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Revision as of 13:47, 1 January 2007

December 18 is the 18th day in December.


1830 -- Trial of Swing Rioters, peasants & workers who fought for a minimum wage.

1905 -- US: Eugene Debs speaks at in New York City on Indistrial Unionism:

"Too long have the workers of the world waited for some
Moses to lead them out of bondage. I would not lead you out
if I could; for if you could be led out, you could be led back again.
I would have you make up your minds there is nothing that you
cannot do for yourselves."

1920 -- Russia: In Archangel, Alexander Berkman, Emma Goldman & others in a Museum expedition collect leftist & anarchist underground publications produced during the rule of the Czar.

1922 -- Nelly Roussel dies. Free thinker, anarchist, feminist. Partner of the sculptor Henri Godet. Roussel worked with Paul Robin to spread néo-Malthusian ideas, opposing the prevalent ideology & laws which repressed contraception & its advocacy.

1922 -- Italy: In Turin, the fascists attack the "Chambre du Travail", set fire to the Circle of the Railwaymen, the Circle Karl Marx & the seat of Ordine Nuova. 22 workmen, socialists, Communists & anarchists are assassinated.

1939 -- Michael Moorcock, science fiction author, anarchist, lives.

1946 -- Black rights activist Steve Biko lives. South African/Azanian leader of the Black Consciousness Movement; murdered by South African police in 1977.

1969 -- Áurea Cuadrado Alberola (b. 1900) dies. Spanish anarchist militant, member of CNT & Mujeres Libre. In exile after the 1936 revolution, active in Cuba, the US & Mexico.

1971 -- England: Anarchy Collective member Kate McLean is arrested & charged as a member of the "Stoke Newington Eight".

1983 -- Italy: Reggio Emilia · 27° Assemblée de A Rivista anarchica.

1984 -- Agustina Figuerola dies. Anarchist.

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