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May 2nd Movement

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The May 2nd Movement was founded out of demonstrations held on May 2, 1964. The demonstrations had been planned in March 1964 at a conference at Yale University. On April 25, 1964 some of the people involved in the planning published a pledge of draft resistance in the National Guardian. The May 2nd demonstrations against the war in Vietnam were held in a number of cities - hundreds marched in New York City, San Francisco, and smaller numbers of young people protested in other cities. These protests were organized by the Progressive Labor Party, with some help from the Young Socialist Alliance. The May 2nd Movement (M2M) was the Progressive Labor Party's youth affiliate.

On August 8, 1964, the May 2nd Movement held a protest in New York City against the war in Vietnam, where several people were arrested.

In February of 1966 members of the May 2nd Movement disbanded the group, and many of the M2M members joined Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), in an attempt to recruit SDS members into the PLP. The M2M members went on to having a major influence on SDS.