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Knockout is a fictional superheroine published by DC Comics. She first appeared in Superboy Vol. 2 #1 (February 1994), and was created by Karl Kesel and Tom Grummett.

Fictional character biography[edit]

Knockout was a former Female Fury from Apokolips in DC Comics books. She first appeared shortly after Superboy moved to Hawaii.[1] Using her superstrength, she fought and flirted with Superboy just for the fun of it. Her hidden identity was that of a super strong stripper who worked at a club called the BoomBoom Room. Later, she was recruited to join Amanda Waller's Suicide Squad for an attack against the international crime cartel Silicon Dragons. Knockout was presumably killed during the mission when she was left behind with King Shark and the base exploded.[2] She turned up later alive and joined Superboy in a fight against Valor (although she tumbled with the Kid as well during the fight). [Superboy #18-19]. She turned back up shortly thereafter and teamed up with Superboy, battling across Hawaii in several of his adventures. Her past soon caught up with her then. It was revealed then that she was originally from Apokolips, one of Granny Goodness's Female Furies. After Big Barda ran off with Mister Miracle, Knockout decided she had had enough of the Furies. During a punishment where she was chained up on the walls of the Fire Pits, she broke her chains and leapt into the fires. As she did so, a Boom Tube opened and took her to Hawaii.[3]

The Female Furies arrived on Hawaii to reclaim Knockout. A huge battle ensues with Superboy, Knockout, and a small squad of police officers on one side and the Furies on the other. The Furies were only driven off when Dubbilex used his mental abilities to convince them that Knockout had died in the battle. The police discovered that the one police officer who was killed in the battle was actually struck down by Knockout just because he was in her way. The police attempted to bring her in, but Superboy refused to believe she was guilty, causing the two to briefly be on the run from the law. The two encountered an explorer named Victor Volcaneum. Knockout wanted Superboy to kill him and fully become her lapdog, but the Kid refused. So Knockout killed him instead, revealing her true colors as last. Superboy managed to defeat her and bring her into custody.[4]

She was shown in maximum security a couple more times, but did not escape during the rest of the series run.

Since then she has been revealed to be on the loose and has joined up with the Society as seen in Villains United. In that book, she was revealed to have joined the Society as a mole at the request of her lover, Scandal Savage, a member of the Secret Six.

Secret Six[edit]

Knockout has now joined the Secret Six alongside Scandal. They've successfully completed a mission in North Korea to kill a jail warden and were rewarded handsomely for it. Each member was celebrating in his and in her own way when all of them, save for Catman, were attacked by assassins.

Knockout was almost killed when she was shot with a Thanagarian sniper rifle by Pistolera. The shot implanted a bomb in her skin and when Scandal refused to leave her side, she threw her from the blast range telling her they would meet again in the afterlife. After the bomb went off, Scandal scrambled through the debris to find Knockout miraculously still alive, though horribly burned and unconscious. Knockout received medical treatment for her extensive injuries but is now fully recovered thanks to her body's regenerative capabilites given by Darkseid.

Current status[edit]


Article below this line is likely to contain spoilers.

Knockout rejoined the Secret Six in hopes of finding the person who hired the assassins to take down the team but was injured when Ragdoll attacked them due to Doctor Psycho's manipulations. Her regeneration once again left her feeling fine. Though thought to be Scandal's lover, Knockout was most recently seen in bed with Deadshot, aka Floyd Lawton, when Scandal catches the two in the act. It was later revealed that Knockout was still with Scandal, and only used Floyd. Scandal and Knockout are together when this series ended.


  1. Jump up Superboy #1 Feb 1994
  2. Jump up Superboy #13-15
  3. Jump up Superboy #22-25
  4. Jump up Superboy #25-30

External links[edit]

This article is based on a GNU FDL LGBT Wikia article: (comics) Knockout (comics) LGBT