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Studentism is a provisional name for a theory which seeks to create a society of students, where almost all produce, thought and institutional structure is organized and distributed on an educational (rather than economic, political, religious or tribal/ethnic) basis.

This ideology, which favors educational institutions as a basis of power and educational biases upon which to judge or scrutinize a subject, is geared to educational institutions in a similar manner to how corporatism and economic neo-liberalism are geared to economic institutions (especially business corporations) and how authoritarianism and fascism is geared to political institutions (especially the military, police and intelligence/espionage).


Imaginatively, studentism involves the empowerment of educational institutions to the point that they can span multiple continents ("multiversities", like University of Phoenix or DeVry) and play an increasingly-overbearing influence upon and within econo-corporate institutions, pushing out or assimilating local educational institutions.

But these institutions can have a specific type of governance and organization that is designed exclusively to accrue the most "knowledge"; knowledge (and the accompanying creativity) is to the educational institution what profit is to the business corporation.

Student syndicalism

This ascendancy in power of the educational institutions could, and most likely will, also work against the interests of the common students, as the usage of students to accrue knowledge and information may override the needs and desires of the students. When this conflict arises, the students may rebel, strike or quit their time in the educational institution.

In such a scenario, students would have to resort to student syndicalism, or the formation of students' unions, to counteract the exploitation of the students and negotiate the establishment of conditions by which the students will return to contributing their ideas and knowledge to the multiversity.

Studentism and economics

Business corporations already come to the educational institutions in order to glean the brightest students and the most potentially-lucrative developments and investigations done by the students for their own ultimate gain.

However, in a studentist society, some of the heads of the multiversities may have a libertarian view of business corporations, viewing them as restrictive against their own desires and wishes (i.e., the distribution of information and knowledge which would, if the corporations didn't have their profit-driven, IP-based way all the time, would be usable and available to the students and teachers of the multiversities). In other words, the multiversities would find it in their own best interests to force a relaxation of business-friendly intellectual property laws and restrictions for the sake of the transfer of information and knowledge between students and faculty.

Furthermore, the multiversities of the studentist society would find it ideal to wrest as much control of knowledge and information from the hands of tribes, religions, governments and businesses as possible; in fact, they would find it most ideal if they were to become the only entrepots of any information and knowledge that one would ever want or desire.

Studentism vs. government, religion, and tribe/ethnicity/culture/race

Studentist society would have an extrememly-dismissive view of government, religion and birth-based groups, as such institutions have usually served as means to distort, denounce or destroy information and knowledge (and access to such).

See also