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China's intelligence activity

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Chinese intelligence activity in other countries

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Chinese intelligence agencies, as are their counterparts in other advanced nations, are active outside of the People's Republic of China (WP) . It is, however, generally believed that they operate differently from other spying organizations by employing primarily academics or students who will be in their host country only a short time, rather than spending years cultivating a few high-level sources or Wikipedia:double agents; much of this information come from defectors, whom the PRC accuses of lying to promote an anti-PRC agenda. The notable exception to that is the case of Wikipedia:Katrina Leung, who is accused of starting an affair with an Wikipedia:FBI agent to gain sensitive documents from him. Generally, however, it is believed that Chinese espionage is aimed at commercial secrets and the Wikipedia:Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) movement, which is banned in the PRC.

Two diplomats who defected in Wikipedia:Australia have claimed that China operates more than 1,000 spies and informants in Canada alone; their mission, they said, is industrial espionage but also disruption of the Falun Gong movement. China accused them of lying so they could stay in Australia. Canadian businessman Joe Wang belives that threatening letters he received after broadcasting programs about alleged human rights abuses in China were from the Chinese consulate; one of the envelopes contained Wikipedia:boric acid. In November 2005 (WP) the United States (WP) arrested four in Wikipedia:Los Angeles on suspicion of being involved in a Chinese spy ring.

(WP) has put on trial several accused spies over the years, as the two states dispute whether Taiwan is Chinese territory.

Chinese-American scientist Wikipedia:Wen Ho Lee was wrongly accused of espionage in Wikipedia:1999. Many accused the U.S. government of racism and have argued that the latest allegations of espionage are motivated at least partly by racism; they point to the history of what they call the fabricated "China threat" theory.

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