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Ordine Nuovo
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Motto | Il nostro onore si chiama fedeltà ("Our honour is named loyalty") |
Formation | 1956 |
Type | Intransigent Radical Right Evolian Spiritualism |
Purpose/focus | Cultural |
Location | Wikipedia:Rome, Wikipedia:Italy |
Key people | Wikipedia:Pino Rauti |
Ordine Nuovo (Italian for "New Order"), full name Centro Studi Ordine Nuovo, "New Order Scholarship Center") was an Italian far right cultural and extra-parliamentary political and criminal-terrorist organization founded by Pino Rauti in 1956. It had been the most important extra-parliamentary far-right organization of the post-war Italian republic.
Connections between right wing organisations, including Ordine Nuovo, and state intelligence organizations, including the Central Intelligence Agency, were revealed over the course of the late 20th Century. Most prevalent among these connections was the former stay behind organization Gladio, although on the ground, the connections tended to be between the political organizations and government officials in the countries in which they operated, in this case, members of the Italian government.[1]
Ordine Nuovo, although only one of many such right wing groups, were an important part of the Years of Lead in Italy.[1]
The name is shared by Movimento Politico Ordine Nuovo, a splinter group of Centro Studi Ordine Nuovo.
Previously, L'Ordine Nuovo ("The New Order") had been the name of a radical left-wing paper edited by Antonio Gramsci in the early 1920s, with Gramsci's followers being nicknamed "ordinovisti". However, later on the term - in Italian and various other languages - was appropriated by Fascists and Nazis, its original left-wing predecessors forgotten.
The extreme right-wing organization here referred to, whose members were also nicknamed ordinovisti, though being the political opposite of the earlier ones, was born from an internal current and then a schism in the Wikipedia:Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI). In Wikipedia:1954 Wikipedia:Arturo Michelini, a moderate seeking an alliance with the Wikipedia:Italian Monarchic Party, and possibly with the Wikipedia:Christian Democracy, became general secretary of the MSI. This led to the schism of the most intransigent and spiritualist, Evolian current (Wikipedia:Nazism was also a reference), led by Wikipedia:Pino Rauti, Wikipedia:Lello Graziani and Wikipedia:Sergio Baldassini. They refused any compromise that brought the party apart from aristocratic principles. The intransigent and spiritualist Ordine Nuovo was then founded in Rome, but still a part of the MSI.
The real break with MSI happened at the MSI congress in Wikipedia:Milan in Wikipedia:1956. Pino Rauti declared that, being disappointed with the moderate drift of the MSI, his movement would abandon the political scene, creating the "Centro Studi Ordine Nuovo", an association dedicated to "political studies and analysis". This wanted to be a literal application of the theses of Julius Evola, that is, an aristocratic refusal of contemporary, materialist society (WP). Ordine Nuovo, nonetheless, had a capillary and hierarchical organization on the Italian territory, and often behaved more like an extra-parliamentary political organization than a simple "scholarship center".
Splinter group[edit]
In the 1969, Rauti, along with most of Ordine Nuovo, came back in the MSI party, then led by Wikipedia:Giorgio Almirante. The remaining hardliners founded Wikipedia:Movimento Politico Ordine Nuovo ("New Order Political Movement").
The Wikipedia:motto of Ordine Nuovo was Il nostro onore si chiama fedeltà , or "Our honour is named loyalty", also the motto of the Wikipedia:Waffen SS (Meine Ehre heißt Treue). The symbol of the organization was a double-head Wikipedia:axe.
Implication in terrorist attacks[edit]
Several members of Movimento Politico Ordine Nuovo, including one of its leaders, Pierluigi Concutelli[2], participated in terrorist attacks.
1969 Piazza Fontana bombing and 1970 Rome-Messina train attack[edit]
On 12 December 1969, people belonging to or sympathizing for Ordine Nuovo placed a bomb in Piazza Fontana in Milan, killing 16 and wounding 90. This bombing marked the beginning of the "Wikipedia:strategy of tension" in Italy. Ordine Nuovo member Wikipedia:Delfo Zorzi was among those convicted for the crime on June 20, 2001, together with Wikipedia:Carlo Maria Maggi and Wikipedia:Giancarlo Rognoni, but all were later found not guilty in 2004 (WP)[3].
In July Wikipedia:1970, members of Ordine Nuovo bombed the Rome-Messina train, killing 6 and wounding 100.
1974 Piazza della Loggia bombing in Brescia[edit]
In May 1974 eight activists were killed in Wikipedia:Brescia when an Wikipedia:anti-fascist rally was attacked with hand grenades by Ordine Nuovo. On May 19, 2005, the Wikipedia:Corte di Cassazione confirmed the arrest warrant against Wikipedia:Delfo Zorzi, a former Ordine Nuovo member, who was also suspected of being the material perpetrator of the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing. Alongside Delfo Zorzi, his neo-fascist comrades Carlo Maria Maggi and Wikipedia:Maurizio Tramonte, all members of Ordine Nuovo, are also suspected of having organized the Piazza della Loggia bombing in Brescia.
The NAR and the 1980 Bologna massacre[edit]
This article contains content from Wikipedia. Current versions of the GNU FDL article Ordine Nuovo on WP may contain information useful to the improvement of this article | WP |
The Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari (NAR, Armed Revolutionary Nuclei) was indirectly connected with Ordine Nuovo through Gladio; whether as a perpetrator or a patsy is unclear. NAR members Giusva Fioravanti and Francesca Mambro have been sentenced as responsible for the 1980 bombing of the Bologna main train station which killed 85 people. It is however noteworthy that Fioravanti and Mambro, despite acknowledging their participation to a significant number of killings, always denied their implication in the bombing. Therefore, in spite of a definitive tribunal sentence, their involvement is still matter of debate. Wikipedia:Stefano Delle Chiaie is also thought to have been the ARN architect of the Bologna massacre.
See also[edit]
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 *Operation Gladio at YouTube (Operation Gladio [BBC Timewatch, 1992] State-Sponsored Terrorism in Europe) 'Episode II: The Puppeteers' 0:50:00 to 0:60:00, Ordine Nuovo specifically at 0:54:00. Wikipedia:BBC 2 British Broadcasting Corporation, 17th June 1992
- Jump up ↑ Piazza Fontana, nessun colpevole Assolti in appello gli imputati
External links[edit]
- Anthem of Ordine Nuovo
- Operation Gladio at YouTube (Operation Gladio [BBC Timewatch, 1992] State-Sponsored Terrorism in Europe) 'Episode II: The Puppeteers' 0:50:00 to 0:60:00, Ordine Nuovo specifically at 0:54:00. Wikipedia:BBC 2 British Broadcasting Corporation, 17th June 1992