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animal products are prone to bacterial and viral infection and parasitic infestation

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  1. Animal Products contain the nutrients that bacteria thrive on
  2. Most foodborne illnesses are transmitted via meat and dairy products. "Ground beef is the most likely source of E. coli O157:H7, poultry carry Salmonella and Campylobacter, and the consumption of raw shellfish has caused infection with Vibrio vulnificus," says David Swerdlow of the Centre for Disease Control in Atlanta. Any raw food - including fruits and vegetables - can carry harmful bacteria, but meat, seafood, and poultry are the most likely culprits in foodborne illness.
  3. Food poisoning risk from fish is much more likely than beef, pork and poultry. Because fish live in cold environments, the bacteria that live on them flourish at refrigerated temperatures. The fish smell is caused by a trimethylamine and it occurs when the fish is beginning to spoil.
  4. US Centre for Disease Control reports 325,000 food poisoning cases from contaminated seafood each year. The true figure may be much higher, because the symptoms are often attributed to 'flu'
  5. Up to 10% of shellfish are infected with Hepatitis, Salmonella and Cholera
  6. Meat contains faeces and milk contains pus
  7. Parasites (larger than bacteria) are found in meat and fish


  1. Milk is Pasteurised to reduce that risk


  1. Milk is still prone to recolonisation by bacteria

References for the Arguments[edit]

  1. Refs needed here
  2. Refs needed here
  3. Refs needed here
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References for the Objections[edit]

This article is based on a GNU FDL Vegan Wikia article: Animal_Products_are_prone_to_bacterial_and_viral_infection_and_parasitic_infestation,_leading_to_human_illness Veg