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Romanian graphemes

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This grapheme table can be used to determine or approximate the pronunciation of a Romanian word. Possible phonemes are separated by a comma, eventual allophones are enclosed between parentheses, the notation used is ASCII-IPA (Kirshenbaum).

grapheme phonemes notes
-a- /A/
-ă- /@/
-â- /i"/ Same sound as î-; unrounded
-b- /b/
-c- See also -ch-
d /d/
-e- /e<mid>/ (/E/)
-f- /f/
-g- See also -gh-
-h- /x/, /h<?>/
-i- /i/
î- /i"/ Same sound as -â-; unrounded
-j- /Z/
-k- /k/ Non-native
-l- /l/
-m- /m/
-n- /n/
-o- /o<mid>/ (/O/)
-p- /p/
-q- /k/ Non-native
-r- /r<trl>/
-s- /s/
-ÅŸ- /S/
-t- /t/
-Å£- /ts
-u- /u/
-v- /v/
-w- /v/ Non-native
-x- /ks/ Non-native
-y- /i/
-z- /z/ Non-native
-ai- /Ai/ (/ai/) Diphthong
-ăi- /@i/ Diphthong
-âi- /i" i/ Diphthong; same as îi-
-au- '/Au/ (/au/) Diphthong
-ea- /e A/ Diphthong
-ei- /E<mid> i/ (/Ei/) Diphthong
îi- /i" i/ Diphthong; same as -âi-
-oi- /O<mid> i/ (/Oi/) Diphthong

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