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Change of tactics after the killing of Juliano Khamis

the only reason why all the Arabic revolution are failing tragically is primarily because of this pervert facebook technocratic entity a software made by a sick young American degenerate billionaire who is part of the Pentagon think-tank for the savior of capitalism. Sick young American from the silicon valley who have a desire for a sick capitalist enterprises with a sickness for unbelievable profits at this sexless age of human impotence and the rich are the ultimate rulers just because the root of all evil is the money, land and private property over the air I breath.

The Arabic revolutions are a facebook revolutions and the Eljazeera TV, that’s a bad start and a guarantee of a definitive defeat. Learn only from revolutionary anarchists, the rest are just soled out one way or another and if you don’t believe me, wake up tomorrow and see.

The dictatorship of the facebook oligarch over the infantile Arab intellect The facebook is the book of your true face The face book is very afraid of Arabs and me , because it is still profiting from our blood and making billions out of it, but soon we are going to confiscate all the internet and turn it from a private owned web into a publicly controlled web and there is no negotiation about this with the parasites and we will give it to those who really are making it.

The facebook of Nazis Wikinazipedia

Google is a Zionist occupation and Yahoo is Ronald’s Reagan Christianity of skull hunting

I am his eldest brother and without me all your tracking and research about him will be wrong, limited, repeating bits if misleading information, and the West-bank is the last place to find out about the true story and what was rally going on through his life and after, please contact me.

To reach the millionth meter you have to make the first step

Good morning for a new day in the revolution

Lets start working

We begin with the Arab Marxists, then the Liberals, the Nationalists, after that the Religious Nationalists and lastly the fascist regimes and their security guards.

Finally we will catch the killers of Juliano Khamis and dismantle Hamas and the Palestinian jihad completely so we can concentrate our efforts on Israel..

For the Arab Marxists the subject to day:

1 –Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

2 – The failure of Bolshevism

3 – Democratic Centralism

4 – The transitional state (Socialism)

5 – The role of the party

6 – Anarcho-Communism(non-authoritarian Communism)

Everyone must know that the Facebook is not a neutral cyber service, it is a classic capitalist enterprise that supports only liberal capitalist revolutions like the one that happened in Tunisia and in Egypt.

But when it comes to an anti-capitalist revolution its true face become very clear. So the Facebook is really against all revolutions that threatens their capitalist enterprise, it is a multinational business enterprise owned by a young American wizard with a budget that runs in tens of billons of dollars annually. That is exactly why I am being constantly punished so I would not be able to expand this revolution as they do block occasionally other dangerous pages if there is a special request from the CIA and the Mossad.

The behavior of the Facebook managers is exactly like the behavior of the Arab regimes before collapsing is to block the internet, as Facebbok is blocking me some other users.

Yesterday the Israeli armed forces arrested in Jenin a minister in the Hamas government Wasfi Kabha, this arrest has nothing to do with the assassination of Juliano Khamis, since Israel really cares much less than the Palestinian Authority about solving this killing.

We must bring the Facebook, Wikipaedea, and Google down on their knees as we are doing to the whole capitalist system as well


1 - We don’t want a revolutionary government we want self- governance

2 – We don’t want the army and police we want self-management

3 – We don’t want the state we want a free community

4 – We don’t want elections we want free associations

5 – We don’t want political parties we want to party without politics

6 – We don’t want charismatic acceptable leaders we want a leaderless society

7 – We don’t want money we want a classless society

8 – We don’t want a democracy for the rich and a dictatorship for the poor, we want total economical equity

Working Only For The Revolution

We have to provide to the Arab Marxist revolutionaries better tools to confront these revolutionary times. The Marxist theory has its own limitation which with the help of Lenin brought about the collapse of The Soviet Union and all the other socialists countries including the international labor movement.

It is time for the Arab Marxist revolutionary to listen to us the anarchists and learn how not repeat the same mistakes that all the communist parties irregardless of type, have done.

The constitution is a capitalist conspiracy to rule you

Well I have been blocked by Facebook for thirty days with a threat of permanent closure of my account, they simply don’t want me to invite more people to participate in the revolution. So if you don’t ask your friends to invite me instead for a friendship, I will have no choice but to close my page by myself, I will give you really 3 days for a hundred invitations, because without this I am not going to wait for 30 days, it will be too late and too little. And if you don’t understand what I am saying, then I say good bye and see you only on the streets.

Do you mind if I put this question on the main page with an answer to it and anonymously?