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The Todd

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Dr. Todd "The Todd" Quinlan, is a fictional character in the sitcom Scrubs played by Robert Maschio.

He often delves into rampant sexual innuendo with his colleagues, even during surgery. The Todd is known for turning every sentence into a double entendre, usually of a sexual nature (a skill he apparently works very hard at, claiming he "doesn't luck into these situations" and that it takes "a lot of hard work"). He claims that sometimes he hides under desks and behind walls for hours until a situation conversation pops up that he can comment on. For example, when a female patient he is talking to states "I'm getting a little tired of the sexual innuendo", The Todd thinks deeply for a few seconds before replying with "In-your-endo" while smiling and nodding. In the episode My Office, it is revealed that he does the sexual innuendos because he made out with his mother when he was young.

Despite his frat boy personality, lack of common sense and inability to spell (he needed to be told that there are two d's in Todd), The Todd is a highly skilled surgeon. During his first year, Chief Surgeon Dr. Wen ranked him the best surgical intern at the hospital, and he is ranked second place among the surgical residents in terms of surgical skills. Out of all the surgeons in the hospital, Todd is actually closest to Christopher Turk and has stood by him as both friend and defender. This was illustrated by The Todd challenging Carla's brother to a fight at Turk's wedding, when he makes another insult in Turk's direction. It's Carla's brother that turns out the victor of the fight.

He also has his own website which he has advertised on the show wearing a t-shirt with the URL and talking about it. The Todd has a unibrow that he waxes regularly.


Todd loves very powerful, often painful high fives, and has invented many high five variants; including the Miracle Five, Mental Five, Betrayal Five, I Miss You Five, Self Five ("...for the big dog"), Face Five, Tough-Break Five, Hypothetical Five, Assisted Five, Sterile High Five, Air Five, Inflatable Five, Fist Five, Euphemism Five, Breast-Stroke Five, Hot Belly Sex Five, Make-it-Stop Five, Cyber Five, Duct Tape Five, Let's Get Our Last Day On Five, Five Up High For Cherry Pie, Something Might be Wrong Five, Weenie Roast Five, Mind Five, Skeptical Air Five, and In Trouble Five. These Fives are often done with a whip noise made by The Todd himself, and even the Mind Five makes a sound. They are also followed by finger snap sound.


The Todd wears very distinctive scrubs. Unlike the other characters in the show, The Todd's scrubs are cut off at the shoulders leaving his arms in full view, which shows off the tattoo on his right biceps that reads "DOC". Also unlike the other doctors, The Todd's surgical scrub hats usually have colorful patterns (such as scantily-clad women or streaks of fire) printed on them. He is also commonly seen sporting speedos (or "banana hammocks") and insists that anyone sleeping over at his apartment has to "hammock up."


There have been numerous hints that The Todd's excessive boorishness towards women is over-compensation for homosexuality, and episode 5.20, My Lunch, he even comes out to Carla and Elliot Reid. However, it turns out he is lying, because "chicks dig gay dudes." It is confirmed in this episode that he has had sex with a number of women around the hospital, but later in the same episode, he continues to display an attraction to men. In fact, in episode 4.14, My Lucky Charm, he states, "The Todd appreciates hot, regardless of gender." At the end of the episode 5.20, My Lunch, Janitor is frustrated at trying to figure out The Todd's sexual orientation and asks "What the hell are you?". The Todd simply replies, smiling, "I'm The Todd"! The Todd has also admitted that he made out with his mother. The Todd has even been hinted to have had sex with a piñata, as shown in a cutaway in episode 4.8, My Last Chance. Also in the episode My Scrubs, someone says in reference to drugs, "It's hard staying straight"; The Todd replies, "Been there brother!" and looks at his buttocks. He also appears to have a "sixth sense" for lesbianism, stating "Something wonderful has happened" when Elliot and Carla kiss, and then soon afterwards "Something horrible has happened" when Turk tells them not to do it again although he is not even in the same room (My Big Move) .


  • Todd has appeared in 93 episodes of the series.

External Links[edit]

This article is based on a GNU FDL LGBT Wikia article: Todd The Todd LGBT