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March 16

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March 16 is the 16th day in March.


1521 - Nicolas Storch, medieval anarchist communist, lives.

1811 -- England: Luddites attack machines designed to replace them.

1877 -- Birth of Antoine Bertrand (1877-1964). French anarcho-syndicalist, member of "Free Youth" group. [1]

1889 -- High Seas: A major conflict among US, British, & German warships anchored off the Samoan Islands is averted, when a hurricane destroys all but one vessel. A tripartite agreement proclaims the islands neutral territory, & this lasts until 1899. [2]

1892 - César Vallejo, Peruvian hermetic poet, communist, lives, Santiago de Chuco. A major voice of social change in Latin-American literature. Of mixed blood, his early work reflects firsthand experience of hunger, poverty, & injustices suffered by the Indians.

1904 - James Joyce, 22, awarded a bronze medal in a Dublin singing contest, promptly throws it into a river.

1918 - US: "Regeneracion" publishes a proclamation, "With the anarchists of the world & the workers in general." The authors, Librado Rivera & Ricardo Flores Magon, argue that the social revolution approaches & that all anarchists must infuse it with their energies & possibilities. This text gets the paper seized in the land of the free, & this is its last published appearance in the US. [3]

1921 - War Resisters International founded. [4]

1921 - Bolsheviks stage the final bloody assault on rebellious Kronstadt sailors. Izvestia n°14 of the Provisional Revolutionary Committee of the Sailors, Soldier & Workers of Kronstadt, having tossed off the yoke of party rule, notes its refusal to surrender.

1933 - Last appearance of FAUD's newspaper for the unemployed in Dresden, serving as the unofficial organ of the German anarcho- syndicalist movement after the Nazi's banned their two previous papers. [5]

1950 - US: G.P. Maximov, Russian anarcho-syndicalist, dies. Author of a history of Leninism in Russia, "The Guillotine at Work". [6]

1968 - Vietnam: My Lai Massacre, American soldiers liberate civilians. [7]

1969 - Antonio Pereira (1908-1969) dies. Italian anarchist, member of the Ortiz column during the Spanish Revolution. [8]

1988 -- Massacre of Kurds with mustard & nerve gases, Halabja, Iraq. US & European weapons & chemical companies are supplying Iraq with the ok of the US.

1998 -- In response to reported Serbian massacres in Drenica, in the ethnically Albanian province of Kosovo, 12,000 women, carrying loaves of bread, attempt to march 50 km to Drenica from the capital of Prishtina. They are turned back by police.

2001 -- World Premiere of Anton Coppola's opera, "Sacco & Vanzetti," Tampa Opera (16-18, 2001). Based on music he wrote for a film his nephew Francis Ford Coppola had planned to make but never did.

2003 -- US: Protests continue across the nation against Beloved & Respected Comrade Lord George Bush's God-given Right to destroy any regime he & his close pal, God, dislikes. In 2006 he affirms his intention to keep a "First Strike" option despite all these loony protesters. Ascension is just a button away. [9]

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