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Lewis Mumford

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Lewis Mumford (born 1895 October 19) was an architect and culture critic, universal humanist and a philosophical fountainhead for the organicist and environmentalist movements of today.

"Here was my city, immense, overpowering, flooded with energy & light … challenging me, beckoning me, demanding something of me that it would take more than a lifetime to give, but raising all my energies by its own vivid promise to a higher pitch."

He wrote, among many books, The Story of Utopias 1922; Sticks & Stones: A Study of American Architecture and Civilization 1924; Herman Melville 1929; Technics and Civilization 1934; The Culture of Cities 1938; The Conduct of Life 1951; The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations, & Its Prospects 1961; The Highway and the City 1963; The Myth of the Machine: I. Technics and Human Development 1967; The Urban Prospect 1968; The Myth of the Machine: II. The Pentagon of Power 1970.

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