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Milly Witkop Rocker

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Milly Witkop Rocker (born on 1. March 1877 in Ukraine/Slotopol, dead on 23. November 1955 in the USA, near New York) was a Jewish anarcho-syndicalist and anarcha-feminist.

She early went into exil to London where she was an activist in the Jewish anarchist movement among the Lower Eastside sweatshop workers. In London, in 1896, she met Rudolf Rocker who became her lifelong companion. Their son is the artist, Fermin Rocker.

In 1916 she was sentenced to two years' jail time for anti-war activities. Together with Rudolf Rocker she participated in buildup of the Anarcho-Syndicalist Union FAUD in Germany. She became one of the moving spirits within the syndicalistic women's organizations and published together with other women the supplement "Der Frauenbund" in "Der Syndikalist". After Hitler's coming into power she saw herself forced to leave Germany.

She helped the Mujeres Libres in Spain to build up an anarcha-feminist organization. In 1937, Milly Witkop Rocker and Rudolf Rocker, left to USA, where they lived in the anarchist community in Mohegan (federal state of New York).