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See also: Mathematics | Cryptography | Complexity | Chaos
Something can be described as random when it is totally without form or pattern. Objects can appear to be random or natural looking at first glance, but upon further investigation, patterns and order can be discerned from what appears to be chaotic.
Without matter and energy all living systems, including humans, tend towards a critical break down and then randomization. Consequently people are concerned with consistant energy supply and power conservation, so that our modern networks are healthy maintained to enable indefinite growth.
Being random is related to a future event in which all outcomes are considered equally likely. A good example of this are the objects in the night sky, which might initially appear to be totally random. Over many thousands of years we have learnt that the night sky is filled with predictable events like eclipses and transits.
Random numbers are important in cryptography, allowing encrypted files to also lack any form or pattern, which could make them easier to decrypt.
Random Page allows visitors to be sent to a page in the iA list of pages for learning about new topics or for the curious. This can also be set in "preferences."
Pseudo Random numbers are created by a computer by a set of rules. Because these rules can be mimiced again in order to result in the same output, pseudo-random numbers are never truly random. Only when taken from an outside source - such as user-entered mouse movements/keys pressed, a remote random number generator, or other source are numbers truly random.
- HotBits - truly random data collected live from radioactive decay. Only includes characters A-F and 0-9.
This article is based on a public domain infoAnarchy article: Random | iA |