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That will be the day when billions of people will cease to suffer including myself. Capitalism and state will not wither away gradually as Marx would have liked it, but it will collapse abruptly and for ever. Every additional day that capitalism and the state exist, billions will continue to suffer and what remains of nature robed and destroyed. The continuation of the rulers system means endless suffering to the majority of the world population including my self. It is time to stop this and as soon as we can. All this suffering is completely redundant and unnecessary, yet it is everywhere and all of the time, because of one reason alone, the state capitalist system. The coming social revolution, which we started seeing glimpses of what to come will bring about the total termination of the market and its hierarchies. As a result, all religions and authoritarian establishments will collapse and disappear. On their ruins an anarchist society will rise. A new world and a new life will be created for humanity, without the horrors of the past, without authority and without rich and poor. Police, army and indoctrination have kept humanity subjugated and enslaved thus far. Humanity and nature have been totally consumed and abused, exploited and impoverished by the system. This is why there was no anarchic revolution before. The difference today and beside the technological renaissance and the scientific-military control of the organic and non-organic, people like us came into the historical arena and in an increasing numbers. Revolutionary anarchists always existed in the past, but today there are more of us everywhere. For the first time in human his-story that we personally exist in the here and now and cause our final impact upon all powers that exist and so free humanity for ever from the yoke of oppression and discrimination. We are ready theoretically and practically for the coming big one, we have been preparing for it a very long time, and now it is the time to reclaim our lives and reclaim the planet. The system is on the verge of collapsing anyway, on it own accord, all we have to do is shove it to its self-dug grave. This is all already happening in front of our eyes, we must act to further accelerate the process of disintegration of capitalism and the collapse of the state. Enough for the suffering, enough of authority made violence, enough of intentional misery and poverty. Let’s all rise up together and erase this bloody and brutal system from the face of the earth and create instead a humane society and humane world for all. Let’s create a world where every one is truly free and rich, every one without exception, we all deserve happiness now. Revolutions are made by people, the system is destroyed by people, and the anarchic society is built by conscious people. People of humanity the time has come, we need to be free, so we can live our lives in a restored nature and a plenty to all. We are anarchy and anarchy is us, are you coming…..