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Anarchopedia:How to help

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This page describes how one can help Anarchopedia to develop itself into a full blown Anarchist encyclopedia while at the same time building an anarchist community on the Internet.

I know how to use Wiki

If you know how to use Wiki already, because you have been active in Wikipedia, Wikinfo, or Disinfopedia, then you will not find it hard to learn some of the technical differences. Here is a quick list to get you started.

  1. There are no moderators, since everybody can moderate.
  2. Names of articles are case sensitive.
  3. This is a social experiment.

I know how this community works

Then you already understand that we are all equal here, there are no moderators (or we are all moderators)... To get some hints as to how the technical aspect works check out Anarchopedia:create a new article.

Don't be afraid to edit, make mistakes and fix them. You will definitely hurt Anarchopedia if you don't even try. If you need help ask. You can leave a message [