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List of converts to Atheism
From Anarchopedia
This List of converts to Atheism lists individuals who formerly identified with a religious affiliation but have since then openly rejected their belief in a deistic God(s) or professed to agnosticism. The list is organised by former religious affiliation.
Name | Country | Notes |
John Russell (father of Bertrand Russell) |
United Kingdom (WP) | Bertrand : "And if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that He would have such an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt His existence"[1] |
Joseph Stalin (WP) | Russia (WP) | Russian revolutionary, then ruler of the USSR (WP), studied to be an Orthodox priest but became an atheist after reading Karl Marx's books [2] |
Phillip Adams[3] | Wikipedia:Australia | I've spent a life-time attacking religious beliefs and have not wavered from a view of the universe that many would regard as bleak. Namely, that it is a meaningless place devoid of deity. [4] |
Bob Brown[5] | Wikipedia:Australia | Leader of the Australian Greens |
Bob Hawke[6] | Wikipedia:Australia | former Australian Prime Minister |
Jonathan Edwards[7] | United Kingdom (WP) | Record-breaker who had been on religious television. |
Millosh Gjergj Nikolla | Wikipedia:Albania | Trained to be an Orthodox priest, but became an atheist.[8] |
Julia Sweeney | Comedienne and actress.[9][10] | |
Charles Templeton | A co-founder of Wikipedia:Youth for Christ. He rejected Christianity for agnosticism after a struggle with doubts.[11] |

Former Muslim and Dutch politician Wikipedia:Ehsan Jami was one of the two founders of the Wikipedia:Central Committee for Ex-Muslims[13]
- Wikipedia:Jim Al-Khalili an English-Iraqi physicist.[14]
- Wikipedia:Kareem Amer an Egyptian blogger [15][16]
- Wikipedia:Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi 10th century Muslim scientist[17]
- Wikipedia:Ayaan Hirsi Ali – Somali-born Dutch feminist, writer, and politician.[18]
- Wikipedia:Ismael Adham – Egyptian writer and philosopher.[19]
- Wikipedia:Loubna Berrada – Dutch liberal politician and former member of the Central Committee for Ex-Muslims.[20]
- Wikipedia:Ali Soilih – Comorian socialist revolutionary and president of the Wikipedia:Comoros.[21]
- Wikipedia:Aziz Nesin – Popular Turkish humorist and author of more than 100 books.[22]
- Wikipedia:Zackie Achmat – South African anti-HIV/AIDS activist; founder of the Wikipedia:Treatment Action Campaign.[23]
- Wikipedia:Humayun Azad – Wikipedia:Bangladeshi writer and scholar.[24][25]
- Wikipedia:Turan Dursun – Turkish writer. He was once a Turkish Wikipedia:mufti and later authored many books critical of Islam.[26]
- Wikipedia:Ehsan Jami – Dutch politician and founder of the Dutch Wikipedia:Central Committee for Ex-Muslims.[13]
- Wikipedia:Enver Hoxha – Communist dictator who declared Wikipedia:Albania the first atheist state, and who has been identified as an "arch-atheist."[27]
- Wikipedia:As'ad Abu Khalil – Lebanese professor of Wikipedia:political science at Wikipedia:California State University, Wikipedia:Stanislaus. He describes himself as an "atheist secularist".[28][29]
- Wikipedia:Al-Ma'arri – Blind Arab philosopher, poet and writer.[30]
- Wikipedia:Sarmad – 17th century mystical poet and Wikipedia:sufi saint, arrived from Wikipedia:Persia to India, beheaded for assumed heresy by the Mughal emperor, Wikipedia:Aurungzebe. Sarmad renounced Judaism, briefly converting to Islam and then Hinduism. He later denounced all religions and rejected belief in god.[31][32]
- Wikipedia:Lounès Matoub – Wikipedia:Algerian Berber Kabyle singer.[33]
- Wikipedia:Afshin Ellian Iranian professor[34]
- Wikipedia:Ramiz Alia – Albanian communist leader and former president of Wikipedia:Albania.[35]
- Wikipedia:Salman Rushdie – British-Indian novelist and essayist.[12]
- Wikipedia:Hassan Bahara – Moroccan-Dutch writer.[36]
- Wikipedia:Hafid Bouazza – Moroccan-Dutch writer.[37][38]
- Wikipedia:Hossein Derakhshan – Iranian-Canadian journalist and weblogger.[39]
- Wikipedia:Ismail Kadare – World-renowned Albanian writer.[40]
- Wikipedia:Maryam Namazie – Iranian communist, political activist and leader of the British apostate-organization "Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain"[41]
- Wikipedia:Anwar Shaikh – British author of Pakistani descent.[42]
- Wikipedia:Zohra Sehgal – Indian actress who has appeared in several Hindi and English language films.[43]
- Wikipedia:Mirza Fatali Akhundov – 19th century Wikipedia:Azerbaijani playwright and philosopher.[44]
- Wikipedia:Taslima Nasrin – Bangladeshi author, feminist, human rights activist and secular humanist.[45]
- Wikipedia:Sharif Ahmed – Bangladeshi Humanist Book seller, human rights activist and secular humanist.[46]
- Wikipedia:Tanjir Sugar - Bangladeshi born Human Rights Activist and Secular Humanist in the UK.
- Wikipedia:Parvin Darabi- Iranian born American activist, writer and woman's rights activist.[47]
- Wikipedia:Barack Obama, Sr. was a Wikipedia:Kenyan senior governmental Wikipedia:economist, and the Wikipedia:father of Wikipedia:Barack Obama[48]
This article contains content from Wikipedia An article on this subject has been nominated for deletion on Wikipedia: Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/ List of converts to Atheism Current versions of the GNU FDL article on WP may contain information useful to the improvement of this article |
- Wikipedia:Nyamko Sabuni politician in Sweden[49]
- Ali Sina owner of the faith freedom website[50]
- Charles Wardle, former militant convert to Islam from New Zealand. Worked for the Wikipedia:NZSIS.[51][52]
- Wikipedia:Kumail Nanjiani Wikipedia:Pakistani American Wikipedia:stand-up comic and actor.[53]
- Wikipedia:Seema Mustafa – Indian journalist, Wikipedia:Political Editor and Wikipedia:Delhi Bureau Chief of Wikipedia:The Asian Age newspaper.[54][55]
- Wikipedia:Javed Akhtar – noted Indian writer, lyricist, TV show host and secular and nationalist activist
- Wikipedia:Cenk Uygur – Main host of the Wikipedia:liberal talk radio show Wikipedia:The Young Turks. He is an agnostic.[56]
- Wikipedia:Wafa Sultan – Wikipedia:Syrian-born American psychiatrist and controversial critic of Islam. She describes herself as a "Secular Humanist"[57][58]
- Wikipedia:Ibn Warraq – Wikipedia:British Pakistani secularist author and founder of the Wikipedia:Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society[59]
- Wikipedia:Mina Ahadi – Iranian-born pacifist, founder of the German apostate-organization "Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime"[60]
- Dr. Wikipedia:Younus Shaikh – Pakistani medical doctor, human rights activist, rationalist and Wikipedia:free-thinker.[61]
- Wikipedia:Ibn al-Rawandi – early skeptic of Islam.[62]
- ↑ Atheist quotes
- ↑ Vladislav Zubok; Constantine Pleshakov. Inside the Kremlin's Cold War: From Stalin to Khrushchev. pp. 4. ISBN 0674455312. Zubok and Pleshakov further state, "Many would later note, however, that his works were influenced by a distinctly Biblical style" and "his atheism remained rooted in some vague idea of a God of nature."
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ . </li>
- ↑
- ↑ The Times
- ↑ Columbia dictionary of modern European literature by Jean Albert Bédé, William Benbow Edgerton, pg 535
- ↑ San Francisco Chronicle
- ↑ The Seattle Times
- ↑ Christian Post
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 Interview with Rushdie by Gigi Marzullo; Sottovoce, RAIUNO, March 31, 2006.
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 "A New Brand of Nonbelievers". September 17, 2007. Retrieved February 16, 2012. </li>
- ↑ Al-Khalili, Jim (November 25, 2008). "Science,Science (Education subject),Atheism (News)". The Guardian (London). </li>
- ↑ Kareem Amer. (2006). “تنويه هام جدا بخصوص موقع الأقباط متØدون ومقالى الأخير†(A Very Important Notice Regarding the Copts United Web Site and My Last Article) كريم عامر (Kareeem Amer’s Arabic blog). Retrieved January 28, 2007.
- ↑ Abdelkareem Nabil Soliman (Kareem Amer), Political prisoner Submitted on Mon, 2007-01-29
- ↑ Jennifer Michael Hecht, "Doubt: A History: The Great Doubters and Their Legacy of Innovation from Socrates and Jesus to Thomas Jefferson and Emily Dickinson", pg. 227–230
- ↑ "Dutch article link: 'Ik geloof niet meer'". Retrieved February 16, 2012. </li>
- ↑ Re-drawing the line – Al Ahram Weeky, August 9, 2000
- ↑ Charter, David (11-09-07). "Young Muslims begin dangerous fight for the right to abandon faith". London: The Times. Retrieved 27-05-09. </li>
- ↑ Comoros & Mayotte. URL accessed on February 16, 2012.
- ↑ "Aziz Nesin of Turkey Dies at 80; Writer Escaped Militants' Arson". New York Times. July 7, 1995. Retrieved February 16, 2012. </li>
- ↑ John Carlin (August 5, 2005). "Zackie's story: The man who took on Mbeki – and won". The Independent (London). Retrieved August 27, 2007. "A homosexual, an atheist, and a militant anti-apartheid campaigner whose political ideas were forged on an intense reading of Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky..." </li>
- ↑ "Dr. Humayun Azad laid to rest". Retrieved February 16, 2012. </li>
- ↑ Bangladesh: Protecting the Human Rights of Thought, Conscience, and Religion: U.A.B. Razia Akter Banu Prepared Testimony – ("Dr. Azad is a Muslim by birth and by name ... He is an atheist.")
- ↑ Turan Dursun Website. URL accessed on February 16, 2012.
- ↑ Kamm, Henry (1993, June 10). 'Hallelujah' is heard in the arch-atheist's temple. The New York Times (Late Edition (East Coast)), p. A4. Retrieved August 27, 2007, from National Newspaper Abstracts
- ↑ The Angry Arab News Service comments from her blog
- ↑ Between disparate worlds: On California State University professor As'ad AbuKhalil (1: "...who is also an atheist..." 2: "My Sunni family of my mother taught me how to pray")
- ↑ Freethought Traditions in the Islamic World by Fred Whitehead
- ↑ Sarmad, the mystic poet. URL accessed on February 16, 2012.
- ↑ Hazrat Sarmad Shaheed: The Naked Sufi Martyr. URL accessed on February 16, 2012.
- ↑ interview with Lounès MatoubTemplate:dead link
- ↑ Craig Whitlock (November 11, 2005). "For Public Figures in Netherlands, Terror Becomes a Personal Concern". The Washington Post. </li>
- ↑ Europe since 1945: An encyclopedia, Bernard A Cook, Taylor & Francis, 2001, ISBN 0-8153-4057-5, p. 31
- ↑ Kranenberg, Annieke 'Als dit niet werkt, beledig ik Wilders wel'. Wikipedia:De Volkskrant. URL accessed on May 9, 2008. Quote: (Translation) "In interviews he calls himself an atheist, but until now he has been left alone by beardmonkeys (referring to Muslims). Perhaps I have to make myself heard just a little bit better, I should be more explicit in my aversion to Islam and religion in general." (Dutch) "In interviews noemt hij zichzelf atheïst, maar tot nog toe 'ben ik ongemoeid gelaten door de baardapen. Misschien moet ik een hardere toon aanslaan en wat explicieter zijn in mijn afkeer van de islam en religies in het algemeen.'"
- ↑ Humanistische Omroep, Link to video interview with Hafid Bouazza Quote: (Translation) "Believers live behind a fence, and non-believers live in a pasture and they know there are believers out there behind the fence." "It [religion] is a matter of conditioning, of brainwashing." "I know that when I die, it's over with me." (Dutch) "Gelovigen leven achter een hek, en ongelovigen in een weiland, waarin ze weten dat er gelovigen zijn die achter hekken wonen." "Het [religie] is een kwestie van conditionering, van hersenspoeling" "Ik weet dat het moment dat ik ter aarde word besteld, dat het afgelopen is met mij."
- ↑ Verdonschot, Leon "Ik kan niet leven zonder roes." Interview met Hafid Baouzza, gepubliceerd in Dif nr.1. URL accessed on May 9, 2008. Template:Dead link Quote: (Translation) "Look, I'm an atheist. I believe God does not exist, I do not believe in an afterlife. How terrible it may be: Hitler isn't in hell getting pinched in his ass with a trident. I'm fine with the fact there are people who do believe that and get comfort from it, like my mother. I just hope the influence of religion on policy makers will diminish, because my freedom is precious to me." (Dutch) "Kijk, ik ben atheïst. Ik geloof niet dat God bestaat, ik geloof niet dat er een hiernamaals is. Hoe gruwelijk ook: Hitler wordt op dit moment niet in de hel met een drietand in zijn reet geprikt. Dat er mensen zijn dat dat wél geloven en daar troost uit putten, mensen als mijn moeder: prima. Als de invloed van religies op beleidsmakers maar steeds kleiner wordt, want mijn vrijheid is me dierbaar."
- ↑ Rapoport, Meron (May 24, 2011). "King of the Iranian bloggers". Haaretz. Retrieved February 16, 2012. </li>
- ↑ Muslim Identity and the Balkan State,Hugh Poulton, Suha Taji-Farouki, 1997, ISBN 1-85065-276-7, google print p. 133.
- ↑ Post (January 27, 2012). "It's time to take a stand against Islam and Sharia". Retrieved February 16, 2012. </li>
- ↑ The Rushdie Affair: The Novel, the Ayatollah, and the West by Wikipedia:Daniel Pipes, Pg. 283
- ↑ Ninety and spunkyTemplate:dead link
- ↑ Ðхундов Мирза-Фатали. URL accessed on February 16, 2012.
- ↑ "I was born in a Muslim family, but I became an atheist." For freedom of expression, Taslima Nasreen, November 12, 1999 – Taslima Nasreen took the floor during Commission V of UNESCO's General Conference, as a delegate of the NGO Wikipedia:International Humanist and Ethical Union (Accessed December 23, 2006).
- ↑ "I was born in a very much conservative Muslim family wherein my parents, kith and kin are very strict followers of Islam., but later I became an atheist." Owner of Society Of Asian Freethinkers, Sharif Ahmed, Listed activist of Amnesty International's megazine.
- ↑ Darabi, Parvin Rage Against the Veil: The Courageous Life and Death of an Islamic Dissident ISBN 1-57392-682-5
- ↑ Obama, Barack (October 16, 2006). "My Spiritual Journey". TIME.,8816,1546579,00.html. Retrieved September 26, 2008. "My father was almost entirely absent from my childhood, having been divorced from my mother when I was 2 years old; in any event, although my father had been raised a Muslim, by the time he met my mother he was a confirmed atheist, thinking religion to be so much superstition." </li>
- ↑ Lyall, Sarah (January 12, 2007). "Swedish politician's advice to immigrants? Try to fit in – Europe – International Herald Tribune". The New York Times. </li>
- ↑ (16 Sept 2004). Ex-Muslim's site trashes Muhammad – Founder challenges: Prove me wrong and I'll take down page. Wikipedia:WorldNetDaily. URL accessed on September 18, 2007.
- ↑ SIS spying on mosques revealed. Wikipedia:Sunday Star Times. URL accessed on April 14, 2011.
- ↑ Ex-militant's home searched in Auckland. The Dominion Post. URL accessed on April 14, 2011.
- ↑ Wolinsky, David. "Kumail Nanjiani | Comedy | Interview | The A.V. Club Chicago".,487/. Retrieved February 16, 2012. </li>
- ↑ Pakistan: Appeasing the Mullahs. URL accessed on February 16, 2012.
- ↑ The Communalisation of KargilTemplate:dead link
- ↑ "Six Degrees of Barack Obama". Retrieved February 16, 2012. </li>
- ↑ Time Magazine- Interview with Wafa Sultan
- ↑ There is No Clash of Civilizations but a Clash between the Mentality of the Middle Ages and That of the 21st century Feb. 2006
- ↑ "Warraq, 60, describes himself now as an agnostic..." Dissident voices, World Magazine, June 16, 2007, Vol. 22, No. 22.
- ↑ "Founder of ex-Muslim group threatened". United Press International. February 23, 2007. </li>
- ↑ Younus Shaikh- short biography
- ↑ On Ibn al-Rawandi, from the Wikipedia:Encyclopaedia of Islam, 1971, Volume 3, E J Brill, Leiden, p 905