""An Israeli art scam with suggested links to espionage and fundamentalist fundraisers may have turned up on the Semiahmoo Peninsula. At least half a dozen locals-probably more-were likely duped by the hoax, which has for years puzzled North American authorities. Young Israelis posing as art students travel door-to-door hocking mass-produced art as their own. The works are worth little, but still sell for hundreds of dollars to naive customers."" </li>
  5. Wilton, Suzanne, "Art-sales-scam ringleaders ordered to leave Canada", Vancouver Sun, Vancouver, B.C.: Aug 7, 2004. pg. A.8.
  6. "Information On An Israeli Art Scam". Komo News. August 30, 2006. </li>
  7. Moyes, Sarah; Michelle Robinson (5 March 2010). "Warning on art scam". East And Bays Courier. Retrieved 29 July 2010. </li>
  8. "Foreign students caught up in fake art scam". Australian Broadcasting Corporation. April 18, 2008. </li>
  9. Gandia, Renato (August 19, 2009). ""Israeli art scam" preying on people's kindness". Calgary Sun. </li>
  10. "Oil painting scam hits the Border". Border Mail. April 22, 2009. </li>
  11. Dye, Stuart (February 4, 2004). "Brush with law reveals art scam". NZ Herald.
    Coulter, Narelle (January 18, 2006). "Door slammed on ‘original’ art scam". Star News Group.
    Feek, Belinda (January 19, 2010). "Warnings out over art scam". Waikato Times.;col1. </li>
  12. Fenton, Ben (March 7, 2002). " US arrests 200 young Israelis in spying investigation". The Daily Telegraph (London). Retrieved April 25, 2010. </li>
  13. Sunday Herald (UK) via Internet Archive: Were they part of a massive spy ring which shadowed the 9/11 hijackers and knew that al-Qaeda planned a devastating terrorist attack on the USA?. Archived from source 2006-04-23.
  14. Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive: Suspicious Visitors to Federal Facilities (archived at Internet Archive. Archived from source 2007-01-24.
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Rodriguez, Paul M. (1 April 2002). "Intelligence agents or art students? The DEA and Justice Department believe there was something sinister behind unusual visits Israeli 'art students' paid to employees of law-enforcement agencies". Insight on the News. Retrieved 29 July 2010. </li>
  16. "Israeli student 'spy ring' revealed". London: The Guardian. March 6, 2002. Retrieved March 6, 2010. </li>
  17. 17.0 17.1 McGraw, Seamus. "Espionage Ruled Out in Case of Bad Art". The Forward. </li>
  18. Mintz, John; Dan Eggen (March 7, 2002). "U.S. officials dismiss report of Israeli spies". Seattle Times. Retrieved October 18, 2008. </li> </ol> multiple articles in one AfD, plus another afd for a single name the same day

Abdul Ghafar (Afghan mujahideen fighter)

Template:Dablink Abdul Ghafar is a citizen of Afghanistan who was identified as a mujahideen fighter during the Combatant Status Review Tribunal of a Guantanamo captive.[1]

Guantanamo captive Muhibullah faced the allegation, during his Combatant Status Review Tribunal, that:[1]

  • "The Detainee acquired a rifle from a Mujahideen fighter, Abdul Ghafar."

Muhibullah denied knowing anyone named Abdul Ghafar.[1] He acknowledged being conscripted into the Taliban. He acknowledged being assigned to be a security guard. He acknowledged handling a rifle, when it was his sentry watch. But he said he and the other sentries had just one rifle to share among themselves, and that he never fired this weapon.

The allegation that Muhibullah received a rifle from Abdul Ghafar is notable because the files of US counterterrorism analysts contain records of several individuals named Abdul Ghafar, or some variation thereof. But the intelligence analysts who prepared the allegations failed to identify, in the unclassified summary of evidence, from which individual named Abdul Ghafar, Muhibullah was accused of accepting a rifle.

List of individuals with the same or similar name as the individual of this biography

name alleged
1032 Abdul Ghaffar Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin
  • Accused of assisting in the killing of three Red Cross workers on March 27, 2003.[2]
  • Accused of possessing a cell phone on April 3, 2003
  • Allegedly fled his home, and hid from US forces in a creek bed.[3]
unknown Maulvi Abdul Ghaffar Taliban
  • US officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney, claim a Taliban leader named Maulvi Abdul Ghaffar tricked his interrogators into thinking he was a simple, harmless, illiterate, monoglot villager, who could safely be released.[4][5] Then, according to Cheney, he "returned to the battlefield", and was killed in action on September 26, 2004.
954 Abdul Ghafour Taliban
none Haji Abdul Ghafour Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin
none Mullah Abdul Ghafour Taliban
  • A Taliban leader named Mullah Abdul Ghafour is alleged to have been one of the three senior Taliban leaders responsible for a massacre of several hundred civilians when Taliban forces reoccupied Yakaolong, on January 7, 2001, and for several days thereafter.[7]
  • A unit of several hundred Taliban soldiers occupied Musa Qala on February 2, 2007.[8] They were said to have been led by a Taliban leader named Mullah Abdul Ghafour. When American General Dan McNeill took over NATO forces from British General David J. Richards he ordered an air strike that, reportedly, killed Mullah Abdul Ghafour on February 4, 2007.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 [[[:Template:DoD detainees ARB]] Summarized transcripts (.pdf)], from Muhibullah's Combatant Status Review Tribunal - pages 64-76
  2. [[[:Template:DoD detainees ARB]] Summarized transcripts (.pdf)], from Abdul Ghaffar'sCombatant Status Review Tribunal - pages 25-32
  3. [[[:Template:DoD detainees ARB]] Summarized transcript (.pdf)], from Abdul Ghaffar's Administrative Review Board hearing - page 13
  4. Gitmo Detainees Return To Terror, CBS News, October 17, 2004
  5. Cheney defends Guantanamo as essential to war: VP says that if freed, prisoners would return to battlefield, San Francisco Chronicle, June 14, 2005
  6. [[[:Template:DoD detainees ARB]] Summarized transcript (.pdf)], from Juma Din's Administrative Review Board hearing - page 261
  7. War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity: 1978-2001. (PDF) Afghan Justice Project. URL accessed on February 5, 2007.
  8. Ahmed Rashid (February 5, 2007). "Taliban takeover of town could mark start of military offensive". Eurasianet. Retrieved 2007-02-05. </li> </ol>

Wikileaks pakistani politician cables


This is taken from wiki-leaks cable ref: 08ISLAMABAD405

“Zardari opened his remarks by saying that the U.S. is “our safety blanket” and recounted how Benazir had returned despite the threats against her because of support and “clearance” from the U.S. However, Zardari quickly moved on to the PPP succession. He shared a photocopy of a one-page handwritten will from Benazir in which she bequeathed the party to him. This document, Zardari said, would be published in an upcoming book authored by Benazir. Zardari said that for symbolic reasons he passed the PPP leadership to his son, Bilawal. Although Bilawal was only 19, Zardari noted that Benazir had taken over the PPP when she was only 22 years old. Benazir’s enemies, he said, do not understand that she is now even stronger as a martyr.”


This is taken from wiki-leaks cable ref: 08ISLAMABAD483 “Nawaz and Khan both repeatedly said that the PML-N was pro-American. Nawaz recounted his decision to override his Chief of Army Staff and deploy Pakistani troops to Saudi Arabia in support of the U.S. coalition in the first Gulf War. Meanwhile, Khan noted, the PPP and its leaders were organizing street demonstrations against Pakistan joining with the U.S. coalition. Now, Nawaz said, he was hurt that the U.S. did not remember. Nawaz said he understood that 9/11 had changed things, but urged that the U.S. apply some balance to the relationship. In the past, the U.S. was known as the power that rejected dictatorships, that fought for independence of the judiciary and the rule of law. Why, he asked, did we continue to support a man who fired the Supreme Court, abrogated the constitution, and arrested civil society activists?”


The U.S Islamabad embassy report on wiki-leaks ref:08ISLAMABAD525.

“As expected, Kayani is taking slow but deliberate steps to distance the Army from now civilian President Musharraf. Kayani announced that generals would need his permission to meet the President, issued public statements distancing the Army from civilian politics and is rumored to be considering a decision to remove active duty Army officers from civilian GOP jobs. Kayani also has declared 2008 as the "Year of the Soldier" in an attempt to improve morale. Privately, he has discouraged ISI interference in elections. With Kayani, you should stress the importance of accepting U.S. COIN training and building Pakistani CI capabilities. General Majid: You will find Pakistan's Joint Staff a young and weak organization, but CJCS Majid is an excellent interlocutor. The lunch he is hosting will provide an opportunity to deliver our messages on the need for CSF and FMF discipline.”


According to a wiki-leaks cable Musharraf is held responsible for power shortage in Pakistan. This cable was created on 25/07/2008. Ref: 08ISLAMABAD2524

“Not a single megawatt of electricity has been added to the national grid since 2000, despite population growth and economic expansion. Industrial production is threatened by blackouts and unemployment is rising. Petroleum and electricity subsidies account for the bulk of the fiscal deficit and have continued to rise with skyrocketing international oil prices. The GOP is paying USD 554 million per month for subsidies on petroleum and will attempt to reduce these subsidies despite the intense popularity of such measures. Energy accounts for 29.3 percent of Pakistan's imports, and growth in exports cannot cover the increases in international commodity prices. Saudi Arabia is considering Pakistani request to defer $5.9 billion in oil payments; Gilani may request help in convincing Riyadh to agree. USAID will launch a three year program to assist with energy policy issues and energy efficiency and we are offering to fund a USGS mapping survey to identify commercial mineral deposits and potential energy sources. Gilani will attend in Washington a World Bank investment roundtable focused on developing Pakistan's Thar coal field reserves.”



“Comment: It is unclear who is paying Jaffrey and/or orchestrating this campaign on Siddiqui’s behalf. Siddiqui has family living in Karachi and noted politicians, including Imran Khan, continue their vocal support for her cause. Bagram officials have assured us that they have not been holding Siddiqui for the last four years, as has been alleged. End comment. ARCHIBALD”


REF: 08ISLAMABAD2524 “We were disappointed that the Islamabad High Court increased personal freedoms for Pakistani nuclear scientist AQ Khan; if asked, Gilani will say that the GOP continues to closely monitor Khan's activities.”



“In separate meetings with Asif Zardari, PM Gilani and Chief of Army Staff Kayani, Ambassador pressed for quick action on immunity for former President Musharraf. Zardari and Gilani said flatly that they were committed to providing immunity, but not until after the presidential election (now scheduled for September 6). Pushing immunity now, they believed, could jeopardize Zardari’s candidacy. Kayani expressed concern that if immunity becomes tied up with the ongoing debate over the judges’ future, it may never happen. Zardari plans to continue to slow roll action on the judges’ restoration but remains confident that Nawaz Sharif will not walk out of the coalition. Nawaz’s deadlines for action on the judges continue to pass unfulfilled; the next one is scheduled for August 27. The decision by the Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) August 20 to back Zardari for President has strengthened Zardari’s hand against Nawaz. Nawaz is left with the option of walking out of the coalition but having little prospect of forcing a new general election in the short term. Zardari is walking tall these days, hopefully not too tall to forget his promise to Kayani and to us on an immunity deal.”

Kayani Worried

¶6. (C) After an August 20 meeting with visiting S/CT Coordinator Dell Dailey, Kayani asked Ambassador to stay behind and discuss his concerns that Zardari was delaying Musharraf,s immunity bill. Kayani had heard the large meeting of coalition partners (chaired August 19 by the newly returned Bilawal Bhutto) had discussed mostly the judges. Then they decided to take a 72-hour “break” to consult party members. ¶7. (C) As post earlier reported (Reftels), Kayani said he took Zardari,s commitments to now ex-President Musharraf as the most important argument in persuading him to resign. Zardari made very specific commitments to Kayani. Now, for Zardari to delay, it makes him (Kayani) look bad within his own institution “and I have to bring the Army along with me.” Kayani also noted that the delay does nothing for Zardari,s reputation for trustworthiness. If this issue gets conflated with the judges and with Zardari,s own desires to be President, it will become too complicated to pass, Kayani said.”


[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

List of renewable energy manufacturers