Still working to recover. Please don't edit quite yet.
User talk:Millosh
Please look here.
PS: Please correct the 3rd-LD (deu vs.ger)! deu:Link doesn't works.
Something wrong[edit]
I've tried to make an entry for the freenet index site The Freedom Engine, but for some reason there is a problem with displaying the thumbnail of one of the immages. Could you look into it please... it gives some crap on the top of the page, but i can't make anything useful out of it. User:Beta m/sig
Admin privs[edit]
Why do new users have admin privs??? Spam bots can just sign in and ruin the fuck out of this place... Infinity0 22:23, 20 Mar 2006 (UTC)
Portuguese Anarchopedia[edit]
Hi, Millosh. I should be your first Portuguese Anarchopedia contributor. There's a bug that makes 'save page' fail when the 'watch this page' tickbox is ticked. And there's a tricky issue: 'Anarchopedia' should be written 'Anarcopédia' in Portuguese. Is there any hope that the domain can be changed for to make it more intuitive for Portuguese speakers? Mr.Rocks 12:37, 4 May 2006 (UTC)
Hi, millosh. por.anarchopedia has no option to upload images, nor can I use the ones in meta. Rephrasing: can I use images at all in por.anarchopedia? Mr.Rocks 01:20, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
Dear Millosh,[edit]
Dear Millosh,
Did you found anarchopedia?
How are the linguistic variations of anarchopedia commenced | begun?
I would like to establish a disability anarchopedia. What might I do to qualify for that, please?
Thank You.
Hopiakuta 21:33, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
I do get this more than half of the time, inluding this time:
Database error From Anarchopedia Jump to: navigation, search A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was: (SQL query hidden) from within function "WatchedItem::addWatch". MySQL returned error "1048: Column 'wl_notificationtimestamp' cannot be null (localhost)". Retrieved from ""
Thank You.
Hopiakuta 21:36, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
First of all, sorry for waiting. I realized that I didn't open Anarchopedia for three days... --Millosh 16:06, 29 August 2006 (UTC)
I would be glad if I can help in making disability Anarchopedia, but you should tell me what do you exactly want? A new MediaWiki (like "" or "<language code>" or somethign else? --Millosh 16:06, 29 August 2006 (UTC)
In many technical issues, Anarchopedia is following Wikipedia. So, I was thinking about multi-language encyclopedia before I had put Anarchopedia on the net. --Millosh 16:06, 29 August 2006 (UTC)
Some of Anarchopedias has beta software. I'll updated it as soon as possible (I hope in the next few days). And problems which you described will disapear. --Millosh 16:06, 29 August 2006 (UTC)
- I would suggest making some special stylesheet with bigger-fonts etc. for ppl. with disabilities, that probably the simpliest thing. --Blackredisbeautiful 18:21, 29 August 2006 (UTC)
Thank You, Millosh.
Particularly regarding:
"...(like "" or "<language code>" or somethign else?"
However, I do not want to presume what is technologically feasible, nor what you would perceive is|as appropriate.
I do know that there are various websites & listserver electronic mail programs running on the internet.
I, also, know that there are a vast variety of disability lists on many of these.
With most of this software, the login | logon frequently fails, & there are a variety of other problems,
resulting in so much time clicking on various cues that it becomes extremely painful just to read other persons' messages, let alone posting my own.
Much like all software, "wiki" software has many disability-access-barriers; however, far less extreme than most.
________________________________________________ A proposition [to be evolved, edited, as each of us perceive appropriate]:
Project title: "isopædia".
Purpose #one: Debate & discuss disability-access issues, including access in housing, employment, transit, retail, government, et al. Also, including internet, computer, < >, < >, other websites,...
(homelessness, as well)].
Purpose #two: Propose solutions; advocate solutions.
Purpose #three: Propose definitions with a "disability culture" perspective, to improve all definitions on all subjects, in all subject fields, on wikipedia, anarchopedia, other similar websites, news websites, as well as paper versions of each, & television, radio.
Hopefully, we might create, via webservers, a permanent record of many of the various perspectives input.
No person should be excluded, except if they would do something to force-out another person. Being disabled would not be a qualification; however, each person would make their own judgement about what they would prefer. No person should knowingly post anything that would get Anarchopedia kicked-off of the internet.
An advantage of a dedicated address would certainly be to avoid confusion with the primary purposes of Anarchopedia.
As "iso-" is far more neutral than is "dis-", I have, frequently, since 1986, advocated "iso-".
disable disabled disability
isoable isoabled isoability
I am wondering whether the address might be something similar to:
< http://eng.isopæ >;
< >.
However, I do intend to abide by your decisions.
I do suggest that a very crucial feature would be that any person who registers a userpage, & a screenname, should have the option that login | logon would cross platforms between subdomains.
Furthermore, for those who wish the login to cross to such subdomains as < >; < >, they should have that option available. Under one screenname, one login, they should be able to have a userpage f/ each domain, & linking the userpages should be userfriendly.
It should be userfriendly to turn this feature on & then off, quickly, with very few clicks.
Thank You,
DonFphrnqTaub Persina
Hopiakuta 06:36, 30 August 2006 (UTC)
Have you seen this?:[edit]
Have you seen this?:
< >.
Thank You.
Hopiakuta 22:16, 30 August 2006 (UTC)
I am having trouble w/ much of the in-lingo; I am sorry aabout that.
Does that mean that you are willing to assist me to establish an address?
If the software does not currently permit the options that I've suggested, then, okay, it is important to start somewhere.
Please, let's try whatever is available.
If the software modifications become feasible @ another time, that would be good as well, certainly. There are, certainly, a variety of other disability-access features that some persons may request, such as regrding the font, et al.
But, please, let's start wherever we can.
If there is anything else that you would ask of me, please do say.
I've noticed that your messages are posted @:
< >;
< >.
Thank You.
Hopiakuta 03:01, 2 September 2006 (UTC)
Dear Millosh,
I'm still waiting regarding the above.
If you want to alter my plan, then please do say.
If the addresses are acceptable, please do activate them, so that I can promote, & create some pertinent content.
I am experencing some login conflict @ meta: user: hopiakuta.
Is your other name "Milos Rancic"? I saw that at:
< >.
Have you seen that wikipedia page?
Thank You.
Hopiakuta 00:51, 4 September 2006 (UTC)
George Bush, the Second, addressed the Moaa {Military Officers Association of America}, @ a Washington hotel, likely Washington Hilton.
< >;
< >.
During this speech, he made @ least one reference to the Russian Revolution, comparing it to Islamic fascism. It is my impression that our government [ United States of America ] began killing Muslims in the ninetenth century.
Our soldiers were, also, in Russia.
< >;
< >;
< >;
< >;
< >:
Gen. Wood's order was, "Kill or capture the six hundred."
The battle began — it is officially called by that name — our forces firing down into the crater with their artillery and their deadly small arms of precision; the savages furiously returning the fire, probably with brickbats — though this is merely a surmise of mine, as the weapons used by the savages are not nominated in the cablegram. Heretofore, the Moros have used knives and clubs mainly; also ineffectual trade-muskets, when they had any.
[ Philippines ]
< >;
< >;
< >;
< >;
< >;
< >;
< >.
Hopiakuta 19:21, 5 September 2006 (UTC)
I am experiencing ever worse login | logon difficulty @ both of:
Preview Sorry! We could not process your edit due to a loss of session data. Please try again. If it still doesn't work, try logging out and logging back in.
Is the server malfunctioning?
I've deleted cookies.
I've rebooted the browser.
I've rebooted the machine.
Nothing corrects anything.
I do not know whether this message shall post. If you're reading it, then it has. 14:44, 6 September 2006 (UTC)
As for the addresses, the subdomains:
Please assign them this week.
We can complete the software in 2007,
Have you seen "user: isopædia"?
Please, please,...:
Less lingo.
< >;
< >;
< >;
< >.
Thank You. 14:44, 6 September 2006 (UTC)
I do suspect that you are misinterpreting my messages.
The only two alternatives that I can think of are:
(01.) Have another person assist to translate.
(02.) Telephone. 14:56, 6 September 2006 (UTC)
Translator needed[edit]
Please, we really do need a translator. The evidence is increasing that we do not comprehend eachothers' messages. Thank You. 16:45, 7 September 2006 (UTC)
First articles in Norwegian added :)[edit]
Hi millosh, just wanted to say hi and tell that it seems I'm the first norwegian contributor. One thing: it seems that there are two norwegian anarchopedias now.
nor.anarchopedia and no.anarchopedia which seems to be the same,but then theres were it seems articles added does not appear in the nor. and no.anarchopedia's.
Just thought I'd let you know. I've consentrated on the nor. and no. sites since these seemed to be the official ones. in norway we have two official languages which are really only dialects, one which is called "bokmal" (literally "book-language") which I thought might be the reason for the B at the end of nob.anarchopedia. And there is nynorsk (literally "new-norwegian", which is based very closely on the actual spoken dialect of most norwegians).
I've contributed quite a lot to english wiki and norwegian wiki but I think I'll consentrate on and continue contributing mainly to anarchopedia for obvious reasons (the blatant conservative bias of wiki admins and their grotesque attempts at silencing and hiding all evidence of historic dissent and class struggle, the fight for workers rights, environment problems of having corporations rule the world etc.) -- Zyzygy 04:04, 1 June 2007 (UTC)
- btw. are there any templates for tags such as
However, you are welcome to assist in its construction by editing it as well. Please view the edit history should you wish to contact the person who placed this template. If this article has not been edited in several days please remove this template. |
- --Zyzygy 14:08, 4 June 2007 (UTC)
A wrong link[edit]
The "complete list" link in the Main Page (in the language box), is to list of Wikipedias instead of Anarchopedias. The page is protected, so please correct it. --Eliad 12:58, 4 May 2009 (UTC)
So, you have deleted everything that I have done.[edit]
Hopiakuta 13:19, 1 February 2011 (UTC)
Block rights[edit]
hi can you pleasse give me admin permissions so that I can do what I do at meta: ? thanks, revolutionary greetings XXPowerMexicoXx 01:03, 7 October 2011 (UTC)