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Pagani Detention Center

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Pagani Detention Center is a refugee detention center in Lesvos, Greece severely violating basic human rights of children.


Hunger strike of minor detainees

On 18 August 2009, 160 refugees detained in a single room and sharing the same toilet, started an hunger strike demanding immediate freedom. [1] [2]

24 August 2009

Underage children in the detention center release a handwritten demand for Freedom. [3] [ See photo... ]

They report and complain about severe medical problems (diarrhea, skin diseases, malaria, breathing problems, and others), severe overcrowding, shortage of blankets, beds, showers and water closets.

Terminating message:

The duration of staying in this prison is too long and no one cares (lookafter) about us. So as to conclude we are searching for freedom. "Searching for freedom is not crime." So we are highly requesting UNHCR, European Community as well as the Government and Society of Greece to give our Freedom as soon as possible.

Thank you Under Age Prisoners


  1. Hunger Strike at Pagani Detention Centre (Article, photos)
  2. Voices from the inside of the Pagani Detention Center (Video)

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